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MMS Mid-Atlantic Model Calculations Kick-Off Meeting Webex-Teleconference Feb/10/2009, 10am-12noon Agenda 10:00-10:10 --- Introduction - Walter Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "MMS Mid-Atlantic Model Calculations Kick-Off Meeting Webex-Teleconference Feb/10/2009, 10am-12noon Agenda 10:00-10:10 --- Introduction - Walter Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 MMS Mid-Atlantic Model Calculations Kick-Off Meeting Webex-Teleconference Feb/10/2009, 10am-12noon Agenda 10:00-10:10 --- Introduction - Walter Johnson 10:10-11:30 --- Technical Presentation 1.10:10-10:20 (Oey) Background & Goals 2.10:20-10:40 (Oey) Proposed Modeling & Skill Assessments - a Summary 3.10:40-10:50 (Lin) Wind (WRF) Modeling 4.10:50-11:00 (Mellor) Wave Modeling 5.11:00-11:10 (Atkinson & Blanco) Data Availability & Proposed Prep./Analysis 6.11:10-11:20 (Ezer & Blanco) Proposed Skill Assessments I 7.11:20-11:30 (Wang) Proposed Skill Assessments II 8.11:30-12:00 (All) Recommendations & discussions 9.12:00 - Adjourn. ----------------------------------

2 1.10:10-10:20 (Oey) Background & Goals

3  MMS needs to assess potential environmental impacts due to oil/gas lease off Virginia continental shelf and slope, & the MA  MMS uses OSRA for EIS prep, and OSRA code needs wind and ocean current as inputs, but MMS has no functional model for the MA region to generate these inputs, hence this project to…  provide MMS w/current and wind, and a simple-to-use, fully tested and data-validated ocean model driven by tides, winds, rivers, the GS, eddies etc, plus also advanced physics such as a companion wave and wave-current coupling submodel, a wind model, various data-assimilation schemes, and numerics: high- order PG scheme + high-resolution nesting that include the large-scale Atlantic influences Background (Motivations):

4 1)Modify an existing ocean circulation model to maximize skill in the Mid- Atlantic; 2)Conduct sensitivity testing and validation of the modified model; 3)Provide gridded velocity fields (wind, surface current) for the period 1993- 2008 to MMS; 4)Document the model and results through a model manual, final report, and submittal of a manuscript and/or a peer-reviewed journal article; 5)Provide an improved understanding of the physical oceanography of Mid Atlantic ocean region. Goals

5 Science Team Dr. Oey: oversees the overall progress and direction, will contribute in all aspects ; will guide post-doctoral scientists; Dr. Mellor: implements & tests his fully coupled wave-current model to the Mid Atlantic; Dr. Lin – WRF modeling, data assimilation & validation task4(1); Dr. Wang: conducts model data validation tasks 4(2) w/Oleander data and 4(3) Globec drifters ; Dr. Ezer: conducts model data validation task 4(5) using (i) MMS moorings off NC and (ii) PRIMER and CMO data; also, with Dr. Blanco (below) – tasks 4(7) on shelfbreak+slope currents, and 4(8) satellite to check modeled GS; Dr. Atkinson: conducts model data validation task 4(6) shelf currents – moorings and HF-Radar; assisted by Ms. Garner & Dr. Blanco; Research Assoc: Mr (Dr) Zhang (tentative) – nested MA model & validation task 4(4); work closely w/Oey;

6 Management Team Dr. L. Oey: As Program Manager, Dr. Oey will have overall responsibility for all aspects of this proposed program, including technical activities, financial performance, scheduling and deliverables. Ms. Laura Rossi: As the Business Manager, Ms. Rossi will assist the PM in oversight of contract issues as well as tracking program finances and scheduling of deliverables. The experienced and proven Princeton University contract and grants support team will assist in tracking finances and invoicing for all Princeton research and contract activities.

7 2. 10:20-10:40 (Oey) Proposed Modeling & Skill Assessments - a Summary

8 Observations Models Gridded Data Approach: Quality checks 1993-2008 Analyses tests & validations

9 Study Region:

10 Satellite SST Jan-05-2000 ECCO: Estimating the Circulation & Climate of the Ocean

11 Satellite, ADCP, Drifters Radar.. Atmos: ncep/WRF Ocean: ecco/ pom08-pow Gridded Fields Qscat winds DA + ncep DA Atl-waves tides & rivers (estuaries) Validations Quality checks Validations OSRA Proposed Ocean Modeling System for OSRA

12 The Numerical Model Time-dependent & 3-d Curvilinear horizontal & terrain-following vertical grids New Numerics: monotone adv-scheme; accurate PG-Scheme; non- hydrostatic option New Physics: e.g. Current-Waves, WAD Hi-Res realistic bathymetry Forcing: T & S, NCEP surface fluxes, Qscat + NCEP + HRD + buoy winds, now propose WRF; large-scale by ecco, rivers, tides Assimilation Algorithm: efficient OI/3dVar, breeding.. Can Assimilate: satellite SSHA & SST, moorings, Lagrangian floats, already prelim. done for 1993-2007

