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15 th January 2016 “Shine like a star” Estera Mamai “Estera is a delight to have at Brownhill. Everyday she comes into school; is kind, polite and respectful.

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2 15 th January 2016 “Shine like a star”

3 Estera Mamai “Estera is a delight to have at Brownhill. Everyday she comes into school; is kind, polite and respectful to all staff and pupils. Easy things to do, but Estera never forgets and makes 6K a fantastic place to be. Thank you!”

4 Esdras Zagbayou “Since returning from the holidays Esdras has shown a new and improved attitude to both his work and his behaviour. He is also becoming a fantastic role model for others within the class.”

5 Estera Mamai “For returning to class from 'step up' class in a positive way and always giving her best!”

6 Callum Seals “For some fantastic maths work this week. He is now solving some complex problems involving the area and permimeter of composite shapes. All is hard work and determination is paying off. Keep it up!”

7 Ruby Hawkins “Ruby has made excellent progress with her swimming. Well done, keep it up!”

8 Grish Singh “Grish has produced some fantastic work this week in English. He has written a diary entry in the first person and used lots of exciting vocabulary. I am very proud of you!”

9 Yasmeen Hussain “Yasmeen is a conscientious and hard working pupil, who can always be relied upon to do the right thing.”

10 Masoud Addisa “Masoud produces beautifully presented work at all times. His writing is exceptionally neat and his work is always a pleasure to read and mark!”

11 Charlie Richardson “For writing a brilliant diary entry. Charlie put in a lot of effort and demonstrated he can use a great range of punctuation and can confidently write in the past tense. Well done!”

12 Evelyn Dyson “ ​ Evie is a joy to teach. She always contributes wonderful ideas in all lessons. She produces maths and English work to a high standard in every lesson. Well done Evie!”

13 Cara-Leigh Dooley-Airth “Cara is making fantastic progress in all areas of her learning. She always looks after others and is a very kind friend! Well done Cara!”

14 Riley Massey ​​ “Since coming back from the holidays, I have seen a huge improvement in Riley's behaviour. He has been very keen to complete work to a good standard. You should be very proud of yourself! ”

15 Katarina Matova “Katarina has done some brilliant counting this week and can now count to 100. Well done Katarina, we are proud of you.”

16 Star and smiley certificates


18 Which team has earned the most team points this week?


20 Class Y6K With 97.3%

21 Class 2L With 1 late

22 Thank you for Brownhill School. Let us respect ourselves, each other, our school and our world. Let us make the right choices so we can learn and play together in peace and happiness. Amen

23 Give Me Oil in my Lamp. 1 1. Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning. Give me oil in my lamp, I pray. Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning. Keep me burning till the break of day. Chorus: Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, Sing hosanna to the King of Kings! Sing hosanna, sing hosanna Sing hosanna to the King!

24 2. Give me joy in my heart, keep me singing. Give me joy in my heart, I pray. Give me joy in my heart, keep me singing, Keep me singing till the break of day. Chorus: Sing hosanna..........

25 3. Give me love in my heart, keep me serving. Give me love in my heart, I pray. Give me love in my heart, keep me serving, Keep me serving till the break of day. Chorus: Sing hosanna..........

26 4. Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting. Give me peace in my heart, I pray. Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting, Keep me resting till the break of day. Chorus: Sing hosanna..........


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