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2016-17 Enrollment for current MPS students These instructions are for the students currently attending MPS who will attend Moore High School for the.

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2 2016-17 Enrollment for current MPS students These instructions are for the students currently attending MPS who will attend Moore High School for the 2016/17 school year. Sign papers for the grade level that the student will be in next year. This power point can be viewed on the MHS website, counselor’s link.

3 Counselors Crysta Brock: 9 th grade Grades 10-12 Counselors: (student assigned by first letter of his/her last name) Janet Andersen: gr. 10-12 A, H, N, S, V Denise Morgan: gr. 10-12 B, E, F, G, J, K, U Sherre Brauer: gr. 10-12 C, M, W, X, Y, Z Nakia McCarrell: gr. 10-12 D, I, L, O, P, Q, R, T Beverly Womack: Test Coordinator Micah Willeford: Career Specialist

4 Enrollment Packets Enrollment packets will be given to students on February 10, 11, or 12 Promoting: In order to be promoted to the next grade level, students must have acquired units as follows, by August 2016. – Grade 9 to 10 5 units – Grade 10 to 11 10 units – Grade 11 to 12 16 units A cover letter is included in your packet. On the back is a list of commonly asked questions. Your transcript is in your packet, to assist you in planning your classes for next year.

5 Student Verification Form  The long sheet will have your demographic information pre- printed on it.  Make any corrections that are needed by drawing a line through incorrect information and writing the corrections beside it.  You must include a current utility bill (gas, water, or electric) with the service address, for each student. The service address is usually on the top part of the bill that is not mailed to the company. Bills will not be returned to you.  Parent signature is required

6 Course Catalog The course catalog in online at the Moore High School home page. Your course catalog lists the courses offered at Moore High School, along with other important information. Under each course title you will find: – the number of semesters of the course – the grade level of the course – any prerequisites – course number – course description Moore Norman Technology Center courses are listed in the back of the catalog. An application is required and must be approved. These courses are for junior and senior level students.

7 Course Selection form This form lists the requirements for graduation of college prep and standard programs of curriculum. English: choose regular or honors Science: Refer to the flow chart in your course catalog. You must take Biology OR Pre-AP Biology before you graduate. Math: Refer to the flow chart in your course catalog for your next level of math. Students must complete 3 years of math in grades 9-12. History: Choose regular or honors Zero hour: You must provide your own transportation. There are a limited amount of classes and space available zero hour.

8 Course Selection form continued Use your course catalog to choose classes. Choose your courses wisely to help you prepare to graduate and achieve your post-high school goal. You are committing to take the courses you have chosen for the upcoming year. As you are choosing your courses from the course catalog, watch for pre-requisites and grade levels. This form should be completed, signed by student and parent, and returned. If you are in sports, do not choose PE or weightlifting at the same time. If you currently go to Moore Norman Technology Center and will return there next year, put that on your course selection form. If you have applied to attend MNTC next year and did not attend it this year, put other electives on your form. Once we are notified that you are approved, then we will replace your electives with the MNTC program. If you plan to go to MNTC or do concurrent enrollment, it is a good idea to get your fine arts credits taken before your junior year.

9 Pre-AP and AP Courses Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement courses are offered in: English Math Science Social Studies Art World Language Music Computer Education  Moore’s Pre-AP courses are vertically and sequentially aligned in order to prepare students for AP coursework. Therefore, a student NOT taking Pre-AP in one grade level may have his/her readiness adversely affected for the Pre AP or AP courses at the next grade level.  You are not required to take honors courses to be on the college prep curriculum, but it is highly suggested in order to prepare you for college.  You are not required to take honors in all subjects. You can pick what interests you the most.  These classes will require more in-depth learning than a regular class.

10 Curriculum Choice Form (for current 8 th grade students) This form is in accordance with the Achieving Classroom Excellence Act (ACE). This form is in 8 th graders enrollment packets. The law requires eighth grade students entering the ninth grade to complete the college preparatory/work ready curriculum unless the student’s parent or legal guardian approves the student to enroll in the core/standard curriculum. Main differences: – College Prep must take 2 units of the same world language OR 2 units of computers. Core track does not – College Prep must take 1 unit of fine arts or speech. Core track must take 2 units of fine arts. – College Prep must take Algebra 2. Core track can take Intermediate Algebra for the 3 rd required math credit (with parent signature). This form must be completed, signed by a parent, and returned.

