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Published byGregory Simmons Modified over 9 years ago
Sasa Stojanovic
2/x One has to know how to program Maxeler machines, in order to get the best possible speedup out of them! For some applications (G), there is a large difference between what an experienced programmer achieves, and what an un-experienced one can achieve! For some other applications (B), no matter how experienced the programmer is, the speedup will not be revolutionary (may be even <1). Introduction
3/x Lemas: ◦ 1. The how-to and how-not-to is important to know! ◦ 2. The what-to and what-not-to is important to know! N.B. ◦ The how-to is taught through most of the examples to follow (all except the introductory ones). ◦ The what-to/what-not-to is taught using a figure. Introduction
4/x Introduction Assumptions: 1. Software includes enough parallelism to keep all cores busy 2. The only limiting factor is the number of cores. t GPU = N * N OPS * C GPU *T clkGPU / N coresGPU t CPU = N * N OPS * C CPU *T clkCPU /N coresCPU t DF = N OPS * C DF * T clkDF + (N – 1) * T clkDF / N DF
5/x When is Maxeler better? ◦ If the number of operations in a single loop iteration is above some critical value ◦ Then More data items means more advantage for Maxeler. In other words: ◦ More data does not mean better performance if the #operations/iteration is below a critical value. Conclusion: ◦ If we see an application with a small #operations/iteration, it is possibly (not always) a “what-not-to” application, and we better execute it on the host; otherwise, we will (or may) have a slowdown. Introduction ADDITIVE SPEEDUP ENABLER ADDITIVE SPEEDUP MAKER
6/x Maxeler: One new result in each cycle e.g. Clock = 100MHz Period = 10ns One result every 10ns [No matter how many operations in each loop iteration] Consequently: More operations does not mean proportionally more time; however, more operations means higher latency till the first result. CPU: One new result after each iteration e.g. Clock=10GHz (!?) Period = 100ps One result every 100ps times #ops [If #ops > 100 => Maxeler is better, although it uses a slower clock] Also: The CPU example will feature an additional slowdown, due to memory hierarchy access and pipeline related hazards => critical #ops (bringing the same performance) is significantly below 100!!! Introduction
7/x Maxeler has no cache, but does have a memory hierarchy. However, memory hierarchy access with Maxeler is carefully planed by the programmer at the program write time As opposed to memory hierarchy access with a multicore CPU/GPU which calculates the access address at the program run time. Introduction
8/x Now we are ready for examples which show how-to My questions, from time to time, will ask you about time consequences of how-not-to alternatives Introduction
9/x We have chosen many simple examples [small steps] which together build a realistic application [mountain top] Introduction vs fatherthree sons with 1-stick bunchesa 3-stick bunch
10/x Java to configure Maxeler! C to program the host! One or more kernels! Only one manager! In theory, Simulator builder not needed if a card is used. In practice, you need it until the testing is over, since the compilation process is slow, for hardware, and fast, for software (simulator). Introduction
11/x E#1: Hello world E#2: Vector addition E#3: Type mixing E#4: Addition of a constant and a vector E#5: Input/output control E#6: Conditional execution E#7: Moving average 1D E#8: Moving average 2D E#9: Array summation E#10: Optimization of E#9
12/x E#11: TBD E#12: TBD E#13: TBD E#14: TBD E#15: TBD E#16: TBD E#17: TBD E#18: TBD E#19: TBD E#20: TBD
13/x Write a program that sends the “Hello World!” string to the MAX2 card, for the MAX2 card kernel to return it back to the host. To be learned through this example: ◦ How to make the configuration of the accelerator (MAX2 card) using Java: How to make a simple kernel (ops description) using Java (the only language), How to write the standard manager (config description based on kernel(s)) using Java, ◦ How to test the kernel using a test (code+data) written in Java, ◦ How to compile the Java code for MAX2, ◦ How to write a simple C code that runs on the host and triggers the kernel, How to write the C code that streams data to the kernel, How to write the C code that accepts data from the kernel, ◦ How to simulate and execute an application program in C that runs on the host and periodically calls the accelerator. Example No. 1
14/x One or more kernel files, to define operations of the application: ◦ Kernel[ ].java One (or more) Java file, for simulation of the kernel(s): ◦ One manager file for transforming the kernel(s) into the configuration of the MAX card (instantiation and connection of kernels): ◦ Simulator builder: ◦ Hardware builder: ◦ Application code that uses the MAX card accelerator: ◦ HostCode.c Makefile ◦ A script file that defines the compilation related commands Example No. 1
15/x package ind.z1; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class helloKernel extends Kernel { public helloKernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); // Input: HWVar x = io.input("x", hwInt(8)); HWVar result = x; // Output: io.output("z", result, hwInt(8)); } Example No. 1 It is possible to substitute the last three lines with: io.output("z", result, hwInt(8));
