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Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20021 / 9 ZING implementations Janifer Gatenby Consultant, OCLC PICA.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20021 / 9 ZING implementations Janifer Gatenby Consultant, OCLC PICA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20021 / 9 ZING implementations Janifer Gatenby Consultant, OCLC PICA

2 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20022 / 9 OCLC PICA – User Base  Union Catalogues  Netherlands  Germany – GBV, Hebis, DDB  France – Abes

3 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20023 / 9 Systems & Services  Central Bibliographic System CBS  5 Separate installations  Local Bibliographic System LBS  PiCarta / EUCat  Search & delivery service  Shared cataloguing  iPort  Portal  Common Engines  PSI  XML interface  HTTP GET  TOLK Z39.50 server  based on CrossNet Tools

4 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20024 / 9 Why ZING?  Close to existing PSI  Can phase out TOLK  Saving maintenance, testing

5 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20025 / 9 Ranking Holdings for Delivery  Retrieve bibliographic record from union catalogue containing holdings symbols  Send broadcast search to local catalogues, not all LBS  Bib record identifier  Local catalogues return  Summary availability status  Service policy & fee  Used to rank holdings in the User Interface by place, availability and optionally price

6 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20026 / 9 UnionCat LocalCat LocalCat LocalCat LocalCat ZING SRU Holdings ESN C2

7 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20027 / 9 Where ZING comes in  Implementation  client side in CBS / PSI  Server side in LBS / PSI  Encourage server development in other local systems

8 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20028 / 9 Hand balling  Requirement  Transfer request from PiCarta to iPort  Transfer authentication & privileges  No return results  Considering  ZING SRU  Existing Pica XML

9 Presentation to the ZIG Dublin, Ohio, 4th April 20029 / 9

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