13 Model Sensitivity & Process Experiments Exp.AFull: Full assimilation run – SSHA (anomaly), SST, drifters and selected ADCP’s and hydrography are assimilated; the WRF winds are used and wave-current coupling; Exp.APartial.1-5: Partial assimilation experiments 1 through 5; Exp.ASat: Partial assimilation using satellite SSHA and SST only; Exp.ASSH: Partial assimilation using satellite SSHA only; Exp.ANcepQ: Full assimilation run (Exp.AFull) but w/NCEP/QSCAT blended wind; Exp.ANoWave: Full assimilation run (Exp.AFull) but without wave-current coupling; Other sub-experiments: implicit waves in turbulence parameterization; driving the wave submodel with NCEP/QSCAT wind etc; Exp.ANoWinda&b: Full assimilation run (Exp.AFull) but without the wind; Exp.AGS: Full assimilation run (Exp.AFull) but the shelf and slope will be unassimilated; two sub-experiments are (a) no rivers, and (b) no rivers nor winds. Exp.F*: Free-running (non-DA) experiments

14 (a)what drives the mean cross-shelf/slope flow? Is offshore flow near CH a consequence or a cause of southward shelf convergence? JEBAR & origin of pressure gradient? U.  (f/H) = +g’k.[(  h 1 2 /2) ×  (1/H)]  .[(r/H)  ] Scientific Questions: While our goal will be to provide current and wind fields to MMS, well-posed scientific questions and quests to address them can go a long way not only in improving understanding, but also in helping to identify model deficiencies and hence in improving it and the quality of our products. Here are 4 key questions related to cross-shelf/slope flows, over the entire MA and particularly near Cape Hatteras and off VA, and also to the large-scale forcing of the GS: cool warm  (1/H)  h 1 2 /2 U.  (f/H) < 0 (b) time-dependent, eddy-shelf/slope interaction – nature & dynamics?

15 (c) Long-term variability in the Atlantic basin (interannual, NAO and decadal) influence the Gulf Stream position and strength [e.g. Ezer, 1999, JPO]. Over the 16yr-period, how may these variations impact the cross- slope exchange processes? Scientific Questions (cont’d):

16 POM Atlantic Ocean (resolution ~ 20 km over MA) Ezer & Mellor, 1997 bottom flow vertical flow (w<0 shade) Note that the DWBC passes close to the oil & gas lease region: potentially strong convergence and upwelling zone there (d) What is the impact of the DWBC? Why interested in these? They will likely change the frontal and eddy statistics over the slope sea – thus impacting on the cross-slope flows… Scientific Questions (concld)

17 Model Validation sub-Tasks 1.Use the NDBC buoy data to validate the wind product (Lin & Oey); 2. Use the Oleander data to validate GS eddies and secondary eddies (Wang); 3. Use GLOBEC drifters on the shelf to validate (modeled) surface trajectories (Wang); 4. Use the high-res SST images from AVHRR to check for eddies [e.g. Wei et al. 2008]; 5. Use the MMS moorings off NC to validate southern MAB circulation; repeat using the PRIMER and CMO data for middle MAB (Ezer & Blanco); 6. Use Lentz’s [2008] ‘collection’ to validate the modeled mean and fluctuating shelf circulation, and to compare w/wind, river and pressure-driven Ekman-type dynamics, HF- Radar data may also be used for this purpose (Atkinson, Garner & Blanco; Oey); 7. Use GLOBEC and ARGO data, the Oleander data, and the PRIMER and CMO data to validate the shelf, shelfbreak and slope currents [e.g. Flagg et al. 2006]; (Ezer & Blanco); 8. Use satellite SSH and SST to assess the accuracy of the modeled Gulf Stream path over the 1993-2008 period. (Ezer & Blanco; Oey); ----------------------------------------- 9. (a) modeled sea-level vs. tide-gauges; (b) major plumes against satellite; (c) near-coast currents. See, e.g. Mau, D-P. Wang, Ullman & Codiga, 2007: Characterizing Long Island Sound outflows from HF radar using self-organizing maps. Estuarine, Coastal, Shelf Sci., 74, 155-165.

18 Tasks (Summary Slide): 1.SRG (pending MMS approval): Drs. John Allen, Peter Hamilton & Lian Xie 2.Post Award/Coordination Meeting Data Compilation 3.Model Modifications, Tests & Sensitivity Experiments 4.Model Analyses & Validations 5.Gridded Velocity Fields 6.Documentation

19 Deliverables: A.Post-Award Meeting & Summary B.Quarterly Status Letters C.Journal Publications (Manuscripts) &/or Oral Presentations D.Progress Presentations, Summaries & Biographies E.Draft Final Report & Database F.Report Cover Graphics G.Final Report (Review Copy) H.Final Report (Final) I.Technical Summary (Draft) J.Technical Summary (Final) K.Power Point Presentation L.Correspondence M.Surface Currents + Wind; model + auxiliary codes + all inputs & some outputs N.User manual

20 Schedule:

21 Timeline:

22 3. 10:40-10:50 (Lin) Wind (WRF) Modeling

23 4. 10:50-11:00 (Mellor) Wave Modeling

24 5. 11:00-11:10 (Atkinson & Blanco) Data Availability & Proposed Prep./Analysis

25 6. 11:10-11:20 (Ezer & Blanco) Proposed Skill Assessments I

26 7. 11:20-11:30 (Wang) Proposed Skill Assessments II

27 8. 11:30-12:00 (All) Recommendations & discussions a. Science team to meet 2 nd half of April/2009 @Princeton to discuss preliminary results and to plot strategies; b.

28 9. 12:00 Adjourn. THANK YOU!

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