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Presentation on theme: " SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 SESSION 2: SPACE DATA COUNTRY OUTREACH & DELIVERY SDCG-9: Frascati, 25-26."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 SESSION 2: SPACE DATA COUNTRY OUTREACH & DELIVERY SDCG-9: Frascati, 25-26 February, 2016

2 SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 GFOI SPACE DATA STRATEGY OVERVIEW Feb 2016 Stephen Ward, SDCG EXEC for Australia SDCG-9: Frascati, 25-26 February, 2016

3 Contents CEOS and SDCG roles CEOS GFOI Space Data Strategy and elements 3

4 CEOS & SDCG The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites coordinates all major civil EO satellite programmes world-wide – 30+ space agencies & currently 135 satellites! CEOS established a dedicated Space Data Coordination Group (SDCG) for GFOI in late 2011 as part of The CEOS Strategy for Space Data Coverage and Continuity in Support of the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) and GEO Forest Carbon Tracking Task (FCT) CEOS...”accepts responsibility for …coordination of the regular and routine (systematic) observations and measurements for effective reporting – ensuring continuity of data supply for maintenance of time series and consistent reporting through GFOI” 4

5 CEOS & SDCG The CEOS Space Data Coordination Group for GFOI has worked with the world’s largest providers of Earth observation data to ensure that all countries have access to the satellite data required for national forest monitoring and annual reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and forest carbon stocks to the UNFCCC under the provisions of REDD+ and consistent with IPCC guidelines If your country wishes to engage in these processes, CEOS SDCG is ready to support the space data aspects 5

6 Scope CEOS Data Strategy CEOS space agencies embrace a range of data policies Missions of all types are of interest for GFOI – and may be needed given the scale of the challenge CEOS Data Strategy - as a matter of principle – focuses on the coordination of data made available for GFOI purposes on a free of charge basis (whilst taking account of known plans for data which is not) The Annual CEOS coordinated acquisition strategy annually will clearly identify observational gaps and needs that might be served by industry or by data donors – dialogue with commercial data providers as appropriate – noting commercial supply arrangements that may exist to satisfy the data requirements for one or more countries – GFOI Project Office can broker communications among user governments and potential data providers, including both CEOS and commercial interests. 6

7 CEOS Data Strategy for GFOI 1.A baseline, coordinated global data acquisition strategy involving a number of ‘core data streams’ that can be used free-of-charge for GFOI purposes. Systematic and sustained wall- to-wall acquisitions of forested areas globally (anticipated to be twice-annual). The default forest observations data for all countries without specific technical requirements, heritage or data preference. 2.A coordinated national data acquisition strategy in response to national needs assessments undertaken in the course of GFOI implementation. Accommodates countries that have specific technical requirements, or heritage and experience on working with a particular data source or type, as well as numerous intergovernmental arrangements that may exist/emerge for supply of certain data to one or more countries. Involves a wider range of satellite data sources (including commercial). 3.Data supply in support of the FCT activities, including in support of: the science studies assisting the development and evolution of the GEO-branded methods and protocol documents for GFOI (MGD); interoperability studies; and validation activities. Includes continuation of National Demonstrator coverage, and acquisitions at the corresponding Validation Sites. 7

8 Core data streams for global baseline The baseline global data acquisition strategy for CEOS will involve coordination of a number of core data streams that satisfy key criteria consistent with the principles for implementation of the GFOI: – core data streams provide sub-30m data free-of-charge for GFOI purposes, consistent with being available in support of any country’s information requirements; – core data stream systems should have a sustained and long-term capacity in coverage, processing and distribution which is consistent with the large (global) scale data requirements of the GFOI. CEOS space agencies embrace a range of data policies. Discussions among CEOS agencies active within the FCT task for the last several years have resulted in consensus on a working list of CEOS agency satellite missions assumed to represent the GFOI Core Satellite Data Streams 8

9 Core data stream candidates Landsat-5/7/8 (optical) – USGS ENVISAT (C-band SAR) – ESA Sentinel-1 series (C-band SAR) – ESA/EC Sentinel-2 series (optical) – ESA CBERS-3 & -4 (optical) – INPE/CRESDA Radarsat Constellation Mission (C-band SAR) – CSA SAOCOM series a candidate 9

