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Published byRudolf Small Modified over 9 years ago
4-1 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Particles and Fields Package Pre-Environmental Review May 22 -23, 2012 04 - Verification Dave Curtis, PFP Package Manager Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) Mission
4-2 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Requirements Management PFP Flight System Requirements at Level 3 (excluding Mission Assurance): –PFP Functional Requirements Document, MAVEN-PFIS-RQMT-0016 –PFP to Spacecraft ICD, MAVEN-SC-ICD-0007 –Environmental Requirements Document, MAVEN-SYS-RQMT-0010 Requirements are managed by PFP in Excel and transferred to/from DOORS by MAVEN Project –Coordinated with LM for ICD Requirements Requirements are flowed down to the instruments and subsystems, but final verification is reported (and often verified) at Level 3 –When a lower-level verification is the final verification for a requirement, that verification is formally mapped to the Level 3 requirement, and the verification documentation is included Requirements documents are current to all design changes and have been mapped into the Verification Matrix
4-3 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Verification Documents PFP Verification Plan MAVEN_PF_SYS_023 PFP I&T Plan MAVEN_PF_SYS_022 PFP Verification Matrix MAVEN_PF_SYS_033 –ERD verification reviewed by Project –ICD instrument verifications agreed with LM –LASP/LPW, GSFC/MAG and IRAP/SWEA Verifications included
4-4 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Sample of Verification Matrix
4-5 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Responsibilities Cognizant Engineer listed as lead for closing each requirement on the Verification Matrix –Writes needed plans & procedures and report –Coordinates and Oversees testing, analysis, etc. Systems Engineer oversees & tracks verification process –Signs off on verification tests and reports to ensure that verification is complete –Periodically reports to Project, who import the Verification Matrix into DOORS & review verification documentation. Other parties included in review & approval of verification –PM, QA, Lead Engineer, System Engineer, others as appropriate –Project is reviewing all supporting verification data in detail
4-6 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Requirements Verification Status L3 Verifications to date based mostly on analysis and inspection –But instrument CPT verifications starting to come in FSW L4/5 Requirements flow up into FRD & ICD requirements, included here for reference. –Op FSW verification completed with Build 3 ATR ~10/2012 Type# Requirements# Verified FRD10716 ERD10638 ICD14234 FSW – Op20685 FSW - Boot68
4-7 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Verification Activities Analysis. –A lot of this is done (such as structural analysis, presented at CDR) Inspection –Some of this is done, such as inspection of harness design to verify it meets design requirements –Requirements verified by inspection of the flight hardware are still pending (such as verifying that the flight unit conforms to the MICD). Software Acceptance Test –Complete for Boot code, pending for Operational code. Functional Test (such as CPT) –Component-level test status described in Instrument sections –Package level Integration & Test just started Calibrations –At instrument level. A lot of L3 FRD science requirements verified this way. –EUV, MAG complete. LPW, SWEA, SWIA almost complete. STATIC, SEP pending –Calibration reports pending Environmental Test –Magnetics, EMC, Vibration, Acoustics, Thermal Vac/Balance –EMC at package level, the rest at component level
4-8 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Spacecraft Interface Verification PFP Subsystem and system level testing performed with a SSL- developed spacecraft simulator described in the EGSE section –The EM DCB hardware interface was tested with the spacecraft EM payload interface, providing a verification of the spacecraft simulator hardware (4/2011) –The PFP ‘High Fidelity Simulator’ (including EM DCB & REG plus instrument simulators) was integrated to the spacecraft STL, providing a verification of the spacecraft simulator software (2/2012) –LM will provide a ‘suitcase’ spacecraft power system simulator to SSL to interface to the Flight PFP following package I&T to verify the power interface. (7/2012) The lower-level ICD interface requirements are verified at the PFDPU level and/or through Software Acceptance Test –Interface signal levels and timing –Command and Telemetry formatting, timing Higher level ICD requirements verified at the Package level –End-to-end command and telemetry, safing, etc. (6/2012)
4-9 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Integration and Test flow [1]
4-10 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Integration and Test flow [2]
4-11 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 MAG I&T MAG is fabricated at GSFC MAG has been functionally tested, calibrated, and the sensor vibrated at GSFC –Using SSL-provided PFDPU simulator EGSE MAG has been delivered to SSL and the electronics will be integrated into the PFDPU –Followed by functional testing to verify performance not degraded –MAG electronics environmental test with PFDPU Following Suite I&T and EMC tests, MAG sensor Thermal Vac will take place at SSL –With PFDPU
