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Copyright Licenses at VUW Copyright ©2004 Stephen Marshall distributed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (

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1 Copyright Licenses at VUW Copyright ©2004 Stephen Marshall distributed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License ( Note: I am not a lawyer, this is provided for information purposes only. If you have a need for advice on copyright matters please consult a lawyer

2 Licences:  CLL Copyright Licence –Print materials  Screenrights –Recordings of broadcasts  Databases  Academic contract

3 CLL Copyright Licence Allows for the following copying:  up to 10% or one chapter of a work, whichever is the larger;  up to 15 pages of a single work in a collection of works even if the work is published separately;  one article from a periodical publication - additional articles if they are on the same subject;  an artistic work (such as an illustration) published in a work;  a repeat copy from a work within 14 days of it last being copied provided that it is not for the same paper, unit or module of a course of study;  an out of print work, by photocopying only, subject to prior confirmation from CLL that the work is unavailable in sufficient quantity within a reasonable time at the normal price. Electronic copying of a whole work under this clause is specifically excluded.

4 CLL Copyright Licence Does not allow copying of  works stipulating that they may not be copied under a copyright reprography licence of this nature;  works downloaded from the Internet;  printed music (including the words);  loose maps and charts;  unpublished religious orders of service;  New Zealand newspapers (from October 2003);  house journals (publications for employees);  photographs and/or illustrations published separately from a textual work;  privately owned work issued for tuition purposes and limited to a clientele who pay fees; or  theses, dissertations and student papers.

5 CLL Copyright Licence Electronic copies can be distributed by means of:  a password protected Intranet; or  email; or  a CD/DVD The following notice must be displayed: Copyright Warning Notice This material may be used only for the Victoria University of Wellington’s educational purposes. It includes extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licences. You may not copy or distribute any part of this material to any other person. Where this material is provided to you in electronic format you may only print from it for your own use. You may not make a further copy for any other purpose. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning may expose you to legal action for copyright infringement and/or disciplinary action by the Victoria University of Wellington.

6 CLL Copyright Licence

7 Screenrights Licence  Allows for the recording of broadcast materials “for the educational purposes” of the University  Must keep records of from where and when recordings were made  Must include notice on the recording when it is distributed: “Made only for Victoria University of Wellington’s educational purposes Title of broadcast: [title] Date of broadcast: [date] Date this copy made: [date]”

8 Databases Library databases are protected by contracts  Generally you cannot copy materials from the database and give to your students  Generally you can link, or make copies for own private study and research

9 Academic Contracts All academic work is governed by the following clauses in the contract: 9.0INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 9.1Copyright in any original material of a scholarly, literary, dramatic, musical or artistic nature produced by academic staff shall vest in those staff. This shall include all lecture notes, research materials, and the drafts or published results of research, but shall not extend to materials produced for the administrative work of the University or examination and assessment materials, or teaching materials published by the University. 9.2Other intellectual property (including that which may be subject to a patent) created in the course of the employment of academic staff shall belong to the University. The University's policy on intellectual property states that, "Income earned by the University from its intellectual property should be shared with the employees who created the property according to a formula which provides both proper allowance for the relevant costs and overheads of the University and fair recognition to the creator of the property. Unless otherwise agreed between the University and the employee, the formula should be that used for the distribution of income received from contract research". This includes teaching materials created by your colleagues!

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