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ADVANCED LEC 09 ORNITHOLOGY University of Rio Grande Donald P. Althoff, Ph.D. Systematics Part II Reference Chapter 3.

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1 ADVANCED LEC 09 ORNITHOLOGY University of Rio Grande Donald P. Althoff, Ph.D. Systematics Part II Reference Chapter 3

2 ANSERIFORMES Waterfowl: ducks, geese, swans, and screamers 2 families Web footed, palmate—almost all (but not totipalmate “straining” type bills

3 ANSERIFORMES…con’t “Straining” bill type means large number of __________ = lamellate mandible All have “nails” at end of bill, essentially bone, that is variably developed Aids in “straining” vertebrates/ invertebrates when feeding in water

4 ANSERIFORMES…con’t Some species very large: trumpter swan ~ 36 lbs. All young ____________ a) swim within few hours of hatching b) travel 50-100 yds on land in shortly after leaving nest c) feed for themselves shortly after leaving nest Swans—monogamous for _____ Ducks—monogamous __________

5 ANSERIFORMES…con’t Mallards and Pintails: over 10,000,000 world wide Most species are highly __________ Ducks: usually ___________ dichromatic/dimorphism typical… ________ for swans and geese Two general groups of ducks: a) ____________ b) ____________

6 Dabbling Ducks Spend most of their time feeding in ________ water Forage for seeds, insects/other aquatic invertebrates, plants Nest more “_________” Capable of “launching” almost _________of water (i.e., vertically) into the air during takeoff Sit “______” on the water

7 Diving Ducks Spend most of their time feeding in ________ water Forage for fish and larger aquatic invertebrates, plants Nest closer to __________ and/or over water with semi-submerged vegetation “Launching” more _______ to water (i.e., horizontally) into the air during takeoff Sit “_____” on the water

8 GALLIFORMES Chicken-like form ____________ is “source” stock for the domestic chicken 4 extant species of jungle fowl “ancient” family Fairly diverse Essentially _________ and ___________ Red junglefowl Sri Lanka junglefowl Grey junglefowl Green junglefowl

9 GALLIFORMES…con’t Mostly ground-nesters but guans and chachalacas of South America nest in trees Turkeys, pheasants, quail distributed across ________ hemisphere Most species ____________ Black guan Spix’s guan Plain chachalaca

10 GALLIFORMES…con’t Mostly herbaceous (leafy veg); many seeds mostly; most as chicks eat “bugs” (i.e., insects, mites, spiders… foraging known as ____________) Well-developed ______—really valuable for seed eaters, minimizes time “exposed” to predators in “open” cover. Typically, not good nor “________” fliers. __________ maneuverability while in flight. Prefer to run Wild turkey poults California quail chicks

11 GALLIFORMES…con’t Most species ____________…few monogamous ______________ young…____________ hatch important. Poorly developed hind toe Some have “______” feet adapted to “scratching” for seeds and bugs…others “weak” feet—not good at “scratching” for food.

12 FALCONIFORMES ________ birds of prey Claws sharply curved and sharp…and strong. Referred to as ________. Beak sharply _________ Legs very strong “Ancient” group Extraordinary vision a) both detail & b) distance…up to 2 miles away can spot small prey _____– “waxy” structure at distal end of beak

13 FALCONIFORMES…con’t Most species are monogamous Often size __________…female often larger than male Some with sexual dichromatism Nest location—varies by species: a) ground b) cliff c) tree…or tree cavity American kestrels

14 Rio EcoMonitoring Project Student Chapters of The Wildlife Society

15 Box Checks Document occupancy and band adults and close-to-fledging chicks

16 Fledged 1998-2013: 229 Kestrels !!!

17 Expanded goals…. Starting in 2014 – expanded the network on backs of state & federal highway signs …including on US 35 & US 32

18 FALCONIFORMES…con’t ________________ hatch because incubation starts within laying of first (maybe 2 nd ) egg. Most have ______ nestling period… 60-70 days (but not kestrels) Adults bring food back to young while in nest Young—at time of fledgling—are typically ________ than they will be has “mature” adults— providing cushion until it becomes proficient at hunting

19 GRUIFORMES _______________ Very diverse group: a) some tallest (cranes) b) some smallest (rails) Tend to be long-legged, long- necked, and thin bodied Ground nesters a) precoccial young b) monogamous Feed in wet areas on snails, macroinvertebrates, & plant material Whooping crane - endangered

20 Red-legged crake Virginia rail Common moorhen Purple gallinule

21 GRUIFORMES…con’t ______ nostril Bill straight—usually Usually ________…may have evolved in response to living in dense vegetation (some species) Sandhill crane- OH endangered