16/x package ind.z1; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class helloSimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager(“helloSim"); helloKernel k = new helloKernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("x", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); m.setKernelCycles(8); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double expectedOutput[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; m.checkOutputData("z", expectedOutput); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 1
17/x package ind.z1; import static config.BoardModel.BOARDMODEL; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager.IOType; public class helloHostSimBuilder { public static void main(String[] args) { Manager m = new Manager(true,”helloHostSim", BOARDMODEL); Kernel k = new helloKernel(m.makeKernelParameters(“helloKernel")); m.setKernel(k); m.setIO(IOType.ALL_PCIE);; } Example No. 1
18/x package ind.z1; import static config.BoardModel.BOARDMODEL; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager.IOType; public class helloHWBuilder { public static void main(String[] args) { Manager m = new Manager(“hello", BOARDMODEL); Kernel k = new helloKernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setIO(IOType.ALL_PCIE);; } Example No. 1
19/x #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; char data_in1[16] = "Hello world!"; char data_out[16]; printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); maxfile = max_maxfile_init_hello(); device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); Example No. 1
20/x printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); max_run(device, max_input("x", data_in1, 16 * sizeof(char)), max_output("z", data_out, 16 * sizeof(char)), max_runfor(“helloKernel", 16), max_end()); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 1
21/x # Root of the project directory tree BASEDIR=../../.. # Java package name PACKAGE=ind/z1 # Application name APP=example1 # Names of your maxfiles HWMAXFILE=$(APP).max HOSTSIMMAXFILE=$(APP)HostSim.max # Java application builders HWBUILDER=$(APP) HOSTSIMBUILDER=$(APP) SIMRUNNER=$(APP) # C host code HOSTCODE=$(APP)HostCode.c # Target board BOARD_MODEL=23312 # Include the master makefile.include nullstring := space := $(nullstring) # comment MAXCOMPILERDIR_QUOTE:=$(subst $(space),\,$(MAXCOMPILERDIR)) include $(MAXCOMPILERDIR_QUOTE)/examples/common/Makefile.include Example No. 1
22/x package config; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.MAX2BoardModel; public class BoardModel { public static final MAX2BoardModel BOARDMODEL = MAX2BoardModel.MAX2336B; } Example No. 1
23/x Types
24/x Floating point numbers - HWFloat: ◦ hwFloat(exponent_bits, mantissa_bits); ◦ float ~ hwFloat(8,24) ◦ double ~ hwFloat(11,53) Fixed point numbers - HWFix: ◦ hwFix(integer_bits, fractional_bits, sign_mode) SignMode.UNSIGNED SignMode.TWOSCOMPLEMENT Integers - HWFix: ◦ hwInt(bits) ~ hwFix(bits, 0, SignMode.TWOSCOMPLEMENT) Unsigned integers - HWFix: ◦ hwUint(bits) ~ hwFix(bits, 0, SignMode.UNSIGNED) Boolean – HWFix: ◦ hwBool() ~ hwFix(1, 0, SignMode.UNSIGNED) ◦ 1 ~ true ◦ 2 ~ false Raw bits – HWRawBits: ◦ hwRawBits(width) Types
25/x Write a program that adds two arrays of floating point numbers. Program reads the size of arrays, makes two arrays with an arbitrary content (test inputs), and adds them using a MAX card. Example No. 2
26/x package ind.z2; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class example2Kernel extends Kernel { public example2Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar y = io.input("y", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar result = x + y; // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 2
27/x package ind.z2; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class example2SimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager("example2Sim"); example2Kernel k = new example2Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("x", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); m.setInputData("y", 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); m.setKernelCycles(8); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double expectedOutput[] = { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 }; m.checkOutputData("z", expectedOutput); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 2
28/x package ind.z2; import static config.BoardModel.BOARDMODEL; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager.IOType; public class example2HostSimBuilder { public static void main(String[] args) { Manager m = new Manager(true,"example2HostSim", BOARDMODEL); Kernel k = new example2Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters("example2Kernel") ); m.setKernel(k); m.setIO(IOType.ALL_PCIE);; } Example No. 2
29/x package ind.z2; import static config.BoardModel.BOARDMODEL; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager.IOType; public class example2HWBuilder { public static void main(String[] args) { Manager m = new Manager("example2", BOARDMODEL); Kernel k = new example2Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setIO(IOType.ALL_PCIE);; } Example No. 2
30/x #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; float *data_in1, *data_in2, *data_out; unsigned long N, i; printf("Enter size of array: "); scanf("%lu",&N); data_in1 = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); data_in2 = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); data_out = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < N; i++){ data_in1[i] = i%10; data_in2[i] = i%3; } printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); Example No. 2
