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Presentation on theme: " Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum 2014 UPDATE IFRC – Southeast Asia Regional Delegation Bangkok,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum 2014 UPDATE IFRC – Southeast Asia Regional Delegation Bangkok, 16 th September, 2014.

2 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Major Achievement against Road map and Resilience House (1/2) No.Roadmap 2014Achievements 1Cross-country trainings Internships and exchanges Peer-to-peer learning 2Integrated country planning - Draft Manual for multi sectoral assessment - Climate Change Curriculum 3Contingency plans and SOPs for NSs - CP VNRC - Multi-hazard CP Myanmar (draft) 4Cooperation with ASEAN and other partners - Technical discussions with AHA Centre - AADMER Meeting Brunei / May 2014 - ASEAN Dengue Day / Manila June 2014 - ADDM 2013 / 2014 - Joint simulations with governments and ASEAN

3 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Major Achievement against Road map and Resilience House (2/2) No.Roadmap 2014Achievements 5Communication between RDMC / CSRF and Leaders’ Meeting - TOR CSRF drafted by Chairs of 3 working groups in July 2013 - CSRF mechanism and recommendations discussed at Singapore Leaders’ Meeting – March 2014 - Leaders participating in CSRF 2014 6NDRT / RDRT- Joint NDRT curriculum developed and piloted in TRCS - Elite RDRT (ongoing mapping) 7-8Integration RDMC, Health and OD Joint meeting this year for the first time! 9Beneficiary Communication Case studies 10Resource Mobilization Resilience Initiative, School Safety, Malaria, Migration, Urban resilience…

4 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum New Initiative and new partners  Resilience Initiative (focusing on partnerships, humanitarian diplomacy, gender, etc.) funded by Canadian Government and Canadian RC.  School Safety Initiative funded by Hong Kong RC. This will increase our partnership with the Asian Coalition for School Safety and linkage with YABC  Climate Smart Malaria Programming in Mekong countries – Norwegian RC.  Climate Change TOT supported by Finnish Red Cross (both financially and technically).

5 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Challenges to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map  Integrated planning  Inter department / cross sector  National and regional: how the regional level brings value to your work in countries  NS + IFRC + PNS: moving towards a “one plan” approach for each country  Resource mobilization:  Accessing development funds  Embedding OD in our programming (branch development, PMER, etc.)  Some gaps in funding

6 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Opportunities to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map  Continue promoting our resilience (integrated) approach and regional cooperation  Becoming a learning region / sharing knowledge  Global RDRT review: adapting to our context to be better prepared as a region  Enhancing our use of social media and embracing innovation  Building evidence: increasing the quality of our publications  Humanitarian Diplomacy: Sendai Conference in March 2015

7 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum NS engagement to strengthen the coordination and cooperation at Regiona level Internal Acting as one team (NS, IFRC country / region and zone, PNSs) A proposition for updated roadmap: taskforces for key regional activities… - with 1 NS leading and other NSs contributing… can be from various sectors - Specific mandate for 1 year and clear output to be reported at next CSRF External  ASEAN  Mekong  ACSS  WHO  ADPC / Academia

8 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Planning ahead: 2015 highlights  RDRT  Regional contingency planning  Climate-smart programming / EWEA  School Safety  Gender and Diversity  Pandemic Preparedness  Migration  NCDs  HD

9 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON SEARD UPDATE, PLEASE CONTACT: NAME SURNAME: Ms Indira Kulenovic TITLE: CSR Unit Coordinator TEL. : +66 2661 8201 (ext. 288) EMAIL: DATE: 16/09/2014

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