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TRI  P project & facility TRI  P separator Status & future plans TRI  P SEPARATOR: STATUS & FUTURE TRI  P Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Andrey Rogachevskiy.

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Presentation on theme: "TRI  P project & facility TRI  P separator Status & future plans TRI  P SEPARATOR: STATUS & FUTURE TRI  P Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Andrey Rogachevskiy."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRI  P project & facility TRI  P separator Status & future plans TRI  P SEPARATOR: STATUS & FUTURE TRI  P Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Andrey Rogachevskiy

2 TRI  P - Trapped Radioactive Isotopes:  -laboratories for fundamental Physics Krakow 3-6 June 2004 TRI  P Beyond the Standard Model TeV Physics EDM/  -decay Production Ion Catcher RFQ Cooler MOT Nuclear Physics Atomic Physics Particle Physics Production Target Magnetic Separator MeVmeVkeVeVneV AGOR cyclotron ? Gas cell Thermal ionizer options Presentation by L.Willmann Presentation by E. Traykov Presentation by U. Dammalapati

3 Detector 1 Detector 2 QD AGOR beam T 1 T 2 Traps DD TRI  P Separator commissioning Krakow 3-6 June 2004 T 3 B  = p/q  v A/Z TOF  A/Z  E  A 2 Polyethylene target Carbon target 21 Ne(p,n) 21 Na 21 Na

4 Detector 1 Detector 2 QD AGOR beam T 1 T 2 Traps DD TRI  P Separator commissioning Krakow 3-6 June 2004 T 3 B  = p/q  v A/Z TOF  A/Z  E  A 2 Polyethylene target Carbon target 21 Ne(p,n) 21 Na 21 Na

5 Dispersive plane Achromatic focus QD AGOR beam T1 Traps DD TRI  P Separator commissioning Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Detector 2 Detector 1 B  = p/q  v A/Z TOF  A/Z  E  A 2

6 Dispersive plane Achromatic focus QD AGOR beam T1 Traps DD TRI  P Separator commissioning Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Detector 2 Detector 1 B  = p/q  v A/Z TOF  A/Z  E  A 2 Achromatic focus Dispersive plane N-Z

7 B  = p/q  v A/Z TOF  A/Z  E  A 2 QD AGOR beam Traps DD TRI  P Separator commissioning Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Detector 1 Detector 2 Dispersive plane

8 B  = p/q  v A/Z TOF  A/Z  E  A 2 QD AGOR beam Traps DD TRI  P Separator commissioning Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Detector 1 Detector 2 Dispersive plane EE TOF

9 SUMMARY & FUTURE PLANS TRI  P Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Separator installed, 1-st commissioning is done Next experimental steps: optimize 21 Na production liquid H 2 target installation & test recoil separator mode (gas filled) Next construction steps: Work on gas cell, thermal ionizer & RFQ Atom trap (U. Dammalapati) Low energy beam line construction (E. Traykov) 2005: Start of TRI  P as a general user facility Presentation by E. Traykov

10 SUMMARY & FUTURE PLANS TRI  P Krakow 3-6 June 2004 Separator installed, 1-st commissioning is done Next experimental steps: optimize 21 Na production liquid H 2 target installation & test recoil separator mode (gas filled) Next construction steps: Work on gas cell, thermal ionizer & RFQ Atom trap (U. Dammalapati) Low energy beam line construction (E. Traykov) 2005: Start of TRI  P as a general user facility

11 TRI  P Group: G.P. Berg, A. M. v.d. Berg, P.M. Beijers, U. Dammalapati, P.G. Dendooven, O. Dermois, G. Ebberink, M.N. Harakeh, R. Hoekstra, L. Huisman, K. Jungmann, H. Kiewiet, R. Kremers, R. Morgenstern, J. Mulder, G. Onderwater, A. Rogachevskiy, M. Sanchez- Vega, M. Sohani, M. Stokroos, R. Timmermans, E. Traykov, O. Versolato, A. Young, L. Willmann, H.W. Wilschut

12 Dipoles Quadrupoles BT1 BT2 BT3 BT4 QT1 QT2 QT4 QT5 QT6 QT7 QT9 QT8 DD QD T3 T2 T1

13 QD AGOR beam Target chamber 1 Target chamber 2 Low energy beam Traps Gas cooler, RFQ Gas-filled recoil mode * In the gas-filled mode the resolving power is limited by multiple scattering in the gas Fragmentation mode DD TRI  P Separator parameters The double mode separator Krakow 3-6 June 2004

14 RFQ in vacuum Transverse cooling Velocity damping With and without a drag voltage on the segments Tests: Buffer gas pressure (He): ~10 -1 mbar RFQ ion coolerRFQ ion buncher 10eVthermal Trap position Switching on end electrodes ~10 -3 mbar TRI  P See presentation by Emil Traykov Krakow 3-6 June 2004 RFQ prototype test 330 mm

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