31/x maxfile = max_maxfile_init_example2(); device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); max_run(device, max_input("x", data_in1, N * sizeof(float)), max_input("y", data_in2, N * sizeof(float)), max_output("z", data_out, N * sizeof(float)), max_runfor("example2Kernel", N), max_end()); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); for(i = 0; i < N; i++) if (data_out[i] != i%10 + i%3){ printf("Error on element %d. Expected %f, but found %f.", i, (float)(i%10+i%3), data_out[i]); break; } max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 2
32/x Do the same as in the example no 2, with the following modification: one input array contains floating point numbers, and the other one contains integers. Example No. 3
33/x Casting here means moving data from one form to another, without changing their essence. Type is: ◦ specified for inputs and outputs, ◦ propagated from inputs, down the dataflow graph to outputs, ◦ used to check that output stream has correct type. If conversion is needed, explicit conversion (cast) is required How to do it? ◦ use the method cast in class HWVar, Additional hardware required (especially for conversion to or from floating point numbers), ◦ introduces additional latency. Cast between a floating point number and an integer number is done by rounding to the nearest integer! Example No. 3
34/x package ind.z3; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class example3Kernel extends Kernel { public example3Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar y = io.input("y", hwInt(32)); HWVar result = x + y.cast(hwFloat(8,24)); // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 3
35/x package ind.z3; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class example3SimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager("example3Sim"); example3Kernel k = new example3Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("x", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); m.setInputData("y", 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); m.setKernelCycles(8); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double expectedOutput[] = { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 }; m.checkOutputData("z", expectedOutput); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 3
36/x #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; float *data_in1, *data_out; int *data_in2; unsigned long N, i; printf("Enter size of array: "); scanf("%lu",&N); data_in1 = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); data_in2 = malloc(N * sizeof(int)); data_out = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < N; i++){ data_in1[i] = i%10; data_in2[i] = i%3; } printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); Example No. 3
37/x maxfile = max_maxfile_init_example3(); device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); max_run(device, max_input("x", data_in1, N * sizeof(float)), max_input("y", data_in2, N * sizeof(int)), max_output("z", data_out, N * sizeof(float)), max_runfor("example3Kernel", N), max_end()); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); for(i = 0; i < N; i++){ if (data_out[i] != i%10 + i%3){ printf("Error on element %d. Expected %f, but found %f.", i, (float)(i%10+i%3), data_out[i]); break; } max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 3
38/x Command: ◦ maxRenderGraphs ◦ - directory where the design is compiled In the virtual machine, directory “Desktop/MaxCompiler-Builds” contains the build directories. Example for application “example2”: ◦ maxRenderGraphs example2HostSim ◦ Renders graphs for the resulting max file Generating Graph
39/x Generating Graph
40/x Generating Graph
41/x Write a program that adds a constant to an array that contains floating point numbers. Program: ◦ reads the size of the array and the constant that will add to elements of the array, ◦ makes one array in an arbitrary way, and ◦ adds the constant to the array using the MAX card. Example No. 4
42/x package ind.z4; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class example4Kernel extends Kernel { public example4Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar y = io.scalarInput("y", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar result = x + y; // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 4
43/x ◦ Before the kernel run, invoke: setScalarInput(“y”,2); example4HostCode.c: ◦ Read const from standard input, ◦ After the device is opened, but before run, set scalar inputs: max_set_scalar_input_f(device, “example4Kernel.y”, const_add, FPGA_A); max_upload_runtime_params(device, FPGA_A); Example No. 4
44/x Do the same as in example no 4, with the following modification: use controlled inputs and counters. Example No. 5
45/x package ind.z5; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class example5Kernel extends Kernel { public example5Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); HWVar ie = control.count.simpleCounter(32); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar y = io.input("y", hwFloat(8,24), ie.eq(0)); HWVar result = x + y; // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 5
46/x package ind.z5; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class example5SimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager("example5Sim"); example5Kernel k = new example5Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("x", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); m.setInputData("y", 2); m.setKernelCycles(8); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double expectedOutput[] = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; m.checkOutputData("z", expectedOutput); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 5
