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Published byVivien Hodges Modified over 9 years ago
Slide 1 ISTORE: Introspective Storage for Data-Intensive Network Services Aaron Brown, David Oppenheimer, Jim Beck, Kimberly Keeton, Rich Martin, Randi Thomas, John Kubiatowicz, David Patterson, and Kathy Yelick Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley 1999 Summer IRAM Retreat
Slide 2 ISTORE Philosophy Traditional systems research has focused on peak performance and cost Traditional Research Priorities 1) Performance 1’) Cost 3) Scalability 4) Availability 5) Maintainability
Slide 3 ISTORE Philosophy: SAM In reality, scalability, maintainability, and availability (SAM) are equally important –performance & cost mean little if the system isn’t working Traditional Research Priorities 1) Performance 1’) Cost 3) Scalability 4) Availability 5) Maintainability ISTORE Priorities 1) Maintainability 2) Availability 3) Scalability 4) Performance 4’) Cost
Slide 4 ISTORE Philosophy: Introspection ISTORE’s solution is introspective systems –systems that monitor themselves and automatically adapt to changes in their environment and workload –introspection enables automatic self-maintenance and self-tuning ISTORE vision: a framework that makes it easy to build introspective systems ISTORE target: high-end servers for data- intensive infrastructure services –single-purpose systems managing large amounts of data for large numbers of active network users
Slide 5 Outline Motivation for Introspective Systems ISTORE Research Agenda and Architecture –Hardware –Software Policy-driven Introspection Example Research Issues, Status, and Discussion
Slide 6 Motivation: Service Demands Emergence of a true information infrastructure –today: e-commerce, online database services, online backup, search engines, and web servers –tomorrow: more of above (with ever-growing datasets), plus thin-client/PDA infrastructure support Infrastructure users expect “always-on” service and constant quality of service –infrastructure must provide fault-tolerance and performance-tolerance –failures and slowdowns have major business impact »e.g., recent EBay, E*Trade, Schwab outages
Slide 7 Motivation: Service Demands (2) Delivering 24x7 fault- and performance- tolerance requires: –a robust hardware platform –fast adaptation to failures, load spikes, changing access patterns –easy incremental scalability when existing resources stop providing desired quality of service –self-maintenance: the system handles problems as they arise, automatically »can't rely on human intervention to fix problems or to tune performance »humans are too expensive, too slow, prone to mistakes Introspective systems are self-maintaining
Slide 8 Motivation: System Scaling Infrastructure services are growing rapidly –more users, more online data, higher access rates, more historical data –bigger and bigger back-end systems are needed »O(300)-node clusters deployed now; thousands of nodes not far off –techniques for maintenance and administration must scale with the system to 1000s of nodes Today’s administrative approaches don’t scale –systems will be too big to reason about, monitor, or fix –failures and load variance will be too frequent for static solutions to work Introspective, reactive techniques are required
Slide 9 ISTORE Research Agenda ISTORE goal = create a hardware/software framework for building introspective servers –Hardware: plug-and-play intelligent devices with integrated self-monitoring, diagnostics, and fault injection hardware »intelligence used to collect and filter monitoring data »diagnostics and fault injection enhance robustness »networked to create a scalable shared-nothing cluster –Software: toolkit that allows programmers to easily define the system’s adaptive behavior »provides abstractions for manipulating and reacting to monitoring data
Slide 10 Hardware Requirements for Self-Maintaining Servers Redundant components that fail fast –no single point of failure anywhere Tightly-integrated device monitoring –low-level HW diagnostics to detect impending failure –device “health,” performance data, access patterns, environmental info,... Automatic preventive maintenance –predictive failure analysis based on diagnostic data –continual “scrubbing” and in situ stress testing of all components, new and old Self-characterizing, plug-and-play hardware
Slide 11 ISTORE-1 Hardware Prototype Intelligent Chassis: scalable redundant switching, power, env’t monitoring Intelligent Disk “Brick” Disk CPU, memory, diagnostic processor, redundant NICs Based on intelligent disk bricks –each brick is one ISTORE node –ISTORE-1 will have 64 bricks/nodes
Slide 12 ISTORE-1 Hardware Design Brick –processor board »mobile Pentium-II, 128MB SODRAM »PCI and ISA busses/controllers, SuperIO (serial ports) »Flash BIOS »4x100Mb Ethernet interfaces »Adaptec Ultra2-LVD SCSI interface –disk: one 18.2GB low-profile SCSI disk –diagnostic processor –OS: several UNIX™-like OSs supporting Linux ABI (Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris x86?)
