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PBS 201 Doing Business the PBS Way. What is PBS? “Staff have helped me mature a lot, to find the right tools for me.” “ They give me support, listen to.

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Presentation on theme: "PBS 201 Doing Business the PBS Way. What is PBS? “Staff have helped me mature a lot, to find the right tools for me.” “ They give me support, listen to."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBS 201 Doing Business the PBS Way

2 What is PBS? “Staff have helped me mature a lot, to find the right tools for me.” “ They give me support, listen to what I say.” “They are really easy to talk to. They are always trying to make my life better.” –PBS service recipient “ I used to be really angry; yelling at people and stuff. My staff have taught me other ways to react when I am pissed off. I no longer yell at people or treat them badly just because I am feeling bad. I have more friends now and a better relationship with my family.” –PBS service recipient “ PBS provides me with a framework to ensure that I am responding instead of reacting. It helps be better understand the individual in relation to their development, environment, and their choices and behaviors.” -PBS support staff “I can utilize PBS philosophy and tools to teach others more about themselves, their mental health, their behaviors and choices. I can help them gain more insight and control over their environment and themselves, allowing them to be the expert instead of me.” – PBS support staff “Staff are really good at gaining our son’s trust and respect. As a result, he listens to their advice, and he tries to make good choices.” –Parent of a PBS service recipient.

3 PBS is…….. Philosophy Universal Enhancements Strength Based Approach A way to view and guide behavior to improve a person’s quality of life. Consequences, not punishment. Understanding that all behaviors serve as a function for the person Adaptive skills training Tools Fuctional Assessment Behavioral Analysis Behavior Support Plans Environmental Assessment Medication Assessment WRAP Crisis Planning

4 Universal Enhancements

5 visual

6 I cannot hear what you're saying - your actions are drowning out your voice. -Wolf Wolfensberger Independence does not mean doing things for yourself. It means being in control of how things are done. -Tom Pomeranz We must provide an environment that is healthy enough for a life to happen. -Dan Berkowitz

7 So where do you go from here?

8 Transformational Change Change is constant….. Embracing change begins with desire. (Franklin Covey)

9 Transformational Change Transformational Leadership facilitates a redefinition of mission and vision, a renewal of commitment and the restructuring of systems for goal accomplishment Transformational Leaders engage followers; raise consciousness about the significance of specific outcomes; develop new ways in which those outcomes might be achieved. Transformational Leaders generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group, and help people move beyond self interest to focus on the greater good.

10 Case for Change Develop a Sense of Urgency. Understanding of where you are now. Communicate the Preferred Future: Paint a picture of what it looks like when you are there. What needs to happen for you to get to your preferred future. Consistency: all decisions and actions link back to this vision.

11 Exercise 1.What is your Urgency? 2.What are the consequences if you don’t change? 3.What is your preferred future/What does it look like when you are done? 4.Where is your organization at right now? What is going right? What needs to change?

12 Organizational Culture

13 What is Culture? Definitions Symbols, language, ideologies, rituals, and myths Organizational scripts derived from the personal scripts of the organization’s founder(s) or dominant leader(s) Is a product; is historical; is based upon symbols; and is an abstraction from behavior and the products of behavior

14 Culture Definitions Continued A pattern of basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration – that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems

15 Culture – Defined Simply put………. A system of shared values, beliefs and norms that guides behavior

16 Selection and hiring of members Environmental Factors Social norms Educational attainment Political beliefs National events and history Organizational Effectiveness Production Efficiency Satisfaction Development Adaptivveness Survival Organizational Characteristics Behavior Structure Process Managerial Functions Planning Organizing Leading Controlling Exit from Organization Organizational Culture and Effectiveness Organizational Culture

17 What is your culture Exercise Group work on organization’s culture; Identify and discuss organizational norms, values, rituals, myths, stories Report out on norms, symbols, values, rituals, myths, stories/scripts

18 Examples A culture of individual creativity A culture of risk taking A culture of inventiveness A culture of customer first Name some

19 Preferred Culture What would you consider your ideal culture…….. Small group discussion

20 Why is it Important? Discussion

21 How is Organizational Culture Created? Created over time – evolves based on symbols, stories, heroes, slogans and ceremonies.

22 How do you know if you like it? Discussion

23 Care and feeding a Culture Maintaining a culture starts from the moment someone encounters anyone from an organization Once created - perpetuates

24 What are threats to a culture? Individual level threat Unit level threat Story

25 Changing a Culture When do you change a culture? Discussion Is it easy to change culture? Discussion

26 Tribal Knowledge Like the game Telephone, Tribal Knowledge is a game in which information is passed between succeeding generations of staff. As the information is passed along, distortions and half truths flourish.

27 Develop a Guiding Coalition Strong Guiding Coalition members: – Personal Leaders – Respected by peers –Multiple perspectives –Understand why PBS is important –Passionate –Appreciate the Urgency to change Agency coalition vs. Program coalitions

28 Build a Vision Work with your Guiding Coalition to develop a vision for your agency or program. –What does PBS look like for you? –What tools will you use? –How will PBS enhance your culture, strengths, and unique services. Develops Ownership among Guiding Coalition

29 CBAM Concerned Based Adoption Model: 1)Explain what it is 2)Personal Piece (how it will effect you) 3)Management (how the change will occur) 4)Consequences/ Benefits -include what happens if we fail 5)Collaboration (how we will work together) 6)Reframe and Refocus

30 Exercise 1.Who will lead? 2.Where is the vision and who has it? 3.At what pace will we go? 4.What should not get lost?

31 Team Building Don’t lose your culture Build trust and accountability Find ways to have fun Don’t forget to work on team building Assess your people Build Ownership

32 Include your guiding coalition in the development of the vision. Explain the “why” behind changes Make sure they understand the consequences of not changing. Give them input whenever possible Listen

33 Assess your people Positional Competency Assess yourself Focus on the right people –20/50/30 : 20% like change/ 50% just want to do their job/30% dislike the change –Focus on the top 70% instead of the people who are vocally against the transformation

34 Implementation Language –Check your language. Verbal and Written. Stories –Don’t miss your own success stories. –Share them as often as possible Timelines –Develop implementation timeline with teams –Build in Short term wins

35 Short Term Wins Breaks Implementation into manageable goals Builds morale and motivation Develops a feedback loop Guards against common pitfalls –Declaring victory too early –Loss of momentum/ Goal perceived as unachievable

36 Plan for Resistance Resistance is communication Talk about what is working and what is not working? Planned chaos Old home to new home

37 How do we know when we get there? PBS is a journey. PBS is like a relationship. You will need to always work on it to keep it healthy and growing. Use Data to set new goals

38 Outcomes PBS Network Outcomes –Decrease staff turnover –Decrease critical incidents –Decrease in work comp due to behaviors Agency Outcomes –Work with Guiding Coalition to set specific to your agency. –Examples: Increase QOL, elimination of restraints and restrictions Personal Outcomes –Choice, friends, family, preferred activities, community, decrease in interfering behaviors.

39 Exercise Where are you at in the process? What is your next step? Set two goals with timelines for yourself: 1. 2. Who will help you get there?

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