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Theresa Valentine Spatial Information Manager Corvallis Forest Science Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Theresa Valentine Spatial Information Manager Corvallis Forest Science Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theresa Valentine Spatial Information Manager Corvallis Forest Science Lab

2  Goal: To develop a common internet mapping application for all LTER sites, using information collected in Network databases  Started in January 2009  Core Team Sites: ◦ AndrewsGeorgia CoastalKonza ◦ BonanzaBaltimore  Initial Funding: core team time donated

3  Met remotely (video/teleconference /e-mails)  Divided up tasks, tracked work through IM portal  Met at ASM 2009 ◦ Pre-meeting workshops, hosted workshop  Developed Post ASM workshop proposal $5K  Met in ABQ 3 days in late March 2010 ◦ Phase 1 application transferred to LNO ◦ Scoped out specifications for Phase 2

4  Phased approach: ◦ Phase 1: Network view ◦ Phase 2: Site view  Reviewed technology options  Initially looked at distributed approach  Wanted technology that sites could adopt easily  Looked for consistent data sources (available for free over the internet)

5 Distributed idea worked, but speed is everything!

6  Discovered the wealth of information in SiteDB at the Network Office

7  Wanted consistent imagery across sites ◦ Expensive to host internally ◦ Free sources available: Google, ESRI, Virtual Earth (now Bing)  Pros: Free sources are fast, users are familiar with, coverage is world-wide (includes Antarctica), updated when they get better data  Cons: Rely on other provider: when they go down, you go down, limited to their data (some areas may not be as good as others), accuracy of added data can be a problem.

8  Functionality Requirements ◦ Simple operations, link with database, pop-up windows, add data, imbed in existing web pages, fast, zoom across imagery quickly, download data and metadata, easy to program and transfer to sites, scale-able.  Off the Shelf Applications: ◦ ESRI ArcServer Out of box Applications, samples ◦ ESRI Web API’s ◦ Google Maps

9  Very specific, narrow focus  Google Maps API 1. Developed locally, then moved to the Network Office 2. Your view into SiteDB 1.Contact info, detailed site description, data links, site boundaries, Clim/HydroDB gage locations, weather, background imagery from Google. Downloads KML and shape files 3. Demo


11  Will be toggled with traditional LTER map page on the website  Site profile will feature a Google map zoom into the site  Updated SiteDB information will be reflected in the application (direct link)  Additional fields added to SiteDB ◦ Webcams  As new LTER sites are added to SiteDB, automatically added to LTERmapS  Searching capability

12  Detail site GIS information using a common interface:  Access thru click on Phase 1 balloon (initially)  Sites can link directly from their website  Provide a common interface for all sites  Quality cartography, consistent across sites  Quality output imagery  Access to best available aerial imagery  Easy to use, won’t need to be a GIS expert

13  Detail site GIS information using a common interface: (from GIS Committee Basic Requirements)  Consistent across all site: ◦ DEM/bathymetry (terrain)RoadsHydrography ◦ StructuresRemotely sensed imagery  Site specific/more detailed/better accuracy data ◦ Core research plot locations (siteDB?)  Process of getting local data in both initially and for updates..  Frequency of updates for different data sets

14 Standard GIS/visualization functionality: zoom/pan moving around the map Additional GIS functionality/analysis Upload/add your own data? Easy to do links to websites/data/webcams/etc identify (attributes) queries (categories, future topic) Printing: presentation quality analysis, Graphing capability (Clim/HydroDB) searching

15  Map web services: use existing sources  Centralized @LNO with remote manager access  Arcmap templates for symbology /cartography  Common look/theme for all sites  Sites can easily add additional data  Run on multiple browsers  Interface that sites can use ◦ update in one place ◦ Ability to imbed applications/service into their website

16  Data format ◦ Shape files ◦ Geodatabases (file) ◦ SDE  LNO or at another site (AND or BNZ) ◦ Rasters and images (sde or raster catalog)  Data organization ◦ Centralized layers (network wide) vs 26 individual site layers  Map/Image Services ◦ Network level and site level

17  ArcServer has been loaded onto LNO server  Team has remote access  Initial testing this summer  Feedback/input from PI’s  Looking at some Network level data sets ◦ Base data for look across all sites ◦ EcoTrends data, ecoregions, geology, elevation, etc.  Workshop at IM meeting in September

18  Keep the project very focused  Small group of core people  Divide up tasks  Try many things, be open to different ideas  Need to communicate with the network office  Face to Face meetings are key  Communicate with the community ◦ 2 VTC’s at our workshop, demo at Science Council  Document processes  Ask for resources/skills your team needs  Sites need to update their data in SiteDB

19 Products : Phase 1 Application at LNO Beginning Google Maps API Instructions for LTER Sites Maps_API.pdf Phase 2 Application (in development) Linkage between EML and LTERmapS Linkage to Network level remotely sensed images Expandable to other Network Information System modules. Access to Network level spatial data sets Posters/papers at GIS conferences


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