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Welcome Freshmen High School 101 Mrs. Shenika Hall, instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Freshmen High School 101 Mrs. Shenika Hall, instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Freshmen High School 101 Mrs. Shenika Hall, instructor

2 Going Green This class will primarily use electronic means to receive worksheets, forms, and submitting homework assignments. Please be sure to correctly write down my email address and the class website.

3 Contact inforamtion Classroom: 613 Phone Number: 678-895-1102 Website: http://slhall.pbworks.com

4 Tutorial Tuesday and Thursday: 3:15-4:00pm or by appointment NO ADMITTANCE AFTER: 3:25pm

5 Classroom Expectations 1. Respect yourself, classmates, and teachers. 2. All students are expected to arrive to class promptly and prepared. As soon as the last bell rings, students are expected to be in their assigned seats, otherwise a student is considered tardy. 3. It is the student’s responsibility to bring all supplies to class everyday such as: textbook, blue or black and red pens, notebook, and plenty of notebook paper.

6 Classroom Expectations cont. 1. Remain alert and awake in class. Sleeping is not allowed. Students who sleep will do their work standing. 2. No food, drinks, and /or water in the classroom. 3. Keep the room clean-- respect the equipment and furnishings of room 613. 4. Absolutely no use of vulgar, profane, or inappropriate language in the classroom.

7 Classroom Expectations cont. 1. Students should use the restroom during class change. An emergency situation may occur from time to time, but this will be dealt with on an individual basis. 2. Students are not to groom in class. 3. ALL students should observe ALL rules and regulations in the Miller Grove High School Student Handbook and within Dekalb County Code of Conduct.

8 Late Assignment Policy No projects, essays or homework assignments will be accepted late. All other assignments are considered late if it is not turned in at the time of teacher’s request and a 30 % deduction from the final grade of that assignment will be given.

9 Make-up Policy Only “Excused” absences will be allowed to make-up work Make-up work is due within 24 hours of returning to class. Test make-up day is the Monday after you return to class. Make-ups must be submitted within 5 working days upon returning. Research papers and PROJECTS may NOT be made-up

10 Required Materials  1 ½ ” three ring binder  a set of dividers  blue or black pens  one red pen  plenty of notebook paper  jump drive  index cards

11 Work “No-No’s” NO pencil allowed (assignments will not be graded, a grade of “zero” will be given until assignment is resubmitted in ink for a late grade of a max of a 70% Do NOT write on the back of your paper Do NOT write outside of the margins on your paper

12 Heading Paper should be headed on the top left hand side of the paper starting on the top line The heading should be as follows: Full Name (First, Last) Date Block Assignment Name

13 25 Book Campaign You will be required to complete outside reading. More information will come soon.


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