4-12 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 SEP I&T Instrument fabricated at SSL –Board level functional testing –Attenuator functional testing –SSD test, Select –Magnets test, select –Instrument integration Instrument bench CPT –Uses radiation source –Uses PFDPU Simulator EGSE Collimator scattered light test Instrument Calibrated –Existing automated calibration facility –End-to-End test SEP electronics integrated into the PFDPU –Followed by functional testing to verify performance not degraded –SEP Electronics (DAP) environmental tests with PFDPU Following Suite I&T and EMC tests, SEP Sensor: –Vibration (near by subcontractor facility) –Magnetics Screening –Thermal Vac
4-13 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 LPW / EUV I&T LPW Booms and Preamps have been fabricated at SSL EUV sensor and LPW electronics have been fabricated at LASP –Board level functional using SSL-provided PFDPU simulator EGSE –EUV calibration testing –EUV Vibration, Thermal Vac, Magentics screeing completed Integrated LPW CPT and Calibration at SSL complete –LPW Boom+preamp, LASP electronics LPW electronics has been integrated into the PFDPU –To be followed by functional testing to verify performance not degraded –LPW Electronics (BEB/DFB) environmental test with PFDPU Following Suite I&T and EMC tests: –LPW Boom Vibration (near by subcontractor facility) –LPW boom Magnetics Screening –LPW Boom Thermal Vac –LPW sensor Thermal vac
4-14 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 LPW Boom Deployments Boom deployment testing takes place at the component level (LPW). ‘Tuning’ deployments are complete –Minor adjustments made A baseline deployment will occur prior to LPW environmental tests. A second deployment will occur after vibration In addition, during component level thermal vacuum tests, there will be one deployment at hot and one at cold.
4-15 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 STATIC, SWIA I&T Instrument fabricated at SSL –Board level functional testing –MCP test –Instrument integration Instrument bench CPT –No high voltage –Uses internal test pulser –Uses PFDPU Simulator EGSE Instrument calibrated at SSL –SWIA through preliminary calibration –STATIC will complete ‘functional verification’ prior to integration with package –Final STATIC calibrations and final SWIA Cal deferred to after package integration Following Suite I&T and EMC tests: –Deferred calibrations –Vibration (near by subcontractor facility) –STATIC Acoustics (subcontractor) –Magnetics Screening –Thermal Vac –Final test in cal chamber
4-16 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 SWEA I&T SWEA Analyzer fabricated in CESR (France) –Board level functional testing –MCP test –Instrument integration Instrument calibrated at CESR Analyzer delivered to SSL Digital Electronics & LVPS fabricated at SSL –Board level functional tests Instrument is integrated at SSL –Bench CPT using PFDPU Simulator EGSE Instrument calibrations at SSL –Subset of CESR tests to ensure system functionality complete Following Suite I&T and EMC tests: –Vibration (near by subcontractor facility) –Magnetics Screening –Thermal Vac
4-17 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 PFDPU I&T PFDPU electronics (excluding instrument electronics) fabricated at SSL –Board level functional tests –Uses Instrument Simulator GSE, Spacecraft Simulator GSE PFDPU integrated & tested –Install Acceptance-tested Flight Software Integrate Instrument Electronics –Integrated PFDPU CPT Following Suite I&T and EMC tests: –Vibration (near by subcontractor facility) –Magnetics Screening –Thermal Vac
4-18 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Package I&T The PFDPU is being integrated (DCB, REG, IIB, MAG, LPW electronics) –SEP to be integrated shortly –Functional test to verify interfaces and compatibility The remaining instruments are integrated –SWEA, SWIA, STATIC A baseline CPT test is performed A self-compatibility test is performed –Verify instruments don’t interfere with each other (no increase in noise levels, no lost telemetry packets); same test mode used for EMC susceptibility tests EMC testing is completed at the Package level –RE, RS, CE, CS, Transients, Inrush –Flight and flight like harnesses –Near-by subcontractor facility –Instruments bagged and purged Remaining environments are done at the Component level Final pre-delivery package CPT
4-19 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Functional Test Plan Instrument-level CPTs are mostly complete –Except STATIC Package integration is just starting Package Functional Test Plan MAVEN_PF_SYS_039 –Coordinates testing procedure inputs from the team –Starts with Initial Integration of each Instrument Safe to Mate Initial Power Turn-On Inrush measurement –Then a CPT for each instrument Based on instrument CPT, modified for package-level Biggest difference is the telemetry formats; PFDPU significantly reduces the data volume to meet the allocation; new GSE displays for the new formats Also run the shorter LPT –Then a Self Compatibility Test Verifies all the instruments work together and PFDPU can handle the load –Flight Software Tests One-time test to verify software functionality on the flight hardware –Software previously verified by simulation, in the DVF, and on the EM Excludes things covered by CPT CPT repeated post-environments, prior to delivery A modified version of CPT will be run in ATLO
4-20 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Day in the Life Test Simulation of one Science orbit of operation (4.5 hours) Runs the instruments as they would be operated on orbit Includes mode and telemetry rate changes Includes fault protection demonstration –SEP Sun In FOV –SWEA/SWIA/STATIC high density HV protection (Deep Dip) –EUV RAM protection Will be run on EM setup –Mostly a software test –HV operation cannot be performed on Flight unit –Command script being generated now.
