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ATML Status Jan 2006 Issue 6 An overview of the ATML activity in the ATML focus group and as part of the IEEE SCC20 sub-committee.

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Presentation on theme: "ATML Status Jan 2006 Issue 6 An overview of the ATML activity in the ATML focus group and as part of the IEEE SCC20 sub-committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATML Status Jan 2006 Issue 6 An overview of the ATML activity in the ATML focus group and as part of the IEEE SCC20 sub-committee

2 ATML ATML’s mission is to define a collection of XML-based schemas that allows ATE and test information to be exchanged in a common format adhering to the XML standard ATML defines a framework through which different architectures using XML can be implemented. –defines the components from which users can build their architectures, whilst being interoperable with other compliant architectures. –Show examples of the net centric services by which this information can be exchanged across different ATS platforms as part of a maintenance process –defines the XML format that these elements will take. The ATML specifications will define: –How to define XML schemas that represent ATE and test information –A set of XML schemas supporting the exchange of specific ATE and test information –Example services that can be used for exchanging ATE and test information in a distributed net-centric environment. –A set of services supporting the exchange of specific ATE and test information in specific common areas.

3 UUT Description (1671.3) Test Adaptor Test Station Instrument Description (1671.2) Test Configuration Test Description (1671.1) Test Results (1632.1) Diagnostics (1232) Candidate Reviewed Draft Started ATML Framework SIMICA 1636 Drafts 1

4 SCC20 & ATML Organisations The IEEE SCC20 is the standards organisation through which the ATML components (Documents) will be published under various IEEE standards. The ATML organisation is an open, independent focus group contributed to by the ATE industry and government agencies to advance the common exchange of test information through the use of XML. –The ATML group provides draft schemas and associated documents, examples, use cases, requirements and trials any ATML components –Their findings are submitted to the various SCC20 sub- committees and working groups to advance the IEEE standards associated with the ATML components

5 SCC-20 Organization for 2006 Incorporating the ATML Components SCC-20 Steering & Administrative Chair: Les Orlidge (AAI) - Vice Chair: John Sheppard (ARINC) Secretary - Dave Droste (DRS TEM) Administrative/Procedural (ADMIN) Mike Seavey (Northrop-Grumman) Narayanan Ramachandran (TYX) Liaisons John Sheppard (CS), Joe Stanco & Mark Kaufman (I&M), Joe Stanco (AES), Bill Ross (DoD), Malcolm Brown (MoD), Les Orlidge(NDIA) Hardware Interfaces (HI) Co-Chair - Mike Stora (SysIntech) Co-Chair - Dave Droste (DRS TEM) IEEE-P1552 Structured Architecture for Test Systems (SATS) IEEE-P1505 Receiver-Fixture Interface (RFI) Diagnostic and Maintenance Control (DMC) Co-Chair - Tim Wilmering (Boeing) Co-Chair - Mark Kaufman (NSWC/Corona Div) IEEE-P1522 Testability & Diagnosability IEEE-1232 AI-ESTATE Test Description (TD) Co-Chair - Keith Ellis (ApSys) Co-Chair – Ion Neag (TYX) IEEE-1641 Signal and Test Definition (STD) IEEE-716 ATLAS IEEE-771 Guide to the Use of ATLAS IEEE-P1636 Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection Analysis (SIMICA) IEEE-1445 Digital Test Interchange Format (DTIF) IEEE-1546 DTIF Guide Test Information Integration (TII) Co-Chair – Chris Gorringe (Racal) Co-Chair – Mike Seavey (Northrop Grumman) IEEE-P1671 ATML Overview and Architecture IEEE-P1636.1 SIMICA Test Results and Session Information Test Description Instrument Description Test Station Test Adapter ATML IEEE Stds with PARS Expected ATML Components without PARS SCC20 IEEE Std Test Configuration UUT Description IEEE-P1641.1 Signal and Test Definition User Guide KeyAssigned within SCC20 Expected Location IEEE-P1505.1 Common Test Interface Pin Map IEEE-P1636.2 SIMICA Maintenance Action Information Note: 1671 dot numbers for the components are defined within the 1671 framework document

6 SCC-20 ATML PARs Status Project Authorisation Request (PAR) need to be approved by the IEEE NESCOM prior to any SCC-20 working group being established. –ATML Framework PAR 1671 Approved –Diagnostics PAR 1232 Existing & Update for ATML –SIMICA PAR 1636 Approve –Test Results PAR 1636.1 Approved –MAF PAR 1636.2 – Par Review 2006 –Test Description PAR 1671.1 Approved –Instrument Description PAR 1671.2 Approved –UUT Description – PAR Review 1671.3 Approved –Test Configuration - PAR Review April 2006 –Test Station &Test Adapter - PAR Review April 2006

