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MEANWHILE BACK IN EUROPE. ITALY, ENGLAND, FRANCE During the Age of Exploration, the Renaissance and Renaissance thinking was in “full swing” (Humanism).

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Presentation on theme: "MEANWHILE BACK IN EUROPE. ITALY, ENGLAND, FRANCE During the Age of Exploration, the Renaissance and Renaissance thinking was in “full swing” (Humanism)."— Presentation transcript:


2 ITALY, ENGLAND, FRANCE During the Age of Exploration, the Renaissance and Renaissance thinking was in “full swing” (Humanism). People were still painting, buying paintings, making sculptures, inventing scientific instruments. Basically, p*#@ing off the Catholic Church. Remember these guys… CopernicusGalileo

3 WHAT WERE THEY DOING? Copernicus-believed the sun was in the center of the universe Galileo invented the telescope and proved his friend correct. #deadbff



6 ENLIGHTENMENT o Before the break, we talked about the word enlighten (and took notes)!! o We learned this word means to “know” or “be aware” or “be informed”. o This lead to a discussion about the Enlightenment. This was a time when society challenged the accepted beliefs of groups such as the Catholic Church. o Before the Enlightenment was the Scientific Revolution. In order to better understand the period known as the Enlightenment, we must understand what lead up to and caused this time to begin. o Let’s go back to a time when…Once upon a time (LOL)…


8 REMEMBER THESE GUYS? Ptolemy Kepler Bacon Newton Ptolemy- believed the Earth was in the center of the Universe! Kepler-discovered that planets traveled in elliptical orbits. Bacon invented the scienctific method as a way to organize scientific discoveries. Newton discoved and explained the laws of gravity

9 I CHALLENGE THAT!! o All these men, along with Copernicus and Galileo, were part of the Scientific Revolution. o This was a time, after the Renaissance, when science really emerged, or became important. o There were developments in math, science, physics, astronomy and biology. o These developments and new ideas transformed the views of society. o The Catholic Church was really upset during this time. Except for Ptolemy’s views, the others went against their beliefs. o More and more people started to take notice of these new scientific views and discoveries and even believed them.


11 WHY….HOW o There was one body of religion that supported the Scientific Revolution…the Church of England!! They were more accepting of new ideas. o The Catholic Church had a lot of power over what society thought and believed during the Renaissance, but the Scientific Revolution showed there was now a decrease in the power the church had over the public. o These new scientific ideas and theories opened the door other ideas. o People started asking more questions and wondering “why” and “how”. This meant people were applying reason to their issues. o This allowed people to become ENLIGHTENED!!!


13 ENLIGHTENED o Can you imagine spending your whole day thinking? That is what a lot of people did during the Enlightenment. o They went to the salons and sat around and thought. Sometimes they debated with others who sat around and thought. o These thinkers were called philosophes. o Many of these philosophes sat around and thought, and debated, about government and politics. o The ideas that came out of these philosophes’ brains and mouths helped shape the governments we see around the world today (democracies, republics, monarchs, etc.) o There were many debates, in the salons, about the role of government and how much say they have in ruling over people.


15 MY TOP 4 PHILOSOPHES Thomas Hobbes John Locke Jean Jacques Rousseau Charles Montesquieu

16 STOP HERE!!!! When you have finished, you will turn your book in to me, for credit. Now, here is what you do next… 1. Find your Enlightenment notes. (Don’t have them or you weren’t here, go back to where you found this ppt and click on the one called, “Enlightenment Intro”. See Mrs. Autry for a notes sheet and take the notes.) 2. Re-read your notes. 3. Answer questions 1-7, about this info, on a sheet of notebook paper. 4. Turn this into me.


18 Can you believe it? 19 th Century twitter. During this time the birds would literally have to carry the messages in their beaks. How funny would that be??? Your assignment- 1.Research Locke, Rousseau and Montesquieu to find out what they believed in terms of government and its power over the people. 2. Your “tweet” must include:  @their last name  Where (country) and when they were born  What they believe (see choices on the side) in terms of government and power  #enlightenment ***I have done all of Hobbes for you (follow his format) and some of others. -government must protect natural rights, individual rights and religious freedom or citizens should be allowed to rebel -Checks and Balances, Separation of Power -Social Contract-people are good; society makes them bad

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