47/x #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; float *data_in1, data_in2[2], *data_out; unsigned long N, i; printf("Enter size of array: "); scanf("%lu%f",&N, data_in2); data_in1 = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); data_out = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < N; i++) data_in1[i] = i%10; printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); maxfile = max_maxfile_init_example5(); device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); Example No. 5
48/x printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); max_run(device, max_input("x", data_in1, N * sizeof(float)), max_input("y", data_in2, 2 * sizeof(float)), max_output("z", data_out, N * sizeof(float)), max_runfor("example5Kernel", N), max_end()); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); for(i = 0; i < N; i++){ if (data_out[i] != i%10 + data_in2[0]){ printf("Error on element %d. Expected %f, but found %f.", i, (float)(i%10+data_in2[0]), data_out[i]); break; } max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 5
49/x Translate the following part of code for the Maxeler MAX2 card: for(int i=0; i<N; i++) if(a[i] != b[i]){ c[i] = b[i]-a[i]; d[i] = a[i]*b[i]/c[i]; }else { c[i] = a[i]; d[i] = a[i]+b[i]; } Example No. 6
50/x package ind.z6; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class example6Kernel extends Kernel { public example6Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); // Input HWVar a = io.input("a", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar b = io.input("b", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar c = ~a.eq(b)?b-a:a; HWVar d = ~a.eq(b)?a*b/c:a+b; // Output io.output("c", c, hwFloat(8,24)); io.output("d", d, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 6
51/x package ind.z6; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class example6SimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager("example6Sim"); example6Kernel k = new example6Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("a", 1, 3); m.setInputData("b", 2, 3); m.setKernelCycles(2); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double expectedOutputc[] = { 1, 3 }; double expectedOutputd[] = { 2, 6 }; m.checkOutputData("c", expectedOutputc); m.checkOutputData("d", expectedOutputd); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 6
52/x Write a program that calculates moving average over an array, calculating the average value for each one of the three successive elements of the input array. (a[0]+a[1])/2, for i = 0; avg[i] = (a[i-1]+a[i]+a[i+1])/3, for 0 < i < n-1; (a[n-2]+a[n-3],for i = n-1. Example No. 7
53/x package ind.z7; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class example7Kernel extends Kernel { public example7Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); HWVar N = io.scalarInput("N", hwUInt(64)); HWVar count = control.count.simpleCounter(64); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar result = ( (count>0?stream.offset(x,-1):0) + x + (count<N-1?stream.offset(x,1):0) )/ (count>0&count<N-1? constant.var(hwFloat(8,24),3):2); // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 7
54/x Write a program that calculates moving average along a 2D matrix of the size MxN. Transfer the matrix to the MAX2 card through one stream, row by row. Example No. 8
55/x package ind.z8; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.stdlib.core.CounterChain; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.stdlib.core.Stream.OffsetExpr; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class example8Kernel extends Kernel { public example8Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); HWVar M = io.scalarInput("M", hwUInt(32)); OffsetExpr Nof = stream.makeOffsetParam("Nof", 3, 128); HWVar N = io.scalarInput("N", hwUInt(32)); CounterChain cc = control.count.makeCounterChain(); HWVar j = cc.addCounter(M,1); HWVar i = cc.addCounter(N,1); Example No. 8
56/x // Input HWVar mat = io.input("mat", hwFloat(8,24)); // Extract 8 point window around current point HWVar window[] = new HWVar[9]; int ii = 0; for ( int x=-1; x<=1; x++) for ( int y= -1; y<=1; y++) window[ii++] = (i.cast(hwInt(33))+x>=0 & i.cast(hwInt(33))+x = 0 & j.cast(hwInt(33))+y<=M.cast(hwInt(33))-1)?stream.offset(mat, y*Nof+x):0; // Sum points in window and divide by 9 to average HWVar sum = constant.var(hwFloat(8, 24), 0); for ( HWVar hwVar : window) { sum = sum + hwVar; } HWVar divider = i.eq(0)|i.eq(N-1)|j.eq(0)|j.eq(M-1)?((i.eq(0)|i.eq(N-1))&(j.eq(0)|j.eq(M- 1))?constant.var(hwFloat(8,24),4):6):9; HWVar result = sum / divider; // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 8
57/x package ind.z8; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class example8SimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager("example8Sim"); example8Kernel k = new example8Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("mat", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12, 13,14,15,16); m.setScalarInput("M", 4); m.setScalarInput("N", 4); m.setStreamOffsetParam("Nof",4); m.setKernelCycles(16); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double expectedOutput[] = { 3.5, 4, 5, 5.5, 5.5, 6, 7, 7.5, 9.5, 10, 11, 11.5, 11.5, 12, 13, 13.5 }; m.checkOutputData("z", expectedOutput); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 8
