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1.Fundamental equations and concepts 2.Balanced flow and vortex motion 3.Waves 4.Instabilities 5.Nonlinear phenomena An Introduction to Geophysical Fluid.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Fundamental equations and concepts 2.Balanced flow and vortex motion 3.Waves 4.Instabilities 5.Nonlinear phenomena An Introduction to Geophysical Fluid."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Fundamental equations and concepts 2.Balanced flow and vortex motion 3.Waves 4.Instabilities 5.Nonlinear phenomena An Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics YODEN Shigeo Department of Geophysics, Kyoto University The 2nd KAGI-21 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL: Aug. 15-27, 2005

2 1. Fundamental equations and concepts 1.1 Fundamental equations for Newtonian fluids

3  Continuity equation conservation law of mass advection (Lagrange) form flux form  Momentum equation conservation law of momentum (Navie-Stokes Eq.) ~0

4  advection vs. diffusion linear advection-diffusion equation (1D) nonlinear advection-diffusion equation: Burgers equation  Brownian motion Langevin equation for a particle stochastic motions of a huge ensemble of particles ?

5  Energy equation conservation law of total energy (internal + kinetic) 1st law of thermodynamics (dU=ΔW + ΔQ ) entropy conservation of entropy in adiabatic conditions

6  Equation of state ideal gas Boussinesq fluid in the buoyancy term, and ρ=constant in the other terms incompressible fluid

7  stress tensor momentum equation for continuum Cauchy’s 1st law of motion conservation law of angular momentum Cauchy’s 2nd law of motion for Newtonian fluids p : pressure

8 H L Advection of finite fluid elements in a steady 2D flow  deformation rate deformation rate tensor strain rate tensor  elongation-contraction rate  shear strain rate vorticity

9 1.2 Fundamental equations in a rotating frame  momentum equation in a rotating frame an orthogonal inertial frame with a set of unit vectors a rotating frame with which rotates with a constant angular velocity : position, velocity, and acceleration Coriolis force and centrifugal force CoCe

10  inertial oscillation free motion of a particle on a rotating plane without Ce if we put inertial oscillation with a period of 2π/f (=π/Ω) inertial circle with a radius of |W 0 /f |

11  momentum equation on the rotating Earth a spherical coordinate + rotation Ω ⇒ (longitude λ, latitude φ, radius r ) traditional approximation (r =a +z ; |z | << a ) conservation of angular momentum?

12 2. Balanced flow and vortex motion 2.1 Steady axisymmetric vortex in a rotating frame  constant density fluid a cylindrical coordinate (r, θ, z ) 2D motion independent of z + rotation Ω steady axisymmetric motion balance in centrifugal, Coriolis, and pressure grad. forces

13  Rossby number Ro = Centrifugal force / Coriolis force = v / (2Ωr )  cyclostrophic-flow balance Ro >> 1 ex. tornado bathtub vortex  gradient-flow balance Ro ~ 1 ex. typhoon

14  geostrophic-flow balance Ro << 1 ex. circumpolar vortex  inertial flow Pressure grad. force ~ 0

15 2.2 Circulation and vorticity  circulation theorem velocity, vorticity, and circulation Bjerknes’ circulation theorem Kelvin’s circulation theorem (by Stokes’s theorem) (solenoid term) B : baroclinic vector for barotropic fluid: B =0, or ρ = (p )

16  vorticity equation momentum equation in a vector invariant form vorticity equation tilting term and stretching term  in a rotating system momentum equation and vorticity equation

17 2.3 Potential vorticity  conservation of potential vorticity –ideal gas potential vorticity potential vorticity equation  for inviscid fluid under conservative external forces PV thinking  invertibility: P ⇒ other dynamical quantities (u, T, ・・・ )  conserved in Lagrangian motion  combination with other conserved quantities: (Θ, q, ・・・ ) s : entropy or potential temperature Θ

18  conservation of potential vorticity –shallow water shallow water equations potential vorticity equation

19 2.3 Vortex motions  Rankin vortex circular vortex patch  Contour dynamics evolution of vortex patch ex. elliptic vortex elongated one is unstable

20  stratospheric polar vortex  point vortex Fujiwara effect Karman vortices Karman vortices around Robinson Crusoe Island DeFelice et al. (2000, BAMS ) McIntyre and Palmer (1983, Nature ) Fujii (2001)

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