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By: John Hurley And Tim Milroy.  Balance  Eyes  Elbow  Follow Through.

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Presentation on theme: "By: John Hurley And Tim Milroy.  Balance  Eyes  Elbow  Follow Through."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: John Hurley And Tim Milroy

2  Balance  Eyes  Elbow  Follow Through

3  Balance  Feet Shoulder Width  Lead Foot Slightly in front of other foot

4  Eyes on the Rim  Make sure you keep them there throughout the shooting motion

5  Elbow pointed straight towards the rim  If your elbow is pointed somewhere else that is where the ball will go.

6 F  Follow Through  Extend your shooting hand and wrist towards the hoop after you shoot  This will give you the proper rotation and arc

7  They all shoot with the same technique for a reason.  -8c&feature=related -8c&feature=related

8 Free Throw (Out of 10)TimJohn Round 175 Round 296 Round 397 Round487 Round 576

9  Hopefully we didn’t make you fall asleep…

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