58/x #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; float *data_in1, *data_in2, *data_out; unsigned long M, N, i; printf("Enter size of matrix (MxN, max 1024x1024): "); scanf("%lu%lu",&M,&N); data_in1 = malloc(M*N * sizeof(float)); data_out = malloc(M*N * sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < M*N; i++){ data_in1[i] = i%10; } printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); maxfile = max_maxfile_init_example8(); device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); Example No. 8
59/x max_set_scalar_input_f(device, "example8Kernel.M", M, FPGA_A); max_set_scalar_input_f(device, "example8Kernel.N", N, FPGA_A); max_set_runtime_param(device, "example8Kernel.Nof", N); max_upload_runtime_params(device, FPGA_A); printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); max_run(device, max_input("mat", data_in1, M*N * sizeof(float)), max_output("z", data_out, M*N * sizeof(float)), max_runfor("example8Kernel", M*N), max_end()); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); for(i = 0; i < M*N; i++){ float expected=0, divider = 9; for (int ii = -1; ii<2; ii++) for(int jj = -1; jj =0 && i/N+ii =0 && i%N+jj<N ?data_in1[i+ii*N+jj]:0; if (i/N==0 || i/N==M-1) divider = 6; if (i%N==0 || i%N==N-1) divider = divider == 6? 4:6; expected /= divider; if (data_out[i] != expected){ printf("Error on element %d. Expected %f, but found %f.", i, expected, data_out[i]); break; } } max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 8
60/x Write a program that calculates the sum of n floating point numbers. Example No. 9
61/x package ind.z9; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWType; public class example9Kernel extends Kernel { public example9Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); final HWType scalarType = hwFloat(8,24); HWVar cnt = control.count.simpleCounter(64); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar sum = scalarType.newInstance(this); HWVar result = x + (cnt>0?sum:0.0); sum <== stream.offset(result, -1); // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 9 Problem?
62/x Example No. 9
63/x package ind.z9; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWType; public class example9Kernel extends Kernel { public example9Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); final HWType scalarType = hwFloat(8,24); HWVar cnt = control.count.simpleCounter(64); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar sum = scalarType.newInstance(this); HWVar result = x + (cnt>12?sum:0.0); sum <== stream.offset(result, -13); // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 9 Solution: New offset = Depth of pipeline loop
64/x package ind.z9; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class example9SimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager("example9Sim"); example9Kernel k = new example9Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("x", 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3); m.setKernelCycles(27); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double expectedOutput[] = { 1, 3, 6 }; m.checkOutputData("z", expectedOutput); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 9 12 unnecessarily data Still, we need to send 13 times mor data then needed
65/x #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; float *data_in1, *data_out, expected = 0; unsigned long N, i; printf("Enter size of array: "); scanf("%lu",&N); data_in1 = malloc(N * 13 * sizeof(float)); data_out = malloc(N * 13 * sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < N; i++) for( int j=0; j<13; j++) data_in1[13*i+j] = i%10; printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); Example No. 9
66/x maxfile = max_maxfile_init_example9(); device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); max_run(device,max_input("x", data_in1, N * 13 * sizeof(float)), max_output("z", data_out, N * 13* sizeof(float)), max_runfor("example9Kernel", N * 13), max_end()); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); for(i = 0; i < N; i++){ expected += !(i%13) ? i%10 : 0; if (data_out[i] != expected){ printf("Error on element %d. Expected %f, but found %f.", i, expected, data_out[i]); break; } max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 9
67/x package ind.z9; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWType; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.stdlib.core.CounterChain; public class example9Kernel extends Kernel { public example9Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); final HWType scalarType = hwFloat(8,24); CounterChain cc = control.count.makeCounterChain(); HWVar cnt = cc.addCounter(1000000,1); HWVar depth = cc.addCounter(13,1); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24), depth.eq(0) ); HWVar sum = scalarType.newInstance(this); HWVar result = x + (cnt>0?sum:0.0); sum <== stream.offset(result, -13); // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24), depth.eq(0)); } Example No. 9
68/x package ind.z9; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class example9SimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager("example9Sim"); example9Kernel k = new example9Kernel( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("x", 1, 2, 3); m.setKernelCycles(27); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double expectedOutput[] = { 1, 3, 6 }; m.checkOutputData("z", expectedOutput); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 9 We still need at least 27 cycles.
