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Admin- 1 Welcome to eVA’s “Configuring Your Agency” Copyright © 2003, Commonwealth of Virginia, All rights reserved. These materials contain some intellectual.

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Presentation on theme: "Admin- 1 Welcome to eVA’s “Configuring Your Agency” Copyright © 2003, Commonwealth of Virginia, All rights reserved. These materials contain some intellectual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Admin- 1 Welcome to eVA’s “Configuring Your Agency” Copyright © 2003, Commonwealth of Virginia, All rights reserved. These materials contain some intellectual property of American Management Systems, Incorporated and are therefore proprietary and confidential. These materials also contain information that is the intellectual property of Ariba, Inc. and therefore proprietary and confidential. These materials can be copied and distributed to authorized COVA users for the exclusive use of participation in eVA. Any other copying and distribution of these materials is strictly prohibited. Presented by Jan Fatouros Jan Bond & Nancy Davis Nov 2003

2 Admin- 2 Configuring eVA: Session Plan  Reviewing Configuration Decisions (Jan Fatouros)  Configuration strategies – Case Study (Jan Bond)  Provide strategies to solve your specific problems  (Nancy Davis & Jan & Jan)

3 Admin- 3 eMall Configuration Levels Configuration Decisions may act on The whole agency –Requisition Template –Workflow Order –Agency Approval Triggers (Signer Rules) –Accounting Values & Filters –Shipping & Billing Locations –Routing for solicitation processing Employee WorkGroup Agency-Wide A work unit within the agency –Buysense Org Profiles (Workgroup Workflow) –Central or Desktop Receiving –Supervisor Approval Required An employee within the agency –Supervisor Approval –DPA Approval Limits –Expenditure Limits –Expenditure Supervisor –Catalog Items Viewed

4 Admin- 4 Agency-wide Decisions – Requisition Template Configuration Decisions: Field Labels, Field Behaviors At the Requisition Title Screen and at the Accounting Screen Some Fields and their Labels have been specified by eVA

5 Admin- 5 Agency-wide Decisions –Requisition Template There are 61 “eVA definable” fields at three levels of the requisition. Data Types include Logical (Boolean), Text (free form), or drop down selection ( Choosers). Field lengths are defined by the agency.

6 Admin- 6 Agency Level Decisions - Data Management Agencies define the titles, order, values & description for their accounting fields Relationships between accounting fields are maintained by filters A filter restricts the display of the next field list to valid values based on the value previously entered in a preceding field Accounting Fields Addresses Agencies enter shipping & billing addresses Agencies may enter generic addresses Addresses are made specific to a location by the “Deliver To” field on the requisition Workflow Roles Agencies name their workflow roles & reasons All agency roles begin with “A” and the agency DPB number Standard names are used for common roles across all agencies A role may be assigned to one or more employees

7 Admin- 7 WorkGroup Level Decisions – Buysense Orgs Buysense Org is a workgroup profile that defines requisition approval requirements (workflow), default accounting values for requisitions, default billing location, and receiving type Workgroups may be defined by –Organization expenditure authority and approval steps –Or Receiving type –Desktop or Central –Or Different physical receiving locations –Or Default Accounting –Or Order type (purchase card only or purchase orders)

8 Admin- 8 Employee Level Decisions Shipping Address & Deliver To Text –Associates employee with a default shipping location –Allows for more detail shipping directions using the Deliver To field Catalog Controller –Limits catalog items that may be viewed by the employee –Allows Agencies to post Agency-specific catalogs on eVA User Roles and Permissions –Assign user to Workflow roles –Assign user to data access permission Purchase Cards –Pcard numbers are encrypted –Use alias –May have more than one BSO Workgroup

9 Admin- 9 Agency Workflow Order There are 63 possible approval or viewer workflow triggers.

10 Admin- 10 Requisition Workflow Overview Agency Defined Workflow Signer Rules which depend on field values and header or line amounts ReqHeader Boolean which depends on header checkbox values (Pcard Rule) Buysense Org Defined Workflow Dollar Approvers 1-3 Commodity Approvers Commodity & Requisition Watchers PO-Print (Non-catalog and Non-electronic vendors) On behalf of Watcher SuperVisor (if enabled) Req Header Signer Rule PO Print Req Header Boolean Rule User Profile Expenditure Limit Approver Combined Requirement set at Buysense Org Role or Individual set at User Profile Supervisor DPA System-wide On behalf of as Watcher

