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Mixed field irradiation -- Who answered ?  In total 36 forms filled / 34 persons answered: 38% 62% CERN: mainly LHC related topics CERF: beside LHC topics.

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Presentation on theme: "Mixed field irradiation -- Who answered ?  In total 36 forms filled / 34 persons answered: 38% 62% CERN: mainly LHC related topics CERF: beside LHC topics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mixed field irradiation -- Who answered ?  In total 36 forms filled / 34 persons answered: 38% 62% CERN: mainly LHC related topics CERF: beside LHC topics also dosimetry topics for accelerators, aircraft and space applications

2 Beam parameters required  Preferred momentum of primary beam:  20 % 450 GeV/c ( 1 strong preference)  20 % 24 GeV/c ( 1 strong preference)  60% no preferences  Both strong preferences concern radiation fields behind shielding. No muon radiation required. Since the shape of radiation field behind shielding is equivalent for both energies (except muon component directly downstream the target), both strong preferences can be fulfilled by either energy.  Fast or slow extraction:  69 % slow extraction Out of which 33% would also use pulsed fields  11% require both  3% pulsed extraction only  17% no preferences

3 First integrated dose/fluence estimates for the CERF++ facility Beam intensity of 1E11 protons@24 GeV/c per 16.8 s and an continuous operation of 1 week (3.6E15 protons) Beam intensity of 1.1E12 protons@24 GeV/c per 16.8 s and an continuous operation of 1 week (4E16 protons)

4 First integrated dose/fluence rates estimates for the CERF++ facility Beam intensity of 1E11 protons@24 GeV/c per 16.8 s Beam intensity of 1.1E12 protons@24 GeV/c per 16.8 s

5 Radiation field conditions required (I)  Field type required:  Neutron field perpendicular to target: 83%  Field at different angles behind shielding: 42%  High dose radiation fields: 33%  Muon field: 14% All users who have asked for a muon field have asked also two or three other types of radiation fields. No user required only muon radiation. Some of these users cannot be fully satisfied with the muon field emerging from a 24 GeV/c beam. The users concerned are mainly testing and calibrating dosemeters and RP equipment.  Others 14% (e.g.: TOF neutrons, high energy mono energetic neutrons) These radiation fields are not provided by the mixed field facility Higher percentage than 100 % due to possibility of multiple choice Comments: 1.A radiation field with a dose rate of up to 1 mSv/h which is dominated by more than 85 % of muons can be only provided by 450 GeV/c facility 2.LHC like environment was desired very often as source field

6 Radiation field conditions required (II)  Maximum integrated dose / neutron fluence required:  1E7 Gy / 2E16 n/cm 2  Maximum dose and fluence rates  10 Gy/s / 1E11 n/(cm 2 s)  The maximum dose/fluence values are partly required over large irradiation areas  Comments: concerning the fluence additional information was asked by the users (1 MeV equivalent neutrons, hadrons > 20 MeV, detailed spectra)

7 Radiation field conditions required (III) Based on a beam intensity of 1E11 protons per 16.8 s and an continuous operation of 1 week (3.6E15 protons)  Minimum integrated dose / neutron fluence requirements:  Minimum integrated fluence requirements of Yves Thurel (LHC) can’t be fulfilled  Maximum integrated dose / neutron fluence requirements:  Maximum integrated dose requirements of additional 10 requirements cannot be fulfilled Dose / integrated fluence requirements

8 Radiation field conditions required (IV) Based on a 11 times higher beam intensity and an continuous operation of 1 week (4E16 protons)  Compared to shielding construction studied 1 m of additional concrete shielding needed  Minimum integrated dose / neutron fluence requirements:  All minimum integrated fluence requirements can be fulfilled  Maximum integrated dose / neutron fluence requirements:  Maximum integrated dose requirements of 7 requirements cannot be fulfilled  These requirements are between a factor 5 and 500 higher than the dose/fluence which can be delivered by the facility NameInstitutExperiment hartmut@scipp.ucsc.eduSCIPP UC Santa CruzATLAS PH CMT CMS PH DT2 several PH ESE SLHC PH ULB ATLAS, LHCb, RD50 PH ESE LHC AB PO LHC (LHC60A-08V)

