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w ǒ y ǒ u sān ji à n ch è n shān 我 有 三 件 襯 衫 Unit: My Clothes Lesson 1: What Is On Your Clothes Line? Lesson 2: I have tree shirts. Lesson 3: What is.

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Presentation on theme: "w ǒ y ǒ u sān ji à n ch è n shān 我 有 三 件 襯 衫 Unit: My Clothes Lesson 1: What Is On Your Clothes Line? Lesson 2: I have tree shirts. Lesson 3: What is."— Presentation transcript:


2 w ǒ y ǒ u sān ji à n ch è n shān 我 有 三 件 襯 衫

3 Unit: My Clothes Lesson 1: What Is On Your Clothes Line? Lesson 2: I have tree shirts. Lesson 3: What is your favorite T-shirt? Lesson 4: It is too big!

4 1.5 Exchange information and knowledge 2.3 Obtain information and knowledge 3.1 Express opinions and ideas 3.4 Describe people, places, and things 3.5 write lists and short notes 4.1 Use appropriate expressions and gestures in interactions such greeting, farewells, school routines and other daily activities 4.4 identify distinctive cultural products from the target culture Standards:

5 Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to 1. name the clothes 2. ask/answer the question about the colors/ownership of clothes 3. use measure words to count the clothing 4. write the characters: colors, too 太 (tai) 5. express opinion on clothing 6. work with peers cooperatively

6 What are in Mark ’ s clothes line? Activator:

7 Review: Guess what is the next item?

8 Counting words: 1. jian 2. tiao 3. shuang

9 Counting words: 1. jian 2. tiao 3. shuang numbersnumbers namesnames

10 Which counting words they have to use?

11 What are in your closet?

12 What are in your partner ’ s closet?







19 12 34

20 Xie Xie!

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