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 Activity: In groups of 4, take chart paper/piece of paper from your notes and draw a picture of an ideal man AND an ideal woman.

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Presentation on theme: " Activity: In groups of 4, take chart paper/piece of paper from your notes and draw a picture of an ideal man AND an ideal woman."— Presentation transcript:

1  Activity: In groups of 4, take chart paper/piece of paper from your notes and draw a picture of an ideal man AND an ideal woman.

2  With a different colour marker, draw a picture of a realistic man/woman

3  How does your first set of drawings differ from the second?  How realistic is the “ideal body image”?  Where do these ideal images come from?  Identify the differences between ideal male and female body images.  What effect do these images have on body image?

4  Body image refers to “an individual’s perception of his/her body”  Body image is the mental picture a person has of his/her physical appearance, and the attitudes and feelings a person has towards their body.

5  Handout

6  k k

7  How might somebody with a positive body image describe themselves and their body?

8  Anything you would like to ask anonymously, pop in the question box!  As always, feel free to ask questions in class!











19 Society is obsessed with perfect bodies.

20 An unhealthy perception of our bodies (Body image)



23 Achieve Wellness PP Video clips\Tyra_Banks_KISS_MY_FAT_ASS._].mp4 Tyra makes a statement about body image.

24  Brainstorm a few larger sized men and women in television shows.  How are larger men and women portrayed in television shows?


26  The groundbreaking Dove campaign for Real beauty was created to help raise self esteem in girls and young women  The campaign is a global effort intended to serve as a starting point for societal change and act as a means for widening the definition and discussion of beauty  Girls and women of all ages benefit from the campaign as we explore what it is to be beautiful with our friends, coworkers, mothers and daughters Why?  Only 2%of women around the world describe themselves as beautiful  Two thirds of women strongly agree that “the media and advertising set an unrealistic standard of beauty that most women can’t ever achieve

27 Dove campaign for Real Beauty includes controversial ads of real women with real curves in their underwear, a Superbowl ad promoting self-esteem among girls. Many individuals, corporations and associations have proudly joined forces with Dove to make a difference in the lives of women and girls across the nation.



30 Achieve Wellness PP Video clips\Beauty_Pressure.mp4

31 1. Roughly speaking, how many ads do you think you’re exposed to in a typical school day? (on your phone, on buses, in windows, etc.)? 1. Can you describe some of these ads and name the company selling you their product? 1. Do you think the message and images they show are real?

32 Achieve Wellness PP Video clips\dove_evolution.mp4

33 1. Why are so many print and digital beauty images enhanced today? What does that say about our society? 1. Which changes or enhancements were most surprising to you?

34  When people are unable to think positively about themselves, this compromises your mental health.  People may then adopt unhealthy eating patterns such as fasting for long period of time, eating too much for a long period of time, taking anabolic steroids, or following a fad or crash diet.  This can lead to extreme, unhealthy behaviour conditions such as eating disorders.  This can lead to doing irreversible harm to their bodies and put their physical and mental health at risk.

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