Slide 13 ISTORE-1 Hardware Design (2) Network –primary data network »hierarchical, highly-redundant switched Ethernet »uses 16 20-port 100Mb switches at the leaves each brick connects to 4 independent switches »root switching fabric is two ganged 25-port Gigabit switches (PacketEngines PowerRails) –diagnostic network
Slide 14 Diagnostic Processor Each brick has a diagnostic processor –Goal: small, independent, trusted piece of hardware running hand-verifiable monitoring/control software »monitoring: connects to motherboard SMbus, CAN bus environmental monitor, CPU watchdog »control reboot/power-cycle main CPU inject simulated faults: power, bus transients, memory errors, network interface failure,... Not-so-small embedded Motorola 68k processor –provides the flexibility needed for research prototype –still can run just a small, simple monitoring and control program if desired (no OS, networking, etc.)
Slide 15 Diagnostic Network Separate “diagnostic network” connects the diagnostic processors of each brick –provides independent network path to diagnostic CPU »works when brick CPU is powered off or has failed »separate failure modes from Ethernet interfaces CAN (Controller Area Network) diagnostic interconnect –CAN connects directly to environmental monitoring sensors (temperature, fan RPM,...) –one brick per “shelf” of 8 acts as gateway from CAN to redundant switched Ethernet fabric
Slide 16 ISTORE-1 Hardware Prototype Meets requirements for a robust HW platform –fast embedded CPU performs local monitoring tasks –diagnostic hardware enables low-level diagnostic monitoring, fail-fast behavior, and fault injection –highly-redundant system design »redundant data network and interfaces at all levels »separate diagnostic network »redundant backup power –powerful preventive maintenance »each brick can be periodically taken offline and stress- tested/scrubbed using diagnostic processor’s fault injection capabilities
Slide 17 ISTORE Research Agenda ISTORE goal = create a hardware/software framework for building introspective servers –Hardware –Software: toolkit that allows programmers to easily define the system’s adaptive behavior »provides abstractions for manipulating and reacting to monitoring data
Slide 18 A Software Framework for Introspection ISTORE hardware provides device monitoring –application programmers could write ad-hoc code to collect, process, and react to monitoring data ISTORE software framework should simplify writing introspective applications –rule-based adaptation engine encapsulates the mechanisms of collecting, processing monitoring data –policy compiler and mechanism libraries help turn application adaptation goals into rules & reaction code –these provide a high-level, abstract interface to the system’s monitoring and adaptation mechanisms
Slide 19 Rule-based Adaptation ISTORE’s adaptation framework built on model of active database –“database” includes: »hardware monitoring data: device status, access patterns, performance stats »software monitoring data: app-specific quality-of- service metrics, high-level workload patterns,... –applications define views and triggers over the DB »views select and aggregate data of interest to app. »triggers are rules that invoke application-specific reaction code when their predicates are satisfied –SQL-like declarative language used to specify views and trigger rules
Slide 20 Benefits of Views and Triggers Allow applications to focus on adaptation, not monitoring –hide the mechanics of gathering and processing monitoring data –can be dynamically redefined without altering adaptation code as situation changes Can be implemented without a real database –views and triggers implemented as device-local and distributed filters and reaction rules –defined views and triggers control frequency, granularity, types of data gathered by HW monitoring –no materialized database necessary
Slide 21 Raising the Level of Abstraction: Policy Compiler and Mechanism Libs Rule-based adaptation doesn’t go far enough –application designer must still write views, triggers, and adaptation code by hand »but designer thinks in terms of system policies Solution: designer specifies policies to system; system implements them –policy compiler automatically generates views, triggers, adaptation code –uses preexisting mechanism libraries to implement adaptation algorithms –claim: feasible for common adaptation mechanisms needed by data-intensive network service apps.