4-21 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Subset of Day-in-the-Life Sequence
4-22 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Calibrations Calibrations at the Instrument level form the bulk of the performance verifications. EUV, LPW, and SWEA have completed calibrations –Instrument meet performance requirements Preliminary SEP and SWIA calibrations complete STATIC, and Final SWIA, SEP calibrations have been deferred until later in the I&T flow so as not to delay package integration. –They have completed sufficient functional verifications (including time in the calibration chamber) to ensure that it is highly unlikely that there will be any surprises during final calibrations –Extensive EM calibration has been performed on the EM units providing confidence that FM calibration will result in no surprises More details in the instrument sections.
4-23 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Environmental Tests MAVEN ERD defines component level environmental test requirements –MAVEN-SYS-RQMT-10 Major Environment Tests on FM include –Random Vibe –Acoustics STATIC, Acceptance Levels based on EM testing –Self-shock for deployables –Thermal Vac –Thermal Balance (SWEA, STATIC, SEP) –EMC (RE, RS, CE, CS) –Magnetics EM environments –STATIC TOF Acoustics, Random Vibe –MAG Thermal Balance
4-24 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 ERD Table 22 for PFP
4-25 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Trending All analog housekeeping values are limit-checked in real time Selected housekeeping (voltages, currents) and science data (detector background/noise, gains) will be logged during each CPT and trended –Starting with instrument CPTs –All telemetry is logged and so can also be trended as desired Operations logs maintained for each instrument including: –Configurations –Operating hours –Connector mate/demate –Actuator operations, deployments, etc.
4-26 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Test as you Fly Exceptions LPW boom deployment –LPW boom will be stowed for most testing –LPW boom deployment requires special MGSE which is not compatible with the ATLO environment See Approved Gold Rule waiver SWEA/SWIA/STATIC HV –SWEA, SWIA, STATIC high voltage can only be operated in vacuum –End-to-end electrical tests utilize internal test pulser –Operate HV in calibration, thermal vac LPW preamps thermal vac prior to vibration Functional tests use augmented telemetry rates –Exercises spacecraft interface capability –But Day in the Life use flight-like telemetry rates
4-27 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Single Point Failures PFP FTA presented at CDR –MAVEN_PF_QA_004, no change PFP FMEA presented at CDR –MAVEN_PF_QA_006, 007; no change PFDPU common elements are redundant Instruments are single string, but back each other up –Per Project “Instrument Backups, Overlap, and Redundancy” document –Exception is STATIC, which is an accepted single point failure which can cause loss of a mission objective (Level 2) Additional analysis and test for STATIC have been completed per MAR
4-28 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Limited Life Items Limited Life Items List presented at CDR –MAVEN_PF_QA_008 Since then life testing has successfully completed on EM units to at least twice mission life –SWIA/STATIC Attenuator Mechanism –SEP Attenuator Mechanism –EUV Aperture Mechanism –SWEA/SWIA/STATIC/EUV 1-time door –LPW boom deployment –LPW preamp relays More details in Instrument sections on these tests
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