10 SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 Core Data Streams 10

11 Global baseline coverage plan AmericasAfricaAsia & PacificNumber of Countries Area (Mkm 2 ) Total Area (Mkm 2 ) 2013: Geo-FCT NDs and GFOI Participating Countries Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Peru, Panama, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, United Republic of Tanzania, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Viet Nam 1520.5205 2014: UN-REDD National Programme Countries WB-FCPF PCs CD-REDD project countries Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay Algeria, Central African Republic, Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People ’ s Democratic Republic, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Vanuatu 3618.539.0 2015: UN-REDD & FCPF Partner countries Other pan-tropical countries Belize, Dominican Republic, Jamaica Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, Bangladesh, Fiji, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, 179.048.0 2016 All remaining countries globally 12784.8132.8

12 SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 Global Baseline Acquisition Strategy for GFOI Absolute minimum requirement is the successful acquisitions of at least one annual national cloud-free optical coverage over each target country. Ultimate aim: inter- and intra-annual multi-mission time-series observations 2013 2014 YearCountriesArea (Mkm 2 )Total Area (Mkm 2 ) 20131520.5 20143618.539.0 2015179.048.0 201612784.8132.8 12

13 SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 Current Mission Status Landsat-7 and -8 are currently operating Landsat-8 acquisitions up to 725 scenes a day, covering all mid-latitude landmasses. Sentinel-1A (ESA/EC) was launched April 2014, and is in routine operations. 1B will be launched April 2016. 3.3Mn product downloads from the ESA user system. Sentinel-2A (ESA/EC) launched Jun 2015 and in commissioning. 10,000+ products available. 2B will launch Jul 2016. Radarsat-2, TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X, and COSMO-SkyMed in operation. ALOS-2 (JAXA) was launched on the 24 th of May 2014 and is also in a commissioning phase. CBERS-4 launched in Dec 2014. 13

14 Further data streams Many more CEOS agency missions which will be able to contribute to systematic national, regional, and global coverage – these include optical high-resolution missions, as well as X-band and L-band SAR Coordination of the national data acquisition strategy for GFOI and of the data supply in support of the FCT activities will involve participation of a larger number of CEOS agencies, and possibly engagement of some commercial operators The CEOS Data Strategy encourages non-core data streams to contribute to the long- term building of consistent wall-to-wall time series archives on scales from national to global – even if an explicit commitment to free-of-charge data provision cannot be guaranteed. Uninterrupted time-series archives of wall-to-wall data are fundamental to the success of GFOI and all interested agencies are encouraged to participate in the GFOI coordinated acquisition strategies, even if future data policies (and indeed national reporting requirements in frameworks such as UNFCCC) are not yet fully defined. 14

15 SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 Contributing Data 15

16 Status Annual reports provided to CEOS 16

17 Element 2 Element 2 requires national needs of individual governments to be explored and coverage to be guaranteed in detail Take account of readiness and existing activities – strategy may be modified if readiness not confirmed Engagement of relevant institutions in-country Establish supply channels and arrangements Practical data coverage strategy and detailed plan for the immediate year ahead Identify role for non-core data streams, engage suppliers 17

18 Element 3 (R&D) 2016 SDCG Plan includes: – First update of the Element 3 strategy document to reflect progress of the GFOI R&D Component, status of engagement of SDCG data stream providers – Dedicated satellite data acquisitions over R&D Study Sites – Distribution of data to the GFOI R&D Study teams – Development of a private sector cooperation strategy in the area of Space Data for R&D activities – Development of an SDCG mechanism for brokering space data requests in support of GFOI R&D activities 18

19 Space Data Portal Understanding Accessing Applying

20 Understanding Role of remote sensing in NFMS Data types and key missions (Core and Contributing) Links to CEOS resources (MIM Database, EO Handbook, Data Policy Portal)

21 Core Data Portals Global Maps Annual Mosaics Special Datasets Tools Accessing

22 MGD and Portal SilvaCarbon and FAO/UN- REDD resources Applying GOFC-GOLD/FCPF training materials Other resources

23 Way Forward The GFOI Space Data Portal is a living resource that will be updated over time Will evolve alongside the MGD Portal Seeking user feedback and suggestions for further content! Feedback

24 SPACE DATA SERVICES Brian Killough, CEOS SEO SDCG-9: Frascati, 25-26 February, 2016

25 Brian Killough CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) February 25, 2016 Space Data Services Session 2: Space Data Country Outreach and Delivery Agenda Item #3