Slide 22 Adaptation Policies Policies specify system states and how to react to them –high-level specification: independent of “schema” of system, object/node identity »that knowledge is encapsulated in policy compiler Examples –self-maintenance and availability »if overall free disk space is below 10%, compress all but one replica/version of least-frequently-accessed data »if any disk reports more than 5 errors per hour, migrate all data off that disk and shut it down »invoke load-balancer when new disk is added to system –performance tuning »place large, sequentially-accessed objects on outer tracks of fast disks as space becomes available
Slide 23 Software Structure policy viewtriggeradaptation code mechanism libraries policy compiler calls used as input to produces
Slide 24 Detailed Adaptation Example Policy: quench hot spots by migrating objects policy viewtriggeradaptation code mechanism libraries policy compiler calls used as input to produces while ((average queue length for any disk D) > (120% of average for whole system)) migrate hottest object on D to disk with shortest average queue length
Slide 25 policy view triggeradaptation code policy compiler Example: View Definition while ((average queue length for any disk D) > (120% of average for whole system)) migrate hottest object on D to disk with shortest average queue length DEFINE VIEW ( average_queue_length= SELECT AVG(queue_length) FROM disk_stats, queue_length[]= SELECT queue_length FROM disk_stats, disk_id[]= SELECT disk_id FROM disk_stats, short_disk= SELECT disk_id FROM disk_stats WHERE queue_length = SELECT MIN(queue_length) FROM disk_stats ) mechanism libraries
Slide 26 DEFINE VIEW ( average_queue_length=..., queue_length[]=..., disk_id[]=..., short_disk=... ) policy view trigger adaptation code policy compiler Example: Trigger while ((average queue length for any disk D) > (120% of average for whole system)) migrate hottest object on D to disk with shortest average queue length foreach disk_id from_disk { if (queue_length[from_disk] > 1.2*average_queue_length) user_migrate(from_disk,short_disk) } mechanism libraries
Slide 27 policy viewtrigger adaptation code policy compiler Example: Adaptation Code while ((average queue length for any disk D) > (120% of average for whole system)) migrate hottest object on D to disk with shortest average queue length foreach disk_id from_disk { if (queue_length[from_disk] > 1.2*average_queue_length) user_migrate(from_disk,short_disk) } DEFINE VIEW ( average_queue_length=..., queue_length[]=..., disk_id[]=..., short_disk=... ) user_migrate(from_disk,to_disk) { diskObject x; x = find_hottest_obj(from_disk); migrate(x, to_disk); } mechanism libraries
Slide 28 policy viewtriggeradaptation code policy compiler Example: Mechanism Lib. Calls while ((average queue length for any disk D) > (120% of average for whole system)) migrate hottest object on D to disk with shortest average queue length foreach disk_id from_disk { if (queue_length[from_disk] > 1.2*average_queue_length) user_migrate(from_disk,short_disk) } DEFINE VIEW ( average_queue_length=..., queue_length[]=..., disk_id[]=..., short_disk=... ) user_migrate(from_disk,to_disk) { diskObject x; x = find_hottest_obj(from_disk); migrate(x, to_disk); } mechanism libraries
Slide 29 Mechanism Libraries Unify existing techniques/services found in single-node OSs, DBMSs, distributed systems –distributed directory services –replication and migration –data layout and placement –distributed transactions –checkpointing –caching –administrative (human UI) tasks Provide a place for higher-level monitoring Simplify creation of adaptation code –for humans using the rule system directly –for the policy compiler auto-generating code select key mechanisms for data-intensive network services
Slide 30 Open Research Issues Defining appropriate software abstractions –how should views and triggers be declared? –what should the policy language look like? –what functions should mechanism libraries provide? –what is the system’s “schema”? »how should heterogeneous hardware be integrated? »can it be extended by the user to include new types and statistics? –what level of policies can be expressed? »how much of the implementation can the system figure out automatically? »to what extent can the system reason about policies and their interactions?
