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Web Design Monday March 11 Bell Work- Explain what you know about a library- What is a library? What is it for? Essential Question- How do you create a.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Design Monday March 11 Bell Work- Explain what you know about a library- What is a library? What is it for? Essential Question- How do you create a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Design Monday March 11 Bell Work- Explain what you know about a library- What is a library? What is it for? Essential Question- How do you create a library in Dreamweaver? Class Work- Demo Complete tutorials 9.5 and 9.6 independently Due today- Individual Snips of tutorial 9.5 and 9.6

2 Web Design Tuesday March 12 Bell Work- Explain the quote below in your own words. Tell me if you agree with it or not, and why. ◦ “What’s in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” Essential Question ◦ Why is it important to organize your files? Class Work ◦ Student Resource 9.7 and 9.8 Due Today ◦ Student Resource 9.7 and what came before

3 Web Design Wednesday March 13 Bell Work- ◦ What is the difference between your team page and the web page you are making in most of the tutorials? Essential Question ◦ What is a culminating project? Class Work ◦ First minutes snip ◦ Look at your missing projects report ◦ Act on that report Due Today ◦ Lots

4 Web Design Thursday March 14 Bell Work- ◦ Write the word ha on your bell work spot and then hold your paper with both hands in front of you. If it’s there when Mr. Hoose starts the lesson you get bonus points. Essential Question- ◦ How can I raise my grade? Class Work- ◦ Look at 4MP Requirements ◦ Complete Tutorials and Blogs Due Today- ◦ 4MP Blog ◦ Any Make Up Work The big secret in life is there is no secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work. –Oprah Winfrey

5 Web Design Thursday March 15 Bell Work- ◦ Draw a picture of your emoticon of the moment and turn your chair so you are facing Mr. Hoose’s desk Essential Question- ◦ What do you need to finish the 4MP with a passing grade? Class Work- ◦ Last Chance Due Today- BINDER PAGES FOR MARCH 4-8 and MARCH 11-15 Anything else you want to count for this marking period

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