11 Admin- 11 Workflow Order Workflow is dynamically created based on –Commodity –Contract Item or Not –Accounting Values –Workgroup expenditure authority –Employee’s Delegated Procurement Authority –Employee’s Expenditure Authority Workflow Order –May be parallel or sequential –Order defined by a numeric order token –May be seen when cursor hovers over workflow box Workflow Approvers –Workflow may be approved by one or more individuals (Role Approver) –OR by only one individual (UserID Approver)

12 Admin- 12 Agency-wide Decisions – Signer Rule Agencies have the option to create approval rules for one or more pre-selected fields on the requisition. This approval is called the Signer Rule. Signer Rule workflow is created only for values specified in the rule Signer Rules may have break points –the rule will insert a different person or role depending on the total dollar amount of the requisition or amount on the line Two Header Rules One Check Box Rule (ReqHeaderBoolean) One Text/Chooser Field (ReqHeader) rule Inspects for Field Value AND requisition total dollar amount Accounting Commodity Header Two Accounting Line Rules Two Chooser or Text Fields AccountApprover & AccountApprover2 Inspects for Field Value AND line dollar amount One Commodity Line Rule One Text/Chooser Field (CommodityCodeApprover) Inspects for Field Value AND line dollar amount

13 Admin- 13 WorkGroup-Decisions – BSO Workflow Triggers Supervisor must Approve all requisitions Three Expenditure Dollar Approvers with same or different expenditure thresholds – In sequence Delegated Procurement Authority Exceeded Approver –Routes to DPA approver based on user profile DPA amount –This trigger is intended to send requisitions to the Purchasing Officer Non-Catalog (Purchase Order Print) Approver –Routes based on Vendor Order Method = Print –Routes if a Non-catalog order is created –If blank in BSO routes to preparer 40 Commodity Approvers –Routes based on UNSPSC commodity code on requisition line 9 Commodity Watchers –Allows the “watcher” to view the requisition but does not require an approval 1 Workgroup Watcher Commodity Receiving Approver Receipts may have up to 2 different commodity approvers

14 Admin- 14 Employee Decisions – User Profile Workflow Workgroup (Buysense Organization) –Every employee must be assigned to one and only one Buysense Org –Defines workgroup workflow –Defines default accounting values –Defines default billing location Supervisor Approves all requisitions for subordinates –Flag set in Buysense Org –Supervisor identified in employee User Profile Expenditure Approver and Expenditure Limit amount –Expenditure Limit employee may request up to this amount without the expenditure limit approver (Blank means no limit) –Expenditure Limit Approver may be person or role –Employee may be own Expenditure Limit Approver DPA amount – Delegated Procurement Amount –Employee may order up to this amount of NON-contract items without DPA approval –DPA approval is a role assigned in the Buysense Org

15 Admin- 15 Business Rules – Putting It Together How would you configure eVA to meet these requirements?? My agency requires a budget manger to approve ALL expenditures against their budget center No order over $50,000 leaves this organization without the Agency Head’s approval and it better be right before he sees it! Employees may only charge orders to their cost centers – I do not want them to change the cost center! I need IT purchases to be reviewed by the agency IT department, but they do not have the authority to charge purchases outside their budget center If the order requires purchasing approval I want purchasing to approve before the budget approver I want to see every order that is NOT purchased using the employee’s purchase card My employees charge orders to cost centers that are not available within the program

16 Admin- 16 Business Rules – Putting It Together My agency has three locations where goods or services may be performed. By policy we require goods to be received by someone other than the person who ordered them. We have delegated purchases to all employees at the single quote limit. We also require that the cost center manager approve all expenditures from their cost center. Some managers may supervise up to 5 different cost centers. The cost center manager has authority up to 50,000, after that the agency head must approve the expenditure, but the agency head wants to make sure the cost center manager has approved it first. We also have projects that require project manager approval before expenditures. Only certain cost centers may be charged for projects. I need to make sure projects are not charged to incorrect cost centers. The exception to centralized receiving is the purchase card program where the goods are received by the requestor - Our managers have concerns that certain goods like batteries and office supplies may be finding their way home instead of staying at the office.

17 Admin- 17 Stump The Experts???? Audience Questions

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