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The Scarlet Letter Chapter 13: Another View of Hester By- Alex Steinmehl, Chelsey Meade, Tasha Dewey, Taylor Valerio.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scarlet Letter Chapter 13: Another View of Hester By- Alex Steinmehl, Chelsey Meade, Tasha Dewey, Taylor Valerio."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scarlet Letter Chapter 13: Another View of Hester By- Alex Steinmehl, Chelsey Meade, Tasha Dewey, Taylor Valerio

2 Summary Seven years have passed since pearl ’ s birth Hester continues to aid the less fortunate and work diligently as an atonement for her sins Society begins to notice her helping others, and although still scorned, people begin to see the “ A ” as “ able ” rather than “ adulterer ”

3 Summary Throughout this humiliating experience where she had to borne the sorrow and shame of her sin, Hester herself has changed Hester used to be passionate and absolute in her beauty, now she strictly helps people and doesn ’ t show any presence of affection, love, or passion. She remains to be cold, severe, and drab.

4 Summary Hester begins to speculate, about life as a woman in her Puritan society. If it were not for Pearl and Hester ’ s responsibilities for her, Hester would have most likely questioned or even revolted against their way of life. Pearl continues to be her menacing self, and Hester also begins to wonder if something is “ amiss ” or wrong with Pearl.

5 Summary Hester comtemplates the damage she is doing Dimmesdale by not revealing real Chillingworth ’ s identity. Dimmesdale ’ s sermons continue to be praised, but Dimmesdale is in severe pain and stress from the overwhelming sin and guilt, causing him to quickly becoming mentally unstable.

6 Vocabulary Pristine: original or characteristic of an earlier period Pauper: a person without any means of support, esp. a destitute person who depends on aid from public welfare funds or charity Taper: to become smaller or thinner toward one end.

7 Vocabulary Zealous: full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or diligent Benign: having a kindly disposition; gracious Austerity: austere quality; severity of manner, life, etc.; sternness. Auspicious: favored by fortune; prosperous; fortunate.

8 Questions What do the townspeople believe the “ A ” on Hester ’ s chest stands for now? What is Hester ’ s view of the changing opinion of the townspeople? How has Hester changed? What is Hester planning to tell Dimmesdale? Why?

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