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Ecosystem PowerPoint By:Maci Terrell Period 4 Science Mr. Sunesara.

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2 Ecosystem PowerPoint By:Maci Terrell Period 4 Science Mr. Sunesara

3 What is an ecosystem? All living things and nonliving things that interact with each other

4 Example of ecosystem

5 What is a habitat The place where an organism lives and that provides the things an organism needs

6 Example of a habitat

7 What is a biotic factor A living part of a ecosystem

8 Example of a biotic factor

9 What is a abiotic factor A nonliving part of a ecosystem A nonliving part of a ecosystem

10 Example of a abiotic factor

11 5 abiotic sunlight ground air water

12 What is a producer An organism that makes its own food

13 Some example of a producer

14 What are consumers Consumers are organisms that contain energy by feeding on other organisms

15 Some Pictures of consumers

16 What is a herbivore An animal that eats only plants

17 Some example of a herbivore

18 What is a carnivore An animal that eats only other animals

19 Some examples of a carnivore

20 What is a omnivore An animal that eats both plants and animals.

21 Some examples of omnivores

22 What is a decomposer An organism that breaks down the large molecules from wastes and the remains of dead organisms into small molecules and returns important materials to the soil and water.

23 Example of decomposers

24 What is a food chain The series of events in which one organism eats another, resulting in a flow of energy among the organisms involved.

25 An example of a Food Chain

26 What is a food web The pattern of overlapping food chains in an ecosystem.

27 A picture of a food chain

28 The things and place I Thank Websites and people I I thank the hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// pppp iiii cccc ssss 4444 llll eeee aaaa rrrr nnnn iiii nnnn gggg.... cccc oooo mmmm //// h h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... pppp eeee aaaa rrrr ssss oooo nnnn ssss uuuu cccc cccc eeee ssss ssss nnnn eeee tttt.... cccc oooo mmmm //// ssss PowerPoint Presentation questions E Ecosystem Resources Mr. Sunesara

29 Acknowledgement To: Mr. Sunesara To: Aria






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