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Observations of Cooperative Learning What children can do together today, they can do alone tomorrow. (Let Vygotsky, 1962) Luis Verdejo Matthew Arnold.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations of Cooperative Learning What children can do together today, they can do alone tomorrow. (Let Vygotsky, 1962) Luis Verdejo Matthew Arnold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations of Cooperative Learning What children can do together today, they can do alone tomorrow. (Let Vygotsky, 1962) Luis Verdejo Matthew Arnold School

2 Idea What is it? Cooperative learning encompasses the idea of interdependent group work which develops a better understanding of the topics and development of the necessary social skills to complete a goal

3 The Question How would introducing a cooperative model into the classroom affect: Motivation Understanding Progress made Social skills

4 How was it done Use of real world situations as a practical to reinforce the theory learned in lessons Students placed into groups of 3 and were made to design, carry out and feedback on their work Practical booklet used to guide students through the process

5 Impact to you Time ▫ Resource development ▫ Student Training Freedom to work with struggling groups and offer assistance More student led approach Less teacher talk Improvement in participation of all learners.

6 Why do it Student comments: ▫ “When we used the old way I never get to say or do all of what I wanted to say. With the new way I can say everything I want to say in words. We all like teamwork too.” ▫ “I prefer the booklet way because you can understand it more and because we are in groups we can get different ideas. The booklet is also a record of our progress so we can look back.” ▫ “I prefer the old way because I have to explain less ”

7 What have I seen Overall general improvement in ▫ Social interactions ▫ Use of terminology ▫ Acceptance and use of feedback as a means to improve ▫ Willingness to participate ▫ linking ideas to theory ▫ Development of new ideas ▫ Knowledge and use of equipment ▫ Teamwork

8 Linking to Research Little impact on grades ▫Generally inline with the research ▫More impact to the student Impact on self worth Impact on motivation Impact on participation Impact on social skills Impact in applying science theory to practicals. ▫The method improves self value of the student and overall motivation to progress in lessons.

9 What next Introduce across the department at KS3 as end of topic revision Follow impacts in other practical subjects to see if students transfer skills learned Monitor students from this year through next year to see if skills are maintained

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