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By: John Kingston Class: English 2010 (Whitney Nelson) Assignment: Notebook 11 Date: 4/8/15 WELFARE AND ITS REFORM.

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Presentation on theme: "By: John Kingston Class: English 2010 (Whitney Nelson) Assignment: Notebook 11 Date: 4/8/15 WELFARE AND ITS REFORM."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: John Kingston Class: English 2010 (Whitney Nelson) Assignment: Notebook 11 Date: 4/8/15 WELFARE AND ITS REFORM

2 Welfare in the United States began just after the civil war in 1862. This form of welfare was The Civil War Pension Program and it aided soldiers and their families. This is what started the Welfare ball rolling and today it has grown even greater. THE START OF WELFARE

3 The Great depression is where most of the welfare we know today started. When the great depression hit it left about 25% of the labor force unemployed. Many people didnt even have food to put on their tables and this caused people even kids to starve to death. The government saw this and had to step in to help with many different welfare programs THE GREAT DEPRESSION

4 In 1935 President Rosivelt enacted the Social Security Act. Included with the Social Security Act, two other programs that are still around today are Unemployment Compensation, and AFDC (Aid to Dependent Children) These programs brought aid to a wider variety of the population. THE GREAT DEPRESSION (CONT…)

5 In 1996 the Welfare Reform act was pass under Bill Clinton’s office. This act promised to completely change welfare, for the better. Programs that were included in this act was the Welfare to work program and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). These programs were very controversial to the public because they made it harder for people to receive welfare. 1996 WELFARE REFORM

6 The Welfare Reform Act helped millions of people go from dependent to self sufficient, therefore reducing the number of recipients on welfare. These programs were a huge success and drastically lowered the amount of people on welfare. 1996 WELFARE REFORM (CONT…)

7 The goals in 2003 were to help families achieve financial independence and also strengthen family's. This also ended the Welfare to work programs that were set up in 1996 and previously talked about. The Welfare to Work Program helped change millions of Americans lives for the better. It required people to work at least 20 hours a week to receive financial assistance. THE WELFARE REFORM AGENDA OF 2003

8 2003 was the last major change to welfare. However today most people can agree that Welfare is due for another reform. Welfare is such a big debate because of how much money the U.S. Government is spending each year on it. This number is an estimated $668 Billion a year to provide welfare for 63 billion people. WELFARE TODAY

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