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COSMO - ROmania Liliana VELEA National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "COSMO - ROmania Liliana VELEA National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania."— Presentation transcript:

1 COSMO - ROmania Liliana VELEA National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania

2 Outline NMA Romania  COSMO-RO Group  Current state of work  Romania involvement within COSMO  Future plans

3 Starting date: October 2004 First results: December 2004 COSMO-RO Group Dr. I. V. PESCARU – head of Research Division Liliana VELEA – PhD student (Physics) Rodica DUMITRACHE – PhD student (Physics) C. Barbu – PhD student (Mathematics) NMA Romania

4 Current state of work at NMA NMA Romania  LM used in pre - operational regimeLM used in pre - operational regime  Comparative evaluation of HRM and LM Comparative evaluation of HRM and LM  Study cases  Experiments on precipitation scheme

5 NMA Romania Horizontal resolution: 14 km Forecast for: 78 h Forecast products: T2m (3h) Total precipitation (3h, 24 h, 48 h, 78h) IC & BC: GME, 00UTC runs

6 NMA Romania  Models: HRM (operational – 28 km) LM (pre-operational – 14 km)  Period of comparison: January – August 2005 Parameters:SLP T2m W10m PP Skill scores: Bias, MAE, RMSE FB, PC,FAR,POD,TSS

7 Romania’s involvement within COSMO NMA Romania QUANTIFY ( EU FP6 Integrated Project: Quantifying the Climate Impact of Global and European Transport Systems ) - 35 participants and 4 associated members from 16 European countries and the U.S.A - to quantify the climate impact of global and European transport systems for the present situation and for several scenarios of future development - focused field measurements, exploitation of existing data, a range of numerical models, and new policy-relevant metrics of climate change New COST project: AQFIS (Towards a Network of European Information Systems on Chemical Weather Assessment and Forecasting ) - to set up a forum for benchmarking, harmonising and developing approaches and practices for air quality forecasting network and (near) real- time information systems in Europe

8 Romania’s involvement within COSMO NMA Romania  Infrastructure: - Linux Cluster 28 processors, Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz - 6 PCs, Pentium 4, 3.2 MHz - 1 Linux Server, 2 processors + New computational mainframe (INTEROPERATE)  COSMO-RO group enlargement

9 Future plans NMA Romania Local  LM in operational regime  Use of new visualization system  Implementation of data assimilation procedure Within COSMO  Participation in WG3 activity

10 INVITATION NMA Romania Next COSMO General Meeting (2006) to be held in ROMANIA

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