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LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! IDEA ADA 504/508 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy Differences.

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Presentation on theme: "LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! IDEA ADA 504/508 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy Differences."— Presentation transcript:



3 IDEA ADA 504/508 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy Differences

4 $100 Question from IDEA What does I.D.E.A. stand for?

5 $100 Answer from IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

6 $200 Question from IDEA What is an I.E.P.?

7 $200 Answer from IDEA An I.E.P. is an individual education plan that is written for a student within the public school system and is eligible for special education services. The plan maps out goals, objectives, and other services that the student will complete during the course of a year.

8 $300 Question from IDEA What does F.A.P.E. stand for?

9 $300 Answer from IDEA Free Appropriate Public Education

10 $400 Question from IDEA DOUBLE JEOPARDY What are the ages in which students can be covered under IDEA?

11 $400 Answer from IDEA 3- 21 years of age

12 $500 Question from IDEA What two things must exist in order for a student to qualify for services under IDEA?

13 $500 Answer from IDEA Students must have a disability, (i.e.: auditory impairment, autism, deaf-blind, emotional disturbance, cognitive impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment, blindness) AND must need special education and related services in order to get an educational benefit from school

14 $100 Question from ADA What does ADA stand for?

15 $100 Answer from ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

16 $200 Question from ADA Are postsecondary institutions or job sites required to follow an IEP?

17 $200 Answer from ADA No, IEPs exist only at the K-12 level.

18 $300 Question from ADA What are the requirements in order to be covered under ADA?

19 $300 Answer from ADA Anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. A person is considered to be a person with disability if he/she has a disability, has a record of a disability, or is regarded as having a disability.

20 $400 Question from ADA Under ADA, who must provide the documentation for an individual’s disability?

21 $400 Answer from ADA The individual

22 $500 Question from ADA True or False Under the ADA the postsecondary institution or employer must complete an assessment of a disability if documentation does not exist for a student with a disability

23 $500 Answer from ADA False, the individual is solely responsible for any documentation of his/her disability, which may or may not include any assessment information.

24 $100 Question from 504/508 DOUBLE JEOPARDY Section 504 and 508 are part of what larger act?

25 $100 Answer from 504/508 The Rehabilitation Act

26 $200 Question from 504/508 Do sections 504/508 apply to both public school districts, postsecondary Institutions and employers?

27 $200 Answer from 504/508 Yes, they apply to all of them!

28 $300 Question from 504/508 What does Section 508 specifically pertain to?

29 $300 Answer from 504/508 Section 508 pertains to the use of accessible electronic and information technology.

30 $400 Question from 504/508 When would public agencies, who receive federal financial assistance not have to provide accessibility under Section 508.

31 $400 Answer from 504/508 When it would cause undue burden (i.e. cost too much to change).

32 $500 Question from 504/508 True or False Postsecondary institutions and employers have the right to not admit or hire a person if he/she has a disability.

33 $500 Answer from 504/508 school districts and employers from denying, excluding, and/or hiring an individual with a disability. False, Section 504 and ADA prohibit school districts and employers from denying, excluding, and/or hiring an individual with a disability.

34 $100 Question from Difference At the high school level, the school is responsible identifying the necessary accommodations and services necessary for student achievement-How is it different at the postsecondary level or on the job?

35 $100 Answer from Difference At the postsecondary level and on the job the individual is responsible for requesting any necessary accommodations and services.

36 $200 Question from Difference DOUBLE JEOPARDY At the postsecondary level and on the job accommodations may NOT alter the essential functions of a credit courses, degree requirements, certificate programs, or job. What does this mean?

37 $200 Answer from Difference Essential functions are the basic job duties/requirements that an employee/student must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation. An employee/student may not be allowed an accommodation that might change or alter a specific requirement or task.

38 $300 Question from Difference True or False Secondary institutions must connect students with community support agencies if necessary.

39 $300 Answer from Difference True, High schools are required to connect student to the necessary agencies if it is identified as part of his/her transition plan.

40 $400 Question from Difference True or False Postsecondary institutions must provide grade reports to parents.

41 $400 Answer from Difference False Under FERPA, parents do not have access to their child’s educational records

42 $500 Question from Difference If an employee/student needs a personal attendant at the postsecondary level or on the job, who must provide this service?

43 $500 Answer from Difference The student/employee

44 Final Jeopardy If an employee/student believes that he or she has been discriminated against at the postsecondary level or on the job what federal agency can be contacted in order to investigate the case?

45 Final Jeopardy Answer The Office of Civil Rights (OCR)

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