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 In Class we read stories about the Trojan War  A 10 year War fought between Troy and Greece  In the end the Greeks Destroy the city of Troy. Roughly.

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Presentation on theme: " In Class we read stories about the Trojan War  A 10 year War fought between Troy and Greece  In the end the Greeks Destroy the city of Troy. Roughly."— Presentation transcript:


2  In Class we read stories about the Trojan War  A 10 year War fought between Troy and Greece  In the end the Greeks Destroy the city of Troy. Roughly 1300 B.C.

3  Troy was a city on the Western coast of Asia Minor or Modern Day Turkey

4  Story of the war is a blend of Legend and Myth  Myth: Traditional stories that may include gods and goddesses and often try to explain events in nature


6  Story of Trojan War can be found in the poem The Iliad by Homer a Greek blind poet. This Homer not This Homer

7  Homer also wrote the Odyssey which is the story of Odysseus and his 10 year voyage home.

8  Before Homer composed the two poems myths and legends were part of oral tradition: or stories passed down by word of mouth.

9  Another Hero of the Trojan War was Aeneas. He was a Trojan warrior that survived the war and later founded the town that would become Rome


11  Like many cultures at the time the Greeks worshipped many gods. They used these gods to explain things such as birth, death, disease, storms and victories in battle  Zeus was the king of the Gods

12  The Gods were believed to live on Mount Olympus which was a large mountain peak in central Greece.

13  Greek Gods were believed to be much like humans but that they were immortal: or able to live forever

14  Every Four Years the Greeks held athletic contests to honor Zeus  These games were held in Olympia and became known as the Olympic Games

15  City States in Greece had many different types of Government  In Some a King Ruled  This was called a Monarchy

16  In others the government was controlled by members of wealthy privileged families.  This was called an Aristocracy

17  Around 500 B.C. a new form of government that was voted on and ruled by the people.  This was called a Democracy

18  The First Democracy was found in the city of Athens. Here the people gathered in a large group or Assembly to make decisions.

19  These two Greek City States were very different and did not get along for many years and fought many battles against each other.

20  In return for their rights, citizens of Athens had major responsibilities. They were expected to defend their city and take part in government.

21  Located in southern Greece  Lived in a strictly ruled military state

22  Invaded neighboring city-states taking over farmland and forcing local people to become Helots: or Slaves

23  Government officials inspected all babies. Only the healthy were allowed to live.  When boys turned 7 they were sent to military camps  They were given little food or clothing.  They were expected to survive by stealing whatever they needed.

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