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1 A very special text. 2 Today40 years ago Religion is important to us.

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Presentation on theme: "1 A very special text. 2 Today40 years ago Religion is important to us."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A very special text

2 2 Today40 years ago Religion is important to us

3 3 We know the Lord’s Prayer Today40 years ago

4 4 The Lord’s Prayer ?? ? ? ?

5 5 ‘This is how you should pray. “Our Father in heaven, may your name be honoured.”’ Matthew 6:9

6 6 Thank you Santa

7 7 Who do Christians pray to?

8 ? ? 8 God ? ?

9 9 ‘This is how you should pray. “Our Father in heaven, may your name be honoured.”’ Matthew 6:9

10 10 ‘I am walking proof of the power of prayer. For 78 minutes I was dead and even if I lived was expected to have suffered brain damage.’ Fabrice Muamba

11 11 ‘But I’m very much alive and sitting here talking now. Someone up there was watching over me. On the morning of the game I prayed with my father and asked God to protect me – and he didn’t let me down.’ Fabrice Muamba

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