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CH 36 Post War Prosperity and The Cold War Begins.

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1 CH 36 Post War Prosperity and The Cold War Begins

2 Period 2 We have a lot to cover today (Ch. 36). Get ready to begin the lecture, as we are starting ASAP due to the longevity of the material/ chapter.

3 Post WWII American Economy; Inflation; Defense Jobs; Labor Strikes; Taft-Hartley Act Troops Return to Post-War America; Anxiety, Why?; Employment Act 1946 (Keynesian Economics); Results? G.I Bill of Rights; Results? – Sunbelt Migration, Home Construction/ Purchasing, College Enrollment How was the post war inflation a “blessing in disguise”? Middle class grows

4 Post War Boom; Superpowers; 20 years; New Household Items; New Electronics (home and work  service sector); Credit Card Roots of Prosperity; WWII (how?); Military Projects; Gov. Spending; Results  new industries, productivity, cheap energy (car culture) Sunbelt Migration (White Flight); Suburbia; Pull Factors; Results  tax paying dollars, political power  one man, one vote; poverty Levittown; William Levitt; Mass Production; Pennsylvania & N.J; Prices  Criticisms American Businesses; Multi-National; Franchise Businesses  Criticisms

5 Culture of Consumerism; Culture; Consumerism; Credit; Reasons? 1. Median Family Income 2. Credit Card; Buy now pay later; Leads to… Baby Boom Generation; Dr. Spock; Issues with S.S, Strain on Manufacturing and later Job Markets Ideal Family Life; Nuclear Family; Men Financially Supported Family, Women Raised Kids, MASS CULTURE  ads; typical message Women’s Roles; WWII v. 1950s; Why? Music  Elvis Presley; T.V. Shows; Mickey Mouse Club, I Love Lucy Critics reject 1950s culture; Beatniks; object to conformity; no individualism

6 The Big Three; Yalta Conference, Feb. 1945; What was discussed (Poland, Bulgaria, Romania)? President Truman; As a politician; Schooling Potsdam Conference, July 1945; What is discussed? Results? Emerging World Powers; What does each want?; Business as usual post-war Shaping Post War World; 1. United Nations  Universal Declaration of Human Rights 2. G.A.T.T Cold War

7 Iron Curtain (March 1946); George Kennan & Containment; Truman Doctrine (Turkey & Greece); Marshall Plan (1947/48); Berlin Blockade; Airlift Rearming for Cold War; Dept. of Defense(1947); CIA; N.A.T.O; Selective Service Act (1948) –Result- Warsaw Pact Arms Race; 1949; Spread of Communism = Spread of Nuclear Power

8 Election of 1948; Divided Democrats; Desegregated Army; Fair Deal (healthcare) 80 th Congress “Do Nothing” Congress; John Dewey (R) v. Harry S. Truman (D)  Truman Wins

9 Post War Asia; Japan; China  Civil War; Mao Zedong; Jiang Jieshi; American Support; Communism Cold War “Hot Spots”; Korean War (1950-53); 38 th Parallel; U.N; Invasion; McArthur’s Plan; Issues with China; Stalemate McArthur v. Truman; Limited War; Election of 1952 (Eisenhower’s Plan); Armistice  DMZ SEATO

10 The Red Scare; Civil Liberties; Communist Party of the U.S & The Smith Act HUAC; Communist Hunt; Hollywood 10  Arthur Miller; Whittaker Chambers & Alger Hiss; Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin; Senatorial Election of 1950; McCarthyism  reckless accusations; censure

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