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4 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012
Physics 451 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012 Oct 1, 2012 Karine Chesnel

5 HW # 9 due Tuesday Oct 4 by 7pm Pb 2.27, 2.29, 2.30, 2.31
Quantum mechanics Announcements Homework this week: HW # 9 due Tuesday Oct 4 by 7pm Pb 2.27, 2.29, 2.30, 2.31 HW # 10 due Thursday Oct 7 by 7pm

6 The delta function potential
Ch 2.5 Quantum mechanics The delta function potential For Continuity at boundaries is continuous is continuous except where V is infinite

7 The delta function well
Ch 2.5 Quantum mechanics The delta function well Bound state Pb 2.27 double delta well 2 boundaries, 4 conditions

8 The delta function well
Ch 2.5 Quantum mechanics The delta function well Scattering state x Travelling waves A B F G Continuity at boundary (A,B, F,G) ?

9 The delta function well
Ch 2.5 Quantum mechanics The delta function well Scattering state A F B x Travelling waves Reflected wave Transmitted wave

10 The delta function well
Ch 2.5 Quantum mechanics The delta function well Scattering state A F B x Reflection coefficient Transmission coefficient

11 The delta function potential
Ch 2.5 Quantum mechanics The delta function potential Scattering state

12 The delta function barrier
Ch 2.5 Quantum mechanics The delta function barrier Scattering state only A F B x “Tunneling” Reflection coefficient Transmission coefficient

13 Quiz 13 Quantum mechanics
A particle can tunnel trough an infinite barrier with some relatively small thickness Yes No

14 The finite square well Quantum mechanics V(x) Scattering states -a a x
Bound states -V0

15 The finite square well Quantum mechanics V(x) x -V0 Ch 2.6
Continuity at boundaries V(x) x -V0 is continuous X=+a X=-a

16 Ch 2.6 Quantum mechanics The finite square well Bound state For For

17 The finite square well Quantum mechanics Ch 2.6 Bound state For
General solution

18 The finite square well Quantum mechanics x -V0 Pb 2.30 normalization
Symmetry considerations V(x) The potential is even function about x=0 The solutions are either even or odd! x -V0 Pb 2.30 normalization

19 The finite square well Quantum mechanics x -V0
Continuity at boundaries V(x) x -V0 Continuity of

20 Quantum mechanics The finite square well Bound states where

21 The finite square well Quantum mechanics V(x) V(x) x x -V0 -V0
Bound states V(x) x -V0 Wide, deep well large (large a or V0) Shallow, narrow well V(x) x -V0 small (small a, V0) One bound state Pb 2.29 odd solution Pb 2.31 extrapolation to infinite delta well

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