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Center Grove High School 2011-12 Course Selection Senior Year (Current 11 th Grade)

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1 Center Grove High School 2011-12 Course Selection Senior Year (Current 11 th Grade)

2 You Should Have… ► 2011-12 Academic Guide ► 12 th Grade Course Selection Sheet ► Scheduling Information Sheet ► Online Scheduling Guidelines

3 Step by Step 1. If you do not have an Academic Guide, you will need to access the AG on the guidance website. 2. You must have a parent signature on your scheduling sheet. 3. Choose 7 courses and a study hall for each semester. (Total 16) 4. If you are currently in EC or plan on being in EC next year, you will have a separate schedule form to fill out. 5. College Prep Courses: 4…preferably 5. 6. Choose Alternative Courses

4 Looking at the fine print ► Central Nine Applications ► National Honor Society ► Recommendations: Teacher’s Stamp of Approval ► Application Electives: Make sure you choose Alternative Courses ► Summer School ► NCAA Clearinghouse

5 Schedule Changes ► Course selections are final and cannot be changed after May 1, 2011, unless the following exists: May 1, 2011, unless the following exists: Need to meet high school graduation requirements Need to meet college entrance requirements Need to balance over-crowded classes An error in computer entry Late staff changes Requested changes related to teacher assignments, lunch assignments, class periods, etc. will not be considered. If you select a year long course, you are committed to that course for the entire year…you cannot drop at semester.

6 Important Dates ► Parent Scheduling Information Night January 19, 2011 at 7pm ► Incomplete Schedules will be returned to the student for correction. ► Schedule requests must be completed online by January 26, 2011. The paper schedule request forms are also due at this time in the guidance office. ► Counselor will set up individual appointments once a completed schedule is returned.







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