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外贸英语函电 Business English Correspondence 上海交通大学出版社.

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1 外贸英语函电 Business English Correspondence 上海交通大学出版社

2 Project 11 Module 4 Execution of a Contract Project 9 Project 10 Project 12 Project 13

3 PART01 PART02 Task 1 Task 2 Project 11 Shipment PART 03 Practice

4 Project 11 Shipment Learning Objectives By the end of this project, you will be able to: ☆ book shipping containers with the shipping company ☆ write shipping advice ☆ ask the buyer to amend the shipping terms and state the reasons ☆ urge the supplier to make shipment

5 Background Transportation is very important because goods sold by the seller have to be delivered to the buyer abroad, and the delivery of goods is made possible by transport services. In order to fulfill an export transaction, transportation should be safe, speedy, accurate and economical. As most world trade is conveyed by sea transport, exporters and importers are more concerned with transport by sea than in other ways. Shipment should be made according to the contract terms. Usually the exporter shall fill in the Shipping Note to book the shipping space or ship. After receiving the Shipping Order from the carrier, the exporter may start to ensure the loading of goods. The exporter should supervise the loading process, and get the bill of lading from the carrier.

6 Upon completion of the shipment, the exporter should send the importer the necessary delivery documents to enable the latter to arrange insurance (Under FOB term), payment and receipt of the goods. Failing to provide these documents in time would result in the exporter’s obligations for compensating for the losses of the importer. A few commonly used transportation documents are listed below.  Shipping Note  Packing List  Bill of lading  Consignment Note (rail, road)  Air Waybill  Parcel Post Receipt  Combined Transport Documents  Arrival Notification

7 Task 1 Urge Shipment Task Suppose that you are an importer of toys (Judy) in Italy and you have placed an order of 500 cases toy cars for the coming Christmas. The agreed date of shipment is Oct. 15, but you haven’t got any clue for the shipment yet. Please write a letter to urge the exporter (Chunk) to effect the shipment as soon as possible, or you will take action to avoid any loss.

8 Writing Skills Common ways to organize your information:

9 Useful Expressions 1. The users are in urgent need of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us for an early delivery. 2. We have been put to considerable inconvenience by the long delay in delivery. We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the orders in accordance with the stipulations of the contract. 3. Please inform us of the date of shipment for contract No. 008. 4. Owing to the manufacturer’s production delay, we have missed the February shipment and loaded your order on the first available March vessel for your destination. Please forgive our action considering the circumstances we are placed in.

10 Specimen Letters Letter 1

11 Task 2 Send Shipping Advice Task You are John, the sales representative of Guangdong Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. According to the Contract (NO. 123), you have shipped the goods on May 6. Please write a shipping advice to the importer (Sony) and inform them of the shipment date/vessel’s name and the documents attached. Names and Numbers of the documents: 一、不可转让的提货单副本一式三份; 二、商业发票一式两份; 三、产地证副本一份; 四、数量证明书副本一份; 五、保险单副本一份。

12 Writing Skills When you write a shipping advice, generally you should pay attention to the following parts:

13 Useful Expressions 1. We wish to advise you that the carrying vessel for the goods under our Contract No. 111 will be shipped by S/S “Lucky” expected to arrive at Shanghai on April 17th. Please contact ABC Co., our shipping agent in Shanghai for loading arrangement. 2. The goods have been packed and marked exactly as directed so that they may be shipped by the first ship available towards the end of this month. 3. We have the pleasure to inform you that the goods have been shipped on S/S “Dragon” today which sails for your port on May 23rd and hope that it will arrive at the destination in perfect condition. 4. Shipment is to be made during April to June in three equal monthly lots. 5. As we mentioned in our last letter, we are in urgent need of the goods and we may be compelled to seek an alternative source of supply. 6. We will make every effort to ship the goods as early as possible and we feel sure that the shipment will be satisfactory to you in every respect.

14 Specimen Letters Letter 2 An exporter writes to the shipping company to book shipping containers

15 Letter 3 An exporter writes to an importer to send the shipping advice

16 Letter 4 An exporter writes to an importer to ask for the amendment to the shipment.


18 Practice I. Translate the following terms. 托运人 _____________________________ 承运人 __________________________ 收货人 _____________________________ 舱位 ____________________________ 运输单据 ___________________________ 装运通知 ________________________ 转运 _______________________________ 运费已付 ________________________ 分运 _______________________________ 运费未付 ________________________ 交货 _______________________________ 提货 ____________________________

19 II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 货物已于前日装运上东方号轮船,直接驶往鹿特丹。 ____________________________________________________________________ 2. 有关第 1001 号合同订购 300 打运动服事宜,至今尚未收到贵公司运货通知。 ____________________________________________________________________ 3. 第 200 号订单所订货物属我方急用,请贵方加快装船速度。 ____________________________________________________________________

20 III. Interpret the following letter into English. Mike: 有关第 1001 号采购合约,条款列明交货日期为 2012 年 5 月。现欲提前于 2012 年 3 至 4 月交货。 本公司对于提早装运该货所引致的不便,极感歉意。然而,实因有急切需要 ,才作此 要求,还望贵公司能加以谅察。 本着贵我双方长期良好的商业联系,相信贵公司定会尽力帮忙。 如蒙帮助,将不胜感激;并请早日赐复。 采购部主任 Keel 谨上 2008 年 5 月 20 日

21 IV. Write a letter to deny the above request of early delivery politely because of no shipping space left for the time acquired.

22 Thanks For your attention

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