Slide 31 More Open Research Issues Implementing an introspective system –what default policies should the system supply? –what are the internal and external interfaces? –debugging »visualization of states, triggers,... »simulation/coverage analysis of policies, adaptation code –appropriate administrative interfaces Measuring an introspective system –what are the right benchmarks for scalability, availability, and maintainability (SAM)? O(>=1000)-node scalability –how to write applications that scale and run well despite continual state of partial failure?
Slide 32 Related Work Hardware: –CMU and UCSB Active Disks Software: –adaptive databases: MS AutoAdmin, Informix NoKnobs –adaptive OSs: MS Millennium, adaptive VINO –adaptive storage: HP AutoRAID, attribute-managed storage –active databases: UFL Gator, TriggerMan ISTORE unifies many of these techniques in a single system
Slide 33 Related Work: Ninja Ninja: composable Internet-scale services –some ISTORE runtime software services provided using Ninja programming platform? –provides »some fault tolerance »a framework for automatic service discovery »incremental s/w upgrades
Slide 34 Related Work: Telegraph Universal system for information Four layers –query, browse, mine –global agoric federation –continuously reoptimizing query processor + adaptive data placement –storage manager Relationship to ISTORE –continuous online reoptimization –adaptive data placement –indexing, other operations on disk CPU
Slide 35 Related Work: OceanStore Global-scale persistent storage Nomadic, highly-available data Federation of data storage providers Investigate global-scale SAM –also naming, indexability, consistency Relationship to ISTORE –investigating similar concepts but on a global scale –converse: ISTORE as “Internet in a box”
Slide 36 Related Work: Endeavour Endeavour: new research project at UCB –goal: “enhancing human understanding through information technology” ISTORE’s potential contributions: –ISTORE is building adaptive, scalable, self- maintaining back-end servers for storage-intensive network services »can be part of Endeavour’s back-end infrastructure –software research »using policies to guide a system’s adaptive behavior »providing QoS under degraded conditions –application platform »process and store streams of sensor data
Slide 37 Status and Conclusions ISTORE’s focus is on introspective systems –a new perspective on systems research priorities Proposed framework for building introspection –intelligent, self-monitoring plug-and-play hardware –software that provides a higher level of abstraction for the construction of introspective systems »flexible, powerful rule system for monitoring »policy specification automates generation of adaptation Status –ISTORE-1 hardware prototype being constructed now –software prototyping just starting
Slide 38 ISTORE Short-Term Plans Solidify/begin implementing benchmarking ideas –run on existing systems to characterize and compare them with respect to SAM Assemble ISTORE-0 system –6 PCs with similar configurations to ISTORE-1 bricks –100 Mb/s switched Ethernet –Gain experience running multiple OSes Investigate implementation options for monitoring database, views, and triggers Study data-intensive network service applications –to guide development of policy lang. –to determine what types of adaptation will help
Slide 39 ISTORE: Introspective Storage for Data-Intensive Network Services For more information:
Slide 40 Backup Slides
Slide 41 ISTORE-1 Hardware Design Brick –processor board »mobile Pentium-II, 366 MHz, 128MB SODRAM »PCI and ISA busses/controllers, SuperIO (serial ports) »Flash BIOS »4x100Mb Ethernet interfaces »Adaptec Ultra2-LVD SCSI interface –disk: one 18.2GB 10,000 RPM low-profile SCSI disk –diagnostic processor »Motorola MC68376, 2MB Flash or NVRAM »serial connections to CPU for console and monitoring »controls power to all parts on board »CAN interface
