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Troposphere About 75-80% of the atmosphere’s mass Rises to about 20km or about 7.5 miles Air is warmest at the bottom and gets colder as you move.

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4 Troposphere About 75-80% of the atmosphere’s mass Rises to about 20km or about 7.5 miles Air is warmest at the bottom and gets colder as you move up through it.

5 Stratosphere Very dry. Very little water vapor. This means very few clouds. From troposphere to 50 km. Contains the Ozone layer Temperature increases as you go up through the stratosphere The air here is very stable. Most commercial jets fly here to avoid turbulence.

6 Mesosphere Temperatures again decrease with height 50-80 km. above the Earth’s surface Temperatures approach -90 C. or 130 F Destroys asteroids! Where noctilucent clouds are!

7 Thermosphere Begins at 80 km above the Earth Temperatures increase with altitude due to the absorption of solar radiation. Where auroras occur Where the international space station orbits.

8 Exosphere Region of the atmosphere where particles and molecules are lost to space.

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