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Yossi, 24, a former Golani soldier. CS student at TAU. Wishes to return for his days of glory in the army Tried to get in shape several times but eventually.

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2 Yossi, 24, a former Golani soldier. CS student at TAU. Wishes to return for his days of glory in the army Tried to get in shape several times but eventually gave up Gets Bored with his usual workout Michal, 25, studies at TAU as well. Yossi’s best friend. Wishes to loose weight can’t workout without a partner Needs motivation Very competitive Yossi and Michal are living far away from each other, so training together is not comfortable.

3 Before workout Find team partners Get/Set workout program Challenge other teams During workout Monitor workout on live GPS tracker Check team progress in real time Push and encourage one another After workout Watch team and individual progress Win team Challenges and post on Facebook



6 first Milestone : Android application: - basic UI - client server communication establishment Website: - basic UI second Milestone : Android application: - finalized UI - client side implementation Website: - Facebook/Google+ synchronization - partial server side implementation final Milestone : Android application: - live map tracking, user communication Website: - finalized server side

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