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2.0 PROJECT INITIATION AND PLANNING The initiating and planning are the phase where process or workflow to develop the system will identify and planning.

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Presentation on theme: "2.0 PROJECT INITIATION AND PLANNING The initiating and planning are the phase where process or workflow to develop the system will identify and planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.0 PROJECT INITIATION AND PLANNING The initiating and planning are the phase where process or workflow to develop the system will identify and planning. All information on why should do the project, how the work should start, when the work should start, who are involve with the project, what is scope of the project, and others thing will be analyze and documented. The information that are collecting used to produce Baseline Project Plan (BPP). BPP involve with four stage such as introduction, system description, Feasibility assessment, and management Issue. This phase are not focus on how proposed system will be working or operated but it more to understand the scope of the proposed project and feasibility to complete the project using the available resources

2 INTRODUCTION After meeting our company have been assign to proposed the new system that can solve the problem that facing by the UiTMKKB The UiTMKKB Coordinator tell us that UiTMKKB have the problem with the classroom booking Many problem facing by the lecturer and student that using the manual booking system such as booking are redundant, need to fill the booking form, need to queue up, the process take time.

3 Project Overview The main objective of the new system is to solve the problem and manage the booking system in UiTMKKB provide the monthly report that can be used to monitor the number of booking. scope of the project must cover all the booking process and the system should be avoid the booking redundancy The information that needs to input in the system must be support to identify the booking information such as name of person that booking classroom, name of classrooms, date and time, booking hours and others information users need to register before using the system and all the user information will be store in centralize database The system should be adapt from the manual system that already running now and will be manipulate to create the new system that can cover the weaknesses of the manual system

4 Recommendation The system must be online The system must be access through UiTM Uniform resource locater (URL) Database of the system must be centralize The system can view the permanent time table, booking status, and available classroom with one time view ( in one pages) The system must be operated 24 hours The system can provided the report user need to register before using the system User can make daily booking, weekly booking or monthly booking ( continuously booking) The system can avoid booking redundancy System must be users friendly

5 System Description The system are on line and using internet Through on line user can access every time and everywhere using internet connection. Database Database must be centralize and locate at UiTMKKB Access To access to the system user need to log in to uniform resources locater (URL ) at Security Before using the system user must register first using student registration number or staff number. Input Data input are the date of booking, date of end of booking, location, name of person that booking the room, telephone and others information. (involve with text and numbers)

6 System Description Processing The system will identify the data redundancy, and provide the report. Output Output of the system is report and booking time table. The report can be generated by the user and system administrator Storage The data will be store in centralize database. All information will be stored in one database and should be back-up with another back up storage. Hardware The system using will use computers as a server. We will use the server that can support window application. Others hardware is power interruptible that can be used to back- up power if electricity off. Software The software involves with window application server, open sources software, and software development like dream weaver, antivirus software, firewall software and others suitable software to support the system.

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