11 Home Language Survey The Home Language Survey is a yearly Oklahoma requirement. It must be completed and signed by a parent. Please, complete the top and middle portion until you get to the box “For School Use Only”.

12 Parent Consent forms The Parent Consent forms must be completed and signed on each page by parent and student.

13 End of Instruction Testing (EOI) The State of Oklahoma requires that all students entering 9 th grade must demonstrate mastery of the state academic content standards in the following subject areas in order to graduate and receive a diploma. Students must pass: and 2 of the following 5: Algebra 1Algebra 2 English 2 English 3 Geometry Biology US History

14 Certificate of Distinction Students who meet the specified requirements will be recognized as graduates of distinction. They will wear a green cord during the graduation ceremony and be recognized in the graduation program. Requirements are: 4 units of English 4 units of Math 4 units of Social Studies 4 units of Science 2 units of World Language or Computer Technology 1 unit of Fine Arts Must have a minimum of 3.25 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Must achieve a satisfactory or advanced score, or its equivalent, on all state end-of-instruction exams.

15 Competitive Activities MHS In order to participate in competitive activities, a student must have passed 5 classes the previous semester and be currently passing all classes. Specific implementation of this policy will follow the regulations established by the OSSAA. A student must have a current physical every school year. After school participation IS required for all sports during season. Some sports require you to provide transportation to and from the practice site. Physicals for the upcoming school year must be done after May 1. NCAA Any student that is going to participate in a college athletic program under the guidance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is responsible to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse and complete all high school coursework needed to satisfy the NCAA’s requirements. Questions should be directed to the head coach of the related sport and/or the site athletic director. For more information, go to

16 Transfers and Affidavits  A current 8 th grade student who plans to transfer to Moore High School and does not reside in our area, will need to complete an intra-district transfer sheet. You may get this at the high school that you will be transferring from, and it must be returned to that same high school by May 1.  If you are currently at MHS on a transfer and want to continue that, complete the transfer intent in your packet and return it with a current utility bill.  If you reside in the Moore High School area and want to transfer to Southmoore or Westmoore, get a transfer form in the main office and return it, completed, to that office by May 1.  If you are attending by affidavit and intend to do so next school year, you need to complete the letter of intent in your packet and return it with a current utility bill. Follow the directions attached to the intent to schedule an appointment in August.

17 Concurrent Enrollment A junior or senior may, if he/she meets the requirements of the Oklahoma Regents, be admitted provisionally to a college or university in Oklahoma as a special student, provided he/she will complete high school graduation requirements by the end of the senior year. The state of Oklahoma will pay up to 18 college credit hours for seniors: 6 credit hours summer before senior year, 6 credit hours fall of senior year, 6 credit hours spring of senior year. More information can be found at Do not put concurrent enrollment on your course selection form. Before being scheduled for this, you: 1.Must take the ACT or SAT and meet the qualifying score for the institute you choose to attend. 2.Meet with your counselor to receive paperwork to present to the college 3.Enroll in college courses 4.Return, to your counselor: college course schedule, receipt for fee payment, and MPS Guidelines for Concurrent Enrollment. Then, your schedule can be adjusted.

18 Due February 22 nd to the Counseling Center Items to return: Completed and signed: – Course Selection Form – Student Verification Form – Current utility bill with service address – Home Language Survey – Parent Consent forms – Health form – Curriculum Choice form (for current 8 th graders only) – Affidavit intent, if it applies to you – Transfer intent, if it applies to you If you have questions, write those questions on a sheet of paper and put it in your completed packet. Your counselor will contact you with answers. All items must be returned completed, signed and in the enrollment packet that you were given.

19 Oklahoma’s Promise Students who are interested in the Oklahoma’s Promise program must apply during their 8 th, 9 th, or 10 th grade year. The website is: Oklahoma Promise students will follow the college prep curriculum.

20 February 18 5:00-6:00 p.m. MHS Commons Area Teachers will be present for students and parents to discuss the courses available for the upcoming school year. Counselors will have information on various topics.

21 When are your enrollment forms due ? February 22 Thank you !

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