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MAKE A DIFFERENCE with NetPals Partner with a local school to provide e-mentoring in science or engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "MAKE A DIFFERENCE with NetPals Partner with a local school to provide e-mentoring in science or engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAKE A DIFFERENCE with NetPals Partner with a local school to provide e-mentoring in science or engineering

2 NetPals Mentor a seventh grader in science What it takes Orientation and training in November or December 2014 provided at your company by Cambridge School Volunteers and Cambridge teachers Email communication every other week between student and mentor - Dec 2014 to May 2015 Three Face-to-face group events At your company and at the school: Meet the mentor lunch, Science Expo breakfast, farewell lunch. Dates TBD by consultation with you and the school.

3 NetPals Corporate Commitment Appoint a coordinator to work on recruitment, planning, and event days (with support from Cambridge School Volunteers) In-kind donations of pizza lunch/breakfast food, possible marketing give away Financial Commitment If your corporate philanthropic budget allows, we request a grant to help support Cambridge School Volunteers staffing of the program. Current grants range from $1,000 to $15,000 annually.

4 NetPals Benefits for Mentors  Make a difference in a child’s life.  Share your interest in science with students in the city’s public schools.  Teachers provide support, training, and oversight.  Volunteer with your co-workers in a team.

5 CSV Corporate Partners 2014

6 Or learn more by contacting Jennifer Fries 617-349-6794 Thank you! SIGN UP for NetPals

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