7 ATML Objectives & Goals To have the P1671 standard written, reviewed and a ballot called by mid-2006, in order to be in a position to submit as a standard by Q4 2006 To have Candidate Schemas available by End ‘05 for –Test Results To have Final Draft Schemas available by End ‘05 and Candidate schemas for early ’06 –Q1 Instrument Description UUT Description –Q2 Diagnostics (AI-ESTATE 1232) rev 2 Test Description To have Draft Schemas available by Early ‘06 and candidate schemas for end of ’06 –Q3 Test Adaptor Test Station Test Configuration To have Draft Schemas available by Late ‘06 and candidate schemas for ’07 –SIMICA (TBA) –MAI (Maintance Action Information) (TBA)

8 ATML/IEEE Schedule (TII) TII Sub-committee –Operating Instructions (April 2005) √ ATML Framework 1671 (Chris Gorringe/Mike Seavey) –IEEE Par Approved (Nov 2004) √ –ATML Framework Draft (Review April 2005) √ –ATML Framework Requirements (Review April 2005) √ –ATML Framework Draft Document (H) (Oct 2005) √ –ATML Framework IEEE Editorial & Rev 2 (Jan 06) √ –ATML Framework Ballot (May 2006) UUT Description (John Ralph) –Requirements (April 2005) √ –Draft Schema (Review June 2005) √ –Draft 2 Schema review (Jan 2006) √ –Candidate Schema (Mar 2006) –Draft Document (Oct 2006) –Ballot Date (2007) Test Configuration (Tim Davis) –Start (April 2005) √ –Requirements (July 2005) √ –Draft Schema (Review Oct 2006) √ –Ballot date (2008) Capability (Dan Pleasant) –Requirements (Sept 2005) √ –Draft Schema – Component (May 2006)

9 ATML Schedule (DMC) Diagnostics (Tim Wilmering) –AI-Estate Amendment (Dec 05) (a) AI-ESTATE (1232) is working on an update to the -2002 published standard. The PAR has not yet been approved by the IEEE-SA (it missed the deadline for the Standards board meeting). –P1636 SIMICA Draft (April 2006) (Joe Stanco) (b) SIMICA is working to get to an initial Ballot. –Diagnostic Rev 2 – rewrite (May 2006) –Diagnostic Candidate (Aug 2006) –Undated Draft Standard (Nov 2006?) –Ballot (Jan 2007) Test Results 1636.1 (John Ralph?) –ATML Candidate (Dec 2004) √ –PAR Approved (Mar 2005) √ –DMC Requirements Document (Review April 2005) √ –1636.1 Draft (Review April 2005) √ Draft 2 posted with DMC (Oct 2006) √ –Test Results Ballot (Apr 2006)

10 ATML Schedule TAD Test Description P1671.1 (Ion Neag) –Draft Schema review (Oct 2005) √ The spec is developed by Mike Seavey and Ion They handle separate sections that we will merge when creating the Draft version. –Final Draft Schema (Jan 2006) √ –Candidate Schema (May 2006) –PAR (Oct 2005) √ –Draft Standard (Nov 2006) –Ballot Date (Jan 2007) Instrument Description P1671.2 (Teresa Lopes) –Draft Schema review (July 2005)√ –Final Draft Schema (Jan 2006) √ –Candidate Schema (May 2006) –PAR (Oct 2005) √ –Draft Standard (Apr 2007) –Ballot Date (May 2007) Test Station & Test Adapter (Tamara Einspanjer) –Start (April 2005) √ –Requirements (July 2005) √ –Draft Schema (Jan 2006) √ –Candidate Schema (Jul 2006) –Draft Standard (Jan 2007) –Ballot date (2008) Capabilities –Finalize inputs to other groups (May 2006)

11 ATML Meeting Schedule Bi-Weekly Teleconferences 4 Meetings a year plus additional break-out working group as necessary Synchronise with SCC20/01 meetings –Jan 17-19 th Orlando (LM) √ –Late April SCC20 Pax River (Eagle Systems) –Aug 8-10 th (provisional) Santa Rosa (Agilent) –ATC2006 Anaheim – SCC20, TII Management Only –End Oct/Nov, San Diego (Vektrek)

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