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When I am embedding under, I do not close the li tag until I complete the items that are embedded. Looking at outlines.

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Presentation on theme: "When I am embedding under, I do not close the li tag until I complete the items that are embedded. Looking at outlines."— Presentation transcript:

1 When I am embedding under, I do not close the li tag until I complete the items that are embedded. Looking at outlines.

2 The list-style-type lets you choose upper-roman, upper-alpha etc. The default is digits.

3 Setting up a map of an image. Note that the img src refers to the name of the map. Use name and id in naming the map for the best browser compatibility. Looking at mapping.


5 Go to a package like paint or photoshop to get the coordinates. Coordinat es show here.

6 This example uses rectangle, you can also use circle and polygon. Circle requires a center point and a radius. Polygon requires a series of points to move to.


8 Looking at forms. I would not put the ENTER.. here because I prefer having the box blank.


10 If you look at the code, the form sets up an email.




14 Looking at iframes.


16 What is important to think about when developing a web site.


18 Mapping the pages and linking back.


20 Allows you to put up a page that links to news about your topic.

21 Starting to look more at CSS and external style sheets.




25 Shows difference in different browsers because I was not clear enough about the border.

26 Specified color of border.





31 Another example of a class. A class uses.followed by a name for the class. It can then be applied to a tag.


33 div.picbox can only be applied to a division

34 I tried to apply.picbox to a paragraph and it did not work.


36 Another way to link to an external style sheet.

37 Style totally in the external style sheet.


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