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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday, July 5, 2012.

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday, July 5, 2012

2 Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Amen.

3 John 17 The Great High Priestly Prayer of our Lord!

4 John 17:20-26 Jesus Prays for the Church!

5 John 17:26 Jesus’ Mission Accomplished

6 “I have made known.” Aorist, Active, Indic of GNORIZO, “To make known, disclose, point out, or explain.” “To become acquainted with or recognize.”

7 “Causing someone to know something that he previously did not know, comprehend, or understand.”

8 Consumative Aorist, Jesus has completed His assignment of making the Righteous Father’s Plan of Salvation known to a lost and dying world.

9 “I will make it known” Future, Active, Indic. Jesus will continue His ministry of manifesting the name of God the Father after His work is completed on the Cross.

10 This is the perpetual mission of Christ through the Spirit, John 16:12, 25; Mat 28:20, just as He had done during His 1 st Advent, John 17:6.

11 “The love which You loved Me may be in them.” Result Clause: AGAPE – AGAPAO may be in them.

12 This is the potential every unbeliever of the Church Age has, to have the love of God as a believer.

13 “And I in them.” This refers to our Union with Jesus Christ, based on the love of the Righteous Father who sent His Son to pay for our sins.

14 John 17:26, “And I have made known (during His 1st Advent) Your name to them (believers for the Church Age) and I will make it known (post resurrection), with the result that the love, which love, You loved Me with may be in them (Church Age believers), and I in them.”

15 Jesus is expressing: 1. His completion of the Father’s work for His 1 st Advent to reveal the Father’s Plan of salvation.

16 2. His commitment to continue that work after His Ascension, via His intercessions, leaving His Word (canon of scriptures), and the Holy Spirit’s ministry among them, John 16:7.

17 3. His confidence in the Father’s love toward Himself.

18 4. His desire is that the same love be directed toward the believer of the Church Age, which it is.

19 5. His desire for the Church Age believer’s union with Himself, which it has, which is the means by which the Father’s love comes to the believer.

20 Principles: 1. Jesus prayed that the same love which exists within the Godhead would be extended from the Father to the believers of the Church Age, as in verse 23.

21 2. It is accomplished through the work of Christ’s redemption, beyond His purchase, to a realization of our own personal holiness which we receive at salvation.

22 3. It is the love of God in believers that makes possible all of our future sanctification, (Experiential and Ultimate).

23 4. The believer’s holiness brings about constant fellowship with the holy God. John 17:11; 1 John 1:3, 7

24 5. The believer is not forced by law to become holy positionally or experientially, nor would it be possible.

25 The believer is compelled by love toward holiness, empowered toward reaching experientially our positional standing.

26 6. Jesus was inseparable from the love He had just asked the Father to dwell in them. Therefore, whatever happens to believers happens to Him. Rom 8:37-39

27 7. The Father’s love for Christ is the same as The Father’s love for believers because Christ dwells “in them”, (believers of the Church Age).

28 8. The Father’s love, union, and fellowship is complete “in them” because it is perfect in Him.

29 Grace Fellowship Church Thursday, July 5, 2012 Tape # 12-076 Jesus’ Mission Accomplished Great High Priestly Prayer, Part 124 John 17:26; 6; 16:7, 12, 25; Mat 28:20 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2012

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