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Peculiar (colliding) Galaxies and Active Galaxies Colliding galaxies  tidal distortions, star formation, evolution (role of simulations) Active galaxies.

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Presentation on theme: "Peculiar (colliding) Galaxies and Active Galaxies Colliding galaxies  tidal distortions, star formation, evolution (role of simulations) Active galaxies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peculiar (colliding) Galaxies and Active Galaxies Colliding galaxies  tidal distortions, star formation, evolution (role of simulations) Active galaxies  Beginnings – bright nuclei (Seyfert) Quasar discovery - the, high redshift surprise “Non-thermal” radiation (synchrotron +) Models: supermassive black hole + accretion Beyond the nucleus – radio galaxies & jets Superluminal motion, blazars  “Unified” theories

2 Galaxies in collision/interacting/mergers The “Antennae” Computer simulation – interacting pair COLLIDING GALAXIES

3 M51 – the Whirlpool and companion COLLIDING GALAXIES

4 Evidence for mergers Ring of active star formation Distant Galaxies (large lookback times) – forming via mergers COLLIDING GALAXIES

5 Sgr dwarf elliptical merging with Milky Way COLLIDING GALAXIES

6 Seyfert galaxies – spirals with very luminous central nucleus strong infrared and radio sources Strong emission H, He, N, O Doppler broadened lines Carl Seyfert

7 In 1962, British radio astronomer Cyril Hazard used moon as an occultive shield RADIO XRAY OPTICAL IDENTIFYING THE OPTICAL COUNTERPART

8 3C 273 spectrum 7x10 44 ergs/s ! Martin Schmidt


10 Quasars – Quasi-stellar Object (QSOs) Central source so luminous appears star-like Radio/Optical/UV/Xray/Gamma-ray radiation

11 Cen A – radio emission Giant elliptical M87 M87 – jet from nucleus


13 Active Galaxies Strong radio sources Radio galaxies -- jets of non- thermal radiation – two-lobed appearance due ejection at high energies

14 Current work: PhD student Shea Brown Coma cluster of galaxies and radio “relic” from infall of galaxies into cluster Blue – radio WSRT Red – X-rays ROSAT Green – diffuse radio, GBT

15 The central engine for active galaxies, radio galaxies, quasars -- supermassive black holes 10 9 x mass Sun Our galactic center 10 6 x mass Sun


17 “Superluminal” motion Relativistic almost along line of sight

18 Radio galaxy Seyfert galaxies/ Quasars Blazars UNIFIED MODELS

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