Slide 42 ISTORE-1 Hardware Design (2) Network –primary data network »hierarchical, highly-redundant switched Ethernet »uses 16 20-port 100Mb switches at the leaves each brick connects to 4 independent switches »root switching fabric is two ganged 25-port Gigabit switches (PacketEngines PowerRails) –diagnostic network »point-to-point CAN network connects bricks in a shelf »Ethernet fabric described above is used for shelf-to- shelf communication »console I/O from each brick can be routed through diagnostic network
Slide 43 Motivation: Technology Trends Disks, systems, switches are getting smaller Convergence on “intelligent” disks (IDISKs) –MicroDrive + system-on-a-chip => tiny IDISK nodes Inevitability of enormous-scale systems –by 2006, a O(10,000) IDISK-node cluster with 90TB of storage could fit in one rack IBM MicroDrive (340MB, 5MB/s) World’s Smallest Web Server (486/66, 16MB RAM, 16MB ROM)
Slide 44 Disk Limit Continued advance in capacity (60%/yr) and bandwidth (40%/yr) Slow improvement in seek, rotation (8%/yr) Time to read whole disk YearSequentiallyRandomly (1 sector/seek) 1990 4 minutes6 hours 200012 minutes 1 week(!) 3.5” form factor make sense in 5-7 years?
Slide 45 ISTORE-II Hardware Vision System-on-a-chip enables computer, memory, redundant network interfaces without significantly increasing size of disk Target for + 5-7 years: 1999 IBM MicroDrive: – 1.7” x 1.4” x 0.2” (43 mm x 36 mm x 5 mm) –340 MB, 5400 RPM, 5 MB/s, 15 ms seek 2006 MicroDrive? –9 GB, 50 MB/s (1.6X/yr capacity, 1.4X/yr BW)
Slide 46 2006 ISTORE ISTORE node –Add 20% pad to MicroDrive size for packaging, connectors –Then double thickness to add IRAM –2.0” x 1.7” x 0.5” (51 mm x 43 mm x 13 mm) Crossbar switches growing by Moore’s Law –2x/1.5 yrs 4X transistors/3yrs –Crossbars grow by N 2 2X switch/3yrs –16 x 16 in 1999 64 x 64 in 2005 ISTORE rack (19” x 33” x 84”) (480 mm x 840 mm x 2130 mm) –1 tray (3” high) 16 x 32 512 ISTORE nodes –20 trays+switches+UPS 10,240 ISTORE nodes(!)
Slide 47 Benefits of Views and Triggers (2) Equally useful for performance and failure management –Performance tuning example: DB index management »View: access patterns to tables, query predicates used »Trigger: access rate to table above/below average »Adaptation: add/drop indices based on query stream –Failure management example: impending disk failure »View: disk error logs, environmental conditions »Trigger: frequency of errors, unsafe environment »Adaptation: redirect requests to other replicas, shut down disk, generate new replicas, signal operator
Slide 48 More Adaptation Policy Examples Self-maintenance and availability –maintain two copies of all dirty data stored only in volatile memory –if a disk fails, restore original redundancy level for objects stored on that disk Performance tuning –if accesses to a read-mostly object take more than 10ms on average, replicate the object on another disk Both (like HP AutoRAID) –if an object is in the top 10% of frequently-accessed objects, and there is only one copy, create a new replica. if an object is in the bottom 90%, delete all replicas and stripe the object across N disks using RAID-5.
Slide 49 Mechanism Library Benefits Programmability –libraries provide high-level abstractions of services –code using the libraries is easier to reason about, maintain, customize Performance –libraries can be highly-optimized –optimization complexity is hidden by abstraction Reliability –libraries include code that’s easy to forget or get wrong »synchronization, communication, memory allocation –debugging effort can be spent getting libraries right »library users inherit the verification effort
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