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Confidentiality, Integrity, Awareness What Does It Mean To You.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidentiality, Integrity, Awareness What Does It Mean To You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidentiality, Integrity, Awareness What Does It Mean To You

2 Why Learn About Security? Good security standards follow the “90/10” rule. 10% Of All Security Safeguards Are Technical 90% Of All Security Safeguards Rely On YOU To Follow Safe Practices. Having a lock on the door is 10% of security. Remembering to lock the door, and making sure it is closed is 90% 10% Security Is Worthless Without YOU

3 Protect Your Data 1. Use Strong Passwords 2. Pay Attention To Security 3. Use eMail Safely 4. Use The Internet Responsibly

4 When is a Password Secure? The measure of security must then be "how many password requests can the automated program make per second". The actual number varies, but most web applications would not be capable of handling more than 100 sign-in requests per second. This means it takes the following time to hack a simple password like "sun":  Brute-force: 3 minutes  Common Word: 3 minutes  Dictionary: 1 hour 20 minutes Note: "sun" has 17,576 possible character combinations. 3 letters using the lowercase alphabet = 26 3

5 Passwords sun is, of course a highly insecure password, but how much time is enough for a password to be secure?  a password that can be hacked in 1 minute is far too risky  10 minutes - still far too risky  1 hour - still not good enough  1 day - now we are getting somewhere. The probability that a person will have a program running just to hack your account for an entire day is very little.  1 month - this is something that only a dedicated attacker would do.  1 year - now we are moving from practical risk to theoretical risk. If you are NASA or CIA then it is unacceptable. For the rest of us, well - you do not have that kind of enemies, nor is your company data that interesting.  10 years - Now we are talking purely theoretical.  A lifetime: 100 years - this is really the limit for most people. Who cares about their password being hacked after they have died? Still it is nice to know that you use a password that is "secure for life"

6 Password Considerations Note: The examples below are based on 100 password request per second. The result is the approach that is the most effective way to hack that specific password - either being by the use of brute-force, common words or dictionary attacks. Most “modern” computers, if they have the password file locally, can parse as many as 125,000 passwords per second based on using high speed (solid state) drives, multiple core processors and reasonable (16GB) of memory.

7 Security The Internet allows an attacker to do so from anywhere in the world. Not being secure leads to risks such as identity theft, monetary loss, legal ramifications, and potentially loss of employment.

8 Use eMail Safely Never open suspicious of unsolicited attachments Avoid responding to SPAM Never provide credit card numbers, passwords or personal information by eMail. Make sure you have an good anti-virus software.

9 Use The Internet Responsibly Don’t post sensitive information on message boards, chat rooms, or other insecure areas of the Internet Don’t visit inappropriate Internet sites Be aware of what you are clicking. Always use anti-virus software Make sure to apply system patches when available.

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