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Climate Change: Ice Ages Naturally Occuring, Long Term

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1 Climate Change: Ice Ages Naturally Occuring, Long Term
Ice Age: Colder than usual & glaciers cover larger portion of Earth’s surface as they advance fr. poles. When: 4 major ice ages in last 2 million years Last one ended 10, 000 yrs ago Scientific American: Hot Planet, Cold Comfort Planet

2 Icehouse vs. Greenhouse
LOW 18O:16O HIGH 18O:16O Icehouse vs. Greenhouse ICE HOUSE = Ice poles GREEN HOUSE= NO ice poles

3 Causes of Ice Ages 1. Milankovitch Cycles = Changes in incoming solar radiation due to variations in Earth’s orbit, tilt, or wobble. A. Change in shape of E’s orbit (How elliptical or circular our orbit is. Varies from 0 – 6% elliptical; Now: 1.7% elliptical) Cycle: years More elliptical = more variation in climate = ice age B. Changes in Tilt Ranges from 22 – 24.5 degrees (Now 23.5 degrees) More Tilt = more seasonal variation = ice age Cycle: yrs C. Changes in Wobble (direction of axis). N. Pole pointed toward or away from sun? Cycle: 23, 000 years

4 Causes of Ice Ages continued
2. Volcanic Activity Dust & ash can cause cooling in short term by blocking solar radiation (ice age) Volcanic gases cause warming over long term (b/c they are greenhouse gases)

5 3. Changes in Solar Radiation (solar cycles)
Any change in the sun’s pattern of sun-spot activity can cause climate change. A prolonged stop of sunspot activity correlates with COOLING. A prolonged period of excessive sunspots correlates with a WARMING.

6 Lull in sunspot activity = “Little Ice Age” in Northern Europe
Thames River during the Little Ice Age in the Maunder Minimum. Ice parties were common on the Thames each winter.

7 5. Causes of Ice Ages: Mt. Building & Plate Tectonics
Changes in continental arrangements can change ocean currents or air flow  can change climate Mt. Building = Uplift of new land  more chemical weathering of newly exposed rock  removes CO2 from air  cooling 55 Ma: Uplift of the Himalayas

8 Cause of Ice Ages: Change in ocean circulation
Change in ocean circulation patterns  change climate. Ocean currents can be changed by changes in water temperature or salinity. Scientific American: Hot Planet, Cold Comfort Planet

9 Ancient Ice Age: Snow Ball Earth
Ice covered Earth ~ 2.4 bya (end of Precambrian Time) Global temps: ~ - 74 F 6. Biology Driven Ice Age = Snowball Earth Weaker sun (30% weaker) + Arrival of photosynthesizing bacteria (removing CO2 from atmosphere) = ICE ICE has high albedo --> more solar radiation reflected --> less energy absorbed --> MORE ICE Volcanic GHG eventually warm planet up

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