69/x #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; float *data_in1, *data_out, expected = 0; unsigned long N, i; printf("Enter size of array: "); scanf("%lu",&N); data_in1 = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); data_out = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < N; i++) data_in1[i] = i%10; printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); Example No. 9
70/x maxfile = max_maxfile_init_example9(); device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); max_run(device,max_input("x", data_in1, N * sizeof(float)), max_output("z", data_out, N * sizeof(float)), max_runfor("example9Kernel", N * 13 - 12), max_end()); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); for(i = 0; i < N; i++){ expected += i%10; if (data_out[i] != expected){ printf("Error on element %d. Expected %f, but found %f.", i, expected, data_out[i]); break; } max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 9
71/x Write an optimized program that calculates the sum of numbers in an input array First, calculate several parallel/partial sums; then, add them at the end Example No. 10
72/x package ind.z10; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWType; public class example10Kernel1 extends Kernel { public example10Kernel1(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); final HWType scalarType = hwFloat(8,24); HWVar cnt = control.count.simpleCounter(64); // Input HWVar N = io.scalarInput("N", hwUInt(64)); HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24) ); HWVar sum = scalarType.newInstance(this); HWVar result = x + (cnt>0?sum:0.0); sum <== stream.offset(result, -13); // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24), cnt > N-14); } Example No. 10
73/x package ind.z10; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWType; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.stdlib.core.CounterChain; public class example10Kernel2 extends Kernel { public example10Kernel2(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); final HWType scalarType = hwFloat(8,24); CounterChain cc = control.count.makeCounterChain(); HWVar cnt = cc.addCounter(14,1); HWVar depth = cc.addCounter(13,1); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24), depth.eq(0) ); HWVar sum = scalarType.newInstance(this); HWVar result = x + (cnt>0?sum:0.0); sum <== stream.offset(result, -13); // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24), cnt.eq(12)); } Example No. 10
74/x package ind.z10; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.SimulationManager; public class example10SimRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { SimulationManager m = new SimulationManager("example10Sim"); example10Kernel1 k = new example10Kernel1( m.makeKernelParameters() ); m.setKernel(k); m.setInputData("x", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26); m.setKernelCycles(26); m.runTest(); m.dumpOutput(); double exOutput[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39 }; m.checkOutputData("z", exOutput); m.logMsg("Test passed OK!"); } Example No. 10
75/x package ind.z10; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.custom.blocks.KernelBlock; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.custom.CustomManager; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.MAXBoardModel; class example10Manager extends CustomManager { public example10Manager(boolean is_simulation, String name, MAXBoardModel board_model ){ super(is_simulation, board_model, name); KernelBlock kb1 = addKernel(new example10Kernel1(makeKernelParameters("example10Kernel1"))); KernelBlock kb2 = addKernel(new example10Kernel2(makeKernelParameters("example10Kernel2"))); kb1.getInput("x") <== addStreamFromHost("x"); kb2.getInput("x") <== kb1.getOutput("z"); addStreamToHost("z") <== kb2.getOutput("z"); } Example No. 10
76/x package ind.z10; import static config.BoardModel.BOARDMODEL; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.BuildConfig; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.BuildConfig.Level; public class example10HostSimBuilder { public static void main(String[] args) { example10Manager m = new example10Manager(true,"example10HostSim", BOARDMODEL); m.setBuildConfig(new BuildConfig(Level.FULL_BUILD));; } Example No. 10