9 Radiation field conditions required (V) Based on a beam intensity of 1E11 protons per 16.8 s  Minimum dose rate / neutron fluence requirements:  Minimum fluence requirements for three requests can’t be fulfilled 2 times Yves Thurel (LHC) Francis Anginolfi (LHC)  Maximum dose rate / neutron fluence requirements:  Maximum dose rate requirements of additional 5 requirements can’t be fulfilled Dose rate / fluence requirements

10 Radiation field conditions required (V) Based on a 11 times higher beam intensity  Compared to geometry studied 1 m of additional concrete shielding needed  Minimum integrated dose / neutron fluence requirements:  Minimum integrated fluence requirements for 2 requests can’t be fulfilled  Maximum integrated dose / neutron fluence requirements:  Maximum integrated dose requirements of 2 requirements cannot be fulfilled  These requirements are between a factor 1.5 and 300 higher than dose/fluence which can be delivered by the facility PH DT2 several PH ESE LHC AB PO LHC (FGC + 6U small electronics card) AB PO LHC (LHC60A-08V) Requirements for Tatsuo Kawamoto (PH UAT, ATLAS) can be reached for a area of 1m x 1m. However, he requires area larger 1m x 1m.

11 Summary of inconsistency between user requirements and CERF++ irradiation parameters The final comparison is based on a beam intensity of 1.1E12 protons per 16.8 s and a continuous irradiation of 1 week. This requires 1 m additional concrete shielding compared to the conceptual CERF++ design User name Area required for iradiation in cm x cm Ratio between user requirements and CERF++ Institute / Department Experiment total dose / fluence dose rate / fluence lowerupperlowerupper Hartmut Sadrozinski10 x 10ok20 ok SCIPP UC Santa Cruz ATLAS Andromachi Tsirou10 x 10ok 10 ok PH CMTCMS Gianluigi Casse25 x 25ok50 ok PH ULB ATLAS, LHCb, RD50 Christian Joram10 x 10 ok10 ok306 PH DT2 Jan Troska10 x 10 ok10 ok PH ESESLHC Francis Anghinolfi100 x 100 ok500 3056 ok PH ESELHC Yves Thurel100 x 100ok5 1.5315 AB PO LHC (LHC60A- 08V) Yves Thurel25 x 25 ok 1.53 AB PO LHC (FGC + 6U small electronics card) Tatsuo Kawamoto> 100 x 100 requirements fulfilled for 1m x 1m (factor= 0.5) PH UATATLAS

12 Type and purpose of tests  Type of equipment  44% Detector and detector components  33% Radiation monitors and dosemeters  11% Material tests  6% Accelerator components  Type of test  37% Detector and equipment tests  33%Dosemeter calibrations  25%Radiation hardness test Comments: many LHC detector components and neutron dosimetry devices are tested for calibration, response or hardness

13 Other requirements (I)  Size and weight  smaller1m and 25 kg:97%  Size of field:  Smaller than 25 cm x 25 cm72%  Smaller than 1 m x 1 m25%

14 Other requirements (II)  Infrastructure available (top five)  Electricity (81%)  Read out connections (61%)  Beam extraction signal (53%)  Preparation (42%) and storage areas (31%)  Others: Temperature controlled environment, non flammable gases … Scanning system for beam (27%; not possible since field comes from target!!)  Infrastructure provided by user  64% would need temporary infrastructure (mainly electronics and detectors used for the experiment)  33% don’t need additional infrastructure

15 Beam time requirements  Annual beam times  One day:6%  Less than 1 week: 44%  1 – 2 weeks:17%  2 – 3 weeks:14%  3 – 4 weeks:6%  Up to 2 month:8%  Longer:5% Comment: required beam time depends very often on dose/fluence rate available  Required periods  One or two periods: 75%  More periods: 14%

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