22 CHARADRIIFORMES _________ ~ 350 species Usually temperate to arctic locations Jacanas more associated with marshes but most associated with “beach” type habitat _______ fliers Many species are migratory— many of which are long- distance migrators (Arctic tern!) ________ young, downy young Killdeer Am. Golden plover Upland sandpiper

23 Piping plover Common tern Least sandpiper Oyster catcher

24 Rhinoceros auklet Ring-billed gull Atlantic puffin Black-necked stilt

25 COLUMBIFORMES _______________ Bill is slim Feathers “soft” _____ behind and above nostril Perching feet…but limited “scratching” through leaf litter capability Usually ____________ Monogamous Small number of eggs per clutch—usually 2

26 COLUMBIFORMES…con’t Produce _________…also known as pigeon milk a) produced in crop lining b) ______________ to young *flamingos (from stomach gland and some penguin species (from esophagus secretions) also do this— but from glands in stomach Milk is extremely high in ______ (>50%) and _____ (~35%)—by comparison top protein % among mammals is rabbits with ~ 12%...and top fat % is this is the harp seal with ~ 43% although most other mammals at 20% or less fat content. An insect-only diet generally would be at the 35-50% protein level. Protein enables fast growth of muscles and bones…as well as feather development

27 PSITTACIFORMES ___________________ Strongly ________ upper and lower mandible Strongly ____________ feet Rainbow lorikeet Sulfur-crested cockatoo Monk parakeet 1 2 3 4 2 3 3 2

28 PSITTACIFORMES…con’t Monogamous Cavity/hole nesters in the wild…with the exception of the monk parakeet Monk parakeets build stick nests a) native to South America b) __________ & spreading in the U.S.

29 CUCULIFORMES __________________ World-wide group Zygodactyl feet Many are social parasites …that is they lay their eggs in nests of other species = ______ _________. Two OH species do not do this. OH species are _____________ layers Yellow-billed cuckoo Black-billed cuckoo OH species

30 STRIGIFORMES _______ World-wide group ______ head a) eyes large & widely spaced b) ears widely space Recall barn owl right & left ear asymmetrically positioned No brightly colored species Some have color phases Smallest owl sp. in OHIO Saw-whet owl 2 nd to Smallest owl sp. in OHIO Eastern screech owl

31 STRIGIFORMES Almost all are nocturnal Feed on small mammals generally Monogamous 3-4 normal clutch size…but snowy owl can produce up to 22 eggs… largely fluctuates with prey availability (i.e., lemmings) (see next slide)


33 STRIGIFORMES…con’t Soft plumage…leading edge of wing is frayed. This results in almost no sound generated— at least detectable sound by most prey (except would be kangaroo rats)

34 CAPRIMULGIFORMES Goatsuckers, nighthawks, whipper-poor-wills, nightjars Largely nocturnal Largely insectivorous— capturing prey in the air Capture of prey aided by _______ bristles Blend in well during the day… usually resting on the ground… bare ground or on flat rock Altricial young Common nighthawk Whipper-poor-will

35 vs. TROGONIFORMES _________________ Fruit & seed eaters Found tropics __________ colored: a) lots of carotenoids b) iridescent Sexual dichromatism Monogamous Hole/cavity nesters Short, weak legs _____________ Red-headed trogon Quetzal 1 2 3 41 3 4 2 zygodactyl

36 APODIFORMES Translates to “lacking feet” ____________________ Swifts a) diurnal b) ________ insectivores c) thus, daytime counterparts to caprimulgiformes Hummingbirds a) new world group b) strong dimorphism c) may be polygamous d) smallest of all flying vertebrates e) mostly nectar feeders Ruby-throated hummingbird male Only species that is known to nest in throughout OH

37 COLIIFORMES _____________ Distribution restricted to Africa Size of mourning doves Crested Adapted for climbing & clinging Soft plumage Monogamous Cavity nesters Major pest in Africa Blue-naped mousebird

38 CORACIIFORMES _______________________ ______________ Mostly an “old world” group but we have kingfishers in N.A. Many are in tropics Most diversity among perching species Sharp, spearing beaks—usually feed on fish __________ feet Cavity nesters/burrow nesters Belted kingfisher Bee-eater 1 2 3 4

39 PICIFORMES ________________ Over 400 species Sharp, chisel-like beak _____________ feet Insectivores (except acorn woodpecker, barbets & toucans which are fruit eaters) Sexual dichromatism Eggs _____ —typical hole/cavity nesters Acorn woodpecker Toucan

40 PASSERIFORMES ___________ Wren-sized to raven-sized ~ 3 out of 5 bird species are _____________ Complex _______….thus, “songbird” designation Not good walkers, typically perching birds Variety of nest types Cedar waxwing

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