26 GFOI Space Data Services 1.Regional GFOI Space Data Workshops 2.National Space Data Needs Assessments 3.National Historical Coverage Reports 4.Ensured on-going Coverage 5.Satellite Data Discovery, Assembly and Delivery 6.Cloud Storage, Processing and Analysis of Satellite Data

27 How is CEOS supporting? 1.Regional GFOI Space Data Workshops COVE Training for satellite coverage analyses Facilitating training for the use of new satellite datasets, beyond Landsat. 2.National Space Data Needs Assessments Conducting system analyses to assess data storage, processing and analysis requirements 3.National Historical Coverage Reports Produced Landsat country coverage reports for 70 GFOI countries

28 Recent COVE Updates  January 2016: Changed from Google Earth to Cesium for globe interface and added new Custom Mission Tool.  New Missions: Sentinel-1A/2A, CBERS- 4, RCM 1-3 (notional), FY-3C, PROBA-V, TET-1.  New Overlays: Landsat/Sentinel constellation revisit performance, Global Phenology (2001/2014 monthly NDVI Min/Max)  New Analysis Tools: Custom Mission Tool to allow the creation of a notional mission for analyses.  New Archive Links: Sentinel-1A !!!  Future Archive Links: Sentinel-2A

29 Landsat Country Reports The CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) has prepared detailed historic Landsat coverage reports for 70 GFOI countries. The SEO created these reports using automated scripts connected to the Landsat archive. All Landsat scenes (missions 4,5,7,8) from 1990 through 2015 were included. These reports (PDF and EXCEL format) are here: The reports include summary graphs, tables, and other detailed data for every acquired scene (mission, path/row, cloud%, processing level). These reports will be valuable for countries to assess available scenes and cloud cover for future data ordering.

30 How is CEOS supporting? 4.Ensured on-going Coverage Facilitating CEOS Agency interactions to ensure national baseline data 5.Satellite Data Discovery, Assembly and Delivery Assessment of global issues through the recent Global Data Flow report Facilitating solutions with Space Agencies, Capacity Building partners and Countries 6.Cloud Storage, Processing and Analysis of Satellite Data Development of a CEOS Data Cube architecture to enhance data flows Leading National Pilots for testing

31 Data Cube Vision CEOS understands the diversity of country data needs and the need for Data Services to improve data access and use. Countries desire traditional scene-based products, but the expanding amount of data from Landsat and Sentinel will add complexity to storage, processing and downloading. CEOS is investigating the use of a Data Cube architecture, proven by Australia, as a more efficient and effective long-term solution. Our VISION is that the Data Cube infrastructure will become a highly utilized free and open source software toolset for creating local, regional or national pixel-based time-series of multiple datasets that are spatially aligned. Users will connect free/open user interface tools to the Data Cube for common analyses (mosaics, change detection) or utilize APIs to develop their own tools to query the content. This vision depends on CEOS Space Agencies systematically supplying analysis-ready data products that are easily ingested into Data Cubes.

32 Data Cube Architecture Working with CEOS Space Agencies to develop plans for sustained provision of Analysis Ready Data (ARD). Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A are the highest priority. User Interface Data Cubes Analysis-Ready Data Products Developing and testing prototype user interfaces for custom mosaic creation, time-series statistics, change detection (water, land, vegetation). Developing Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs) for users to create their own user interfaces Testing prototype Data Cubes for Kenya and Colombia. Testing local, regional hub and cloud deployment. Developing ingestors to add more datasets: SRTM, ALOS Mosiacs, MODIS, SPOT-5, Sentinel-1A/2A. API Ingestor

33 User Interface Concepts Considering plans to implement a land Change Detection tool. Breaks For Additive Seasonal and Trend (BFAST) is being used by FAO and Colombia for change detection analyses. An example of BFAST is below. Future plans to add pixel-level time series statistical output to verify change details. Currently testing a beta version of a Custom Mosaic tool. The tool allows users to create custom cloud-free mosaics for specified regions and time periods. Colombia example is shown above. Output to GEOTIFF allows connections with other GIS tools. Future plans to add single time slice views.

34 SPACE DATA NEEDS DISCUSSION Gene Fosnight & Frank-Martin Seifert, SDCG Co-Chairs SDCG-9: Frascati, 25-26 February, 2016

35 Discussion Points Data acquisitions – current active core missions Data discovery tools - multimission Data access - performance Analysis Ready Data – data pre-processing Baseline data availability – inactive missions How can CEOS assist countries more efficiently create REDD+ forest products?

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