77/x package ind.z10; import static config.BoardModel.BOARDMODEL; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.standard.Manager.IOType; public class example10HWBuilder { public static void main(String[] args) { example10Manager m = new example10Manager(false,"example10HostSim", BOARDMODEL); m.setBuildConfig(new BuildConfig(Level.FULL_BUILD));; } Example No. 10
78/x #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; float *data_in1, *data_out, expected = 0; unsigned long N, i; printf("Enter size of array (it will be truncated to the firs lower number dividable with 13): "); scanf("%lu",&N); N /= 13; N *= 13; data_in1 = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); data_out = malloc(1 * sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < N; i++){ data_in1[i] = i%10; expected += data_in1[i]; } Example No. 10
79/x printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); maxfile = max_maxfile_init_example10(); device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); max_set_scalar_input_f(device, "example10Kernel1.N", N, FPGA_A); max_upload_runtime_params(device, FPGA_A); printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); max_run(device, max_input("x", data_in1, N * sizeof(float)), max_output("z", data_out, 2 * sizeof(float)), max_runfor("example10Kernel1", N), max_runfor("example10Kernel2", 13*12+2), max_end()); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); printf("Expected: %f, returned: %f\n", expected, *data_out); max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 10
80/x Making a custom manager for a simple example Example No. 11
81/x Asynchronous starting Example No. 12
82/x printf("Streaming data to/from FPGA...\n"); toCard = max_get_pcie_stream(device, "x"); fromCard = max_get_pcie_stream(device, "z"); max_kernel_set_cycles(device, "example11Kernel", 16, FPGA_A); max_reset_device(device); max_queue_pcie_stream(device, toCard, data_in1, 16, 0); max_queue_pcie_stream(device, fromCard, data_out, 16, 1); //do other calculations:... //wait for data from card max_sync_pcie_stream(device, fromCard); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); Example No. 12
83/x Access to DRAM memory from a host (da li moze paralelno da se ucitava u memoriju i da se salje ka kernelu ….)
84/x Storing data to memory and data processing directly from the memory
85/x package ind.z14; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.Kernel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.KernelParameters; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.kernelcompiler.types.base.HWVar; public class example14Kernel extends Kernel { public example14Kernel(KernelParameters parameters) { super(parameters); // Input HWVar x = io.input("x", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar y = io.input("y", hwFloat(8,24)); HWVar result = x + y; // Output io.output("z", result, hwFloat(8,24)); } Example No. 14
86/x package ind.z14; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.custom.blocks.KernelBlock; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.custom.CustomManager; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.MAXBoardModel; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.custom.Stream; import com.maxeler.maxcompiler.v1.managers.custom.stdlib.MemoryControlGroup; class example14Manager extends CustomManager { public example14Manager(boolean is_simulation, String name, MAXBoardModel board_model ){ super(is_simulation, board_model, name); KernelBlock kb = addKernel(new example14Kernel(makeKernelParameters("kernel14"))); MemoryControlGroup mgToMem = addMemoryControlGroup("mgToMem",MemoryControlGroup.MemoryAccessPattern.LINEAR_1D); MemoryControlGroup mgFromMem = addMemoryControlGroup("mgFromMem",MemoryControlGroup.MemoryAccessPattern.LINEAR_1D); Stream fromMem = addStreamFromOnCardMemory("fromMem",mgFromMem); Stream toMem = addStreamToOnCardMemory("toMem",mgToMem); Example No. 14
87/x toMem <== addStreamFromHost("x"); addStreamToHost("z") <== fromMem; MemoryControlGroup mg = addMemoryControlGroup("mg",MemoryControlGroup.MemoryAccessPattern.LINEAR_1D); Stream toKer1 = addStreamFromOnCardMemory("toKer1",mg); Stream toKer2 = addStreamFromOnCardMemory("toKer2",mg); Stream fromKer = addStreamToOnCardMemory("fromKer",mg); kb.getInput("x") <== toKer1; kb.getInput("y") <== toKer2; fromKer <== kb.getOutput("z"); } Example No. 14
88/x void setup_memory_stream_host(max_device_handle_t* md, max_maxfile_t* mf, long bs, char* strcmdn,//mg name char* strn,//stream name unsigned int addr, int len, int intr ){ struct max_memory_setting *mms = new_max_memory_setting(mf); max_memory_stream_set_start_address(mms,strn,addr/bs); max_memory_stream_set_access_pattern_linear1d(mms,strcmdn,len/bs,0,len/bs); max_memory_stream_set_enable(mms,strn,1); if (intr) max_memory_stream_interrupt_on(mms,strn,NULL); max_memory_commit_setting(md, mms, FPGA_A); delete_max_memory_setting(mms); } Example No. 14
89/x void setup_memory_stream_kernel(max_device_handle_t* md, max_maxfile_t* mf, long bs, char* strcmdn,//mg name char* strn1,//stream name char* strn2,//stream name char* strn3,//stream name unsigned int addr, int len ){ struct max_memory_setting *mms = new_max_memory_setting(mf); max_memory_stream_set_start_address(mms,strn1,addr/bs); max_memory_stream_set_start_address(mms,strn2,(addr+len)/bs); max_memory_stream_set_start_address(mms,strn3,(addr+2*len)/bs); max_memory_stream_set_access_pattern_linear1d(mms,strcmdn,len/bs,0,len/bs); max_memory_stream_set_enable(mms,strn1,1); max_memory_stream_set_enable(mms,strn2,1); max_memory_stream_set_enable(mms,strn3,1); max_memory_stream_interrupt_on(mms,strn3,NULL); max_memory_commit_setting(md, mms, FPGA_A); delete_max_memory_setting(mms); } Example No. 14
90/x int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ char *device_name = (argc==2 ? argv[1] : "/dev/maxeler0"); max_maxfile_t* maxfile; max_device_handle_t* device; max_stream_handle_t *toCard,*fromCard; float *data_in, *data_out, expected = 0; unsigned long N, i; long bs; printf("Enter size of array: "); scanf("%lu",&N); printf("Opening and configuring FPGA.\n"); maxfile = max_maxfile_init_example14(); bs = max_group_burst_length(maxfile,"mgFromMem"); if ( bs != max_group_burst_length(maxfile,"mgToMem")) { printf("Example is intended for mg controllers with same burst sizes"); exit(1); } if ( bs != max_group_burst_length(maxfile,"mg")) { printf("Example is intended for mg controllers with same burst sizes"); exit(1); } Example No. 14
91/x N = (N / (2*bs)) * 2 * bs; data_in = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); data_out = malloc(N * sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < N; i++) data_in[i] = i%10; device = max_open_device(maxfile, device_name); max_set_terminate_on_error(device); printf("Streaming data to the on card memory...\n"); toCard = max_get_pcie_stream(device, "x"); fromCard = max_get_pcie_stream(device, "z"); setup_memory_stream_host(device, maxfile, bs, "mgToMem", "toMem", 0, N*sizeof(float),1); max_reset_device(device); max_queue_pcie_stream(device, toCard, data_in, N * sizeof(float), 1); max_wait_for_interrupt(device, FPGA_A); printf("Streaming data from the on card memory...\n"); setup_memory_stream_kernel(device, maxfile, bs, "mg", "toKer1", "toKer2", "fromKer", 0, N/2*sizeof(float)); max_kernel_set_cycles(device, "kernel14", N/2, FPGA_A); max_reset_device(device); Example No. 14
92/x printf("Processing...\n"); //here we can do something useful max_wait_for_interrupt(device, FPGA_A); setup_memory_stream_host(device, maxfile, bs, "mgFromMem", "fromMem", N*sizeof(float), N/2*sizeof(float),1); max_reset_device(device); max_queue_pcie_stream(device, fromCard, data_out, N/2 * sizeof(float), 1); max_sync_pcie_stream(device, fromCard); printf("Checking data read from FPGA.\n"); for(i = 0; i < N/2; i++){ expected = i%10 + (i+N/2) %10; if (data_out[i] != expected){ printf("Error on element %d. Expected %f, but found %f.", i, expected, data_out[i]); break; } max_close_device(device); max_destroy(maxfile); return 0; } Example No. 14
93/x Strides: Block access
94/x Block RAM
95/x Multipipe and an example
96/x Who? Why? What? Where? When? Whom? Whaw?
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