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2015 Academic A and Accelerated Levels Post- Mao China Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Friday, June 5, 2015 Monday, June 8, 2015 Tuesday, June.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Academic A and Accelerated Levels Post- Mao China Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Friday, June 5, 2015 Monday, June 8, 2015 Tuesday, June."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Academic A and Accelerated Levels Post- Mao China Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Friday, June 5, 2015 Monday, June 8, 2015 Tuesday, June 9, 2015

2 Day One: Friday, June 5, 2015 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt--- You and your partner are going to use your Road to Communism in China Lesson Graphic Organizer Notes and your Mao’s Communist China Lesson Interactive Notes to examine how Mao can be viewed as a Hero and how he can also be viewed as a Criminal/Villain at the same time. Two Reasons Mao Is A HeroHistorical Evidence/Examples Explained Two Reasons Mao Is A CriminalHistorical Evidence/Examples Explained

3 Day One: Friday, June 5, 2015 Class: Based upon what we have learned about Communist China thus far, what predictions can you make about what will happen in Post-Mao China? We will create a class brainstorm list. Class Predictions: Class: We are going to begin to watch one of the documentaries from You Tube on Deng. As we do, you should be taking notes in the provided graphic organizer. China's Leader Deng Xiaoping documentary /obituary MaxMediaAsia Published on Apr 1, 2013 Running time of 48:48 minutes A documentary/obituary on the life and times of China's Senior Leader Deng Xiaoping. Deng is credited for paving the way for China's economic reforms by establishing the Special Economic Zones in the communist country. While he is regarded in history as a reformist and spearheading the opening of China, he is also known to have ordered the crackdown on the democracy activists in Tianamen Square in 1989. He passed away on February 19, 1997 at the age of 92. Air date: February 19, 1997 Deng Xiaoping - The Making of a Leader (Documentary of 2007) Published on Aug 14, 2014 Running time of 52:15 minutes The successor of Mao in 1975, Deng Xiaoping is the architect of China’s economic miracle. He pursued ruthless capitalism under communist rule. Today, Deng’s version socialism has forced the rest of the world to sit up and fear China as a major economic power. Who was this man who preferred pragmatism versus ideology? What forged his personality while growing up? Who gave him strength to accomplish his destiny? Director : Barbara Necek Length : 50 ' Year : 2007 This runs longer than the time we have today, so we will watch half today and finish the other half tomorrow. Take the notes in PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN.

4 Day One: Friday, June 5, 2015 Homework: You are to read and take notes from the photocopied supplemental reading on Post-Mao China in the provided graphic organizer in EITHER RED, ORANGE, PINK, OR PURPLE PEN. Chunking: Night One: Friday, June 5, 2015 Groups need to finish One Slider. Due on Monday! Read and take notes from pages 1-8. Night Two: Monday, June 8, 2015 Read and take notes from pages 9-16.

5 Day Two: Monday, June 8, 2015 Class: We are going to watch the rest of the documentary from You Tube. Continue to add to your notes. Homework: Finish reading and taking notes.

6 Day Three: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Class: Today we are going to watch the History Channel Tiananmen Square Documentary on You Tube. You are to add to your reading notes in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK OR BLUE PEN. Tiananmen Square declassified (History Channel Documentary) Published on Jun 18, 2014 Running time of 43:46 minutes A History Channel documentary on the Tiananmen Square protests Copyright: History Channel Documentary. Homework: Work on the East Asia Unit Study Guide for the Final Exam. Make sure all writing prompts and maps are completed to turn in on Friday.

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