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After the Civil War, Reconstruction failed because the North abandoned the efforts towards civil rights for freed slaves and shifted their focus to the.

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Presentation on theme: "After the Civil War, Reconstruction failed because the North abandoned the efforts towards civil rights for freed slaves and shifted their focus to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 After the Civil War, Reconstruction failed because the North abandoned the efforts towards civil rights for freed slaves and shifted their focus to the economic success of the nation. Hannah, Madeline, and Sophia Northern Reconstruction Failure

2 Economic Success ❖ After too much investing in the rail roads, Investment bank Jay Cooke & Company collapsed. 1 ❖ Panic of 1873, plunged into severe economic depression ➢ Began to focus on the economy. 2 ❖ Segregated neighborhoods, discrimination in the workplace, labor unions discouraged black unionship, hired African-Americans as last resort. 1 ❖ Business’ deserted the Republican party. 3 Panic of 1873, shows stock exchange’s doors a day after the collapse 1

3 Civil Rights of Freed Slaves ❖ African-Americans migrated to North in search of equality but found racial discrimination. 1 ❖ Solution was to restore leading whites to political power. 1 ❖ Supreme Court was not ruling in favor of the Civil Rights. 2 ❖ Main advocators for black rights, Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens, died 2

4 Internal struggle ❖ North was losing spirit and faith in government. 1 ❖ State engulfed in a political corruption. ➢ Drained by being under the control of the government. 2 ❖ North was divided and uncertain. 3

5 References ❖ American History, s.v. "Panic of 1873," Image, Library of Congress, accessed October 9, 2013. ❖ Danzer, Gerald A. The Americans. Student text. ed. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. ❖ Foner, Eric. "Give Me Liberty!: An American History." In Reconstruction, by Social Studies Department, 37-38. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley High School, 2013. Excerpt from Give Me Liberty!: An American History. New York, NY: W.W.Norton, 2005. ❖ Kluger, Richard. "A Simple Justice." In Reconstruction, by Social Studies Department, 21. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley High School, 2013.

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