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Dr. Antar Abdellah 1431.  WHAT:  Studying English language curricula in general Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  Identifying the meaning of.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Antar Abdellah 1431.  WHAT:  Studying English language curricula in general Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  Identifying the meaning of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Antar Abdellah 1431

2  WHAT:  Studying English language curricula in general Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  Identifying the meaning of curriculum and its components  Analyzing Language curricula  Understanding the nature of foreign language curricula.

3  WHY:  To get insight unto the nature of curricula in the kingdom  To indentify advantages and disadvantages of different language courses  To better understand the language course, and consequently better teach, and test it  To evaluate the overall matrix of Language curricula in the kingdom  To be better teachers.

4  HOW:  Through lectures  Power point presentation  Readings  Worksheets  Educational movies  Demonstrations  Case studies  Individual, pair and group projects

5  WHEN:  Week 1: Definition of Curriculum and related terms  Week 2: models of curriculum organization  Week 3: objectives of EFL teaching – assignment 1  Week 4: Contents of EFL curriculum  Week 5: Types of language functions – assignment 2  Week 6: Types of language situations  Week 7: Types of language topics- assignment 3  Week 8: Types of grammatical items

6  Week 9: Writing EFL units  Week 10: language skills – assignment 4  Week 11: language elements  Week 12: overall evaluation of the EFL curriculum  Week 13: group presentations  Week 14: group presentations  Week 15: review  Week 16: Final test.

7  Materials and Resources:  English Language Curriculum Theory and Practice, Asghar Ali Shaikh  Elements of the Language Curriculum  Teachers as course designers  Materials from the internet  Scenes from “To Sir, with Love 1 & 2”, and IELP II language teaching videos.  Worksheets

8  Contact Information:  Dr. Antar Solhy Abdellah, PhD  EMAIL:  SCORE distribution: 100  4 assignments 60 scores  Attendance and participation 15  Final test: 25

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