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 Understand the four noble truths: How all life is suffering and how to specifically stop the circle of suffering  Understand how the Eightfold Path.

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2  Understand the four noble truths: How all life is suffering and how to specifically stop the circle of suffering  Understand how the Eightfold Path ends the constant wheel of suffering

3  Pleasant and happy feelings or conditions in life are not permanent - sooner or later they change.  If people expect only happiness in life, they will be disappointed.  This is what the Buddha observed - that no one can escape death and unhappiness.  The Buddha looked at the cause of unhappiness, and what could be done to alleviate it.  The result was the doctrine of the Four Noble Truths.

4  To live is to suffer.  As humans, suffering includes the experiences of:  Birth  Not getting what one desires  Being with unpleasant persons in unpleasant conditions  Old age  Separation from beloved ones  Sickness  Grief  Death  VIDEO VIDEO

5  The cause of suffering is negative desire.  Every kind of suffering has its origins in craving or selfish desire, which is the result of ignorance or delusion.  People greedy for the wrong kind of pleasure do harmful things to their bodies and peace of mind.  The possessions that people desire most cause them the most suffering - we ignore the fact that satisfying our desires doesn’t bring an end to them.

6  The goal of Buddhism is to end suffering.  Reaching Nirvana will be possible only when the urge to possess more and more things is destroyed.  This means changing one’s views and living a more natural and peaceful life.  This is the state of Nirvana, where greed, hatred and delusion are extinct.  Nirvana is not a Buddhist heaven~ it is not a place - it is a state of mind.

7  To end suffering, one must adopt the Middle Way by following the Noble Eightfold Path.  Adopting this path is to live the Buddhist way of life — a life of self-improvement.  It is considered a blueprint for a happier life.

8  A SUMMARY OF THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHSSUMMARY  Another great Summary!Summary!

9 THE DHARMA WHEEL  When the Buddha gave his first sermon in the Deer Park, he began the ‘Turning of the Dharma Wheel’  He chose the symbol of the wheel with its eight spokes to represent the Noble Eightfold Path.  Just as every spoke is needed for the wheel to keep turning, Buddhists need to follow each step of the path.  The Buddha’s teaching goes round and round like a great wheel that never stops, leading to the central point of the wheel, the only point which is fixed - Nirvana

10  Right View  It is essential that we know the doctrine of the Four Noble Truths, a “blueprint” to guide us through life.  The right way to think about life is to see the world through the eyes of the Buddha—with wisdom and compassion.  Right Thought  The mind has to be freed from sensuous desire, ill-will, and cruelty.  We are what we think. Clear and kind thoughts build good, strong character.

11  Right Speech  By using kind words, we will be respected and trusted  We should not lie, criticize unjustly, use harsh language or engage in gossiping  We should speak the truth and affirm what is benevolent, honorable and useful  Right Conduct  This is also called right action, and it is accomplished by following the Five Precepts  People will judge a person according to his or her behavior  No matter what we say, others know us from the way we behave. Before we criticize others, we should first see what we do ourselves

12  Right Livelihood  Earn a living through occupations that do not cause harm to living things.  Trades that should be avoided include the butchering of animals, lending money with high interest rates, trading in liquor, weapons and poison.  Right Effort  Eliminating negative and harmful thoughts from the mind  Strive for positive and beneficial thoughts  Individuals must do their best at all times and have good will toward others

13  Right Mindfulness  A person has to recognize what is important and must not be lead astray by unwholesome acts or thoughts  Full attention must be given to proper thoughts, words, and deeds as explained in the five precepts  Doing something mindfully is not necessarily good — a person can steal or cheat mindfully  Right Concentration  Focus the mind on one thought or object at a time  This concentration leads to true peace of mind and tranquility  Deep meditation leads to enlightenment

14  There are three qualities that must be developed on the eightfold path to realize Nirvana:  Wisdom  Morality  Concentration  These three qualities are linked to the steps on the eightfold path of Buddhism

15  A summary video!video!

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