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Funded by: Data Management Planning Sarah Jones Digital Curation Centre Twitter: sjDCC.

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Presentation on theme: "Funded by: Data Management Planning Sarah Jones Digital Curation Centre Twitter: sjDCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funded by: Data Management Planning Sarah Jones Digital Curation Centre Twitter: sjDCC

2 What is a DMP? What do they usually include?

3 What is a DMP? A brief plan that outlines what data will be created and how how it will be managed (storage, back-up, access…) plans for data sharing and preservation CreateDocumentUseStoreSharePreserve

4 Why develop a DMP? DMPs are often submitted with grant applications, but are useful whenever researchers are creating data to: Make informed decisions to anticipate and avoid problems Avoid duplication, data loss and security breaches Develop procedures early on for consistency Ensure data are accurate, complete, reliable and secure Save time and effort

5 Which UK funders require a DMP? overview-funders-data-policies

6 Five common themes 1.Description of data to be collected / created (i.e. content, type, format, volume...) 2.Standards / methodologies for data collection & management 3.Ethics and Intellectual Property (highlight any restrictions on data sharing e.g. embargoes, confidentiality) 4.Plans for data sharing and access (i.e. how, when, to whom) 5.Strategy for long-term preservation

7 DMP template for postgraduates Defining your data Looking after your data Sharing your data Archiving your data Executing your plan

8 DCC Checklist for a DMP 13 questions on what’s asked across the board Prompts / pointers to help researchers get started Guidance on how to answer DMP_Checklist_2013.pdf

9 How to write a DMP

10 Advice on writing DMPs Keep it short and simple, but be specific Seek advice - consult and collaborate Base plans on available skills and support Make sure implementation is feasible Justify any resources or restrictions needed Remember: plans change and should evolve

11 A useful framework to get started Brief explanation of questions Sample statements of what to write

12 Help from the DCC how-guides/develop-data-plan

13 Example plans Technical plan submitted to AHRC by Bristol Uni Rural Economy & Land Use (RELU) programme examples UCSD example DMPs (20+ scientific plans for NSF) My DMP – a satire (what not to write!)

14 A satirical response – what not to do “I will store all data on at least one, and possibly up to 50, hard drives in my lab. The directory structure will be custom, not self-explanatory, and in no way documented or described. Students working with the data will be encouraged to make their own copies and modify them as they please, in order to ensure that no one can ever figure out what the actual real raw data is. Backups will rarely, if ever, be done.” My Data Management Plan – a satire C. Titus Brown

15 What funders look for ESRC guidance for peer reviewers for-peer-reviewers_tcm8-15569.pdf for-peer-reviewers_tcm8-15569.pdf MRC guidance on DMPs (for peer reviewers) Clips of DMP presentation by Peter Dukes of MRC Wellcome Trust guide on developing a DMP issues/Data-sharing/Guidance-for-researchers/index.htm

16 DMPonline

17 A web-based tool to help researchers write data management plans Main features Templates for different requirements (funder or institution) Tailored guidance (funder, institutional, discipline-specific etc) Supports multiple phases (e.g. pre- / during / post-project) Ability to share plans and exports to a variety of formats API for systems interoperability Shibboleth authentication What is DMPonline?

18 DMPonline v.4 beta

19 Creating an account Asks for email, organisation and password Auto-fills uni options as you type

20 Creating a plan Select your funder (if any) Select relevant uni for DMP questions and guidance Select other sources of guidance

21 Summary of what’s in a plan

22 Overview of sections in a plan Summary page with dropdown buttons to expand and answer each section Allows multiple phases

23 Questions and guidance Easy-format text boxes to answer Can pre-populate boxes with examples / suggested answers

24 Sharing plan with collaborators Allow colleagues to read, edit or act as admin on your plan

25 Answering questions Notes who has answered the question Progress bar updates how many questions left

26 Exporting plans

27 Thanks – any questions? DCC guidance, tools and case studies: Follow us on twitter: